Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/3/12 ‘Improving Dream State Communications’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 14:51

Let us begin today by saying that we appreciate all the efforts that many of you are making to treat each other a little better, a little more respectfully, politely, kindly, considerably, gently, and say to you your efforts are very much appreciated and will take you all very far as a collective and as individuals as well, as not much can be done in the ways of advancement until a being learns and demonstrates how to properly communicate with others in the manner in which they deserve and need to be treated.


So many possibilities open for you like doors being pushed open by a spring breeze when you first begin to show the signs that you are making a concerted effort to keep other’s feelings in mind when you are communicating with them in any way, either in person, on the telephone, or through any electronic means, as it does not matter in which way you are communicating with another as words can cut through like a knife any forms of communication and hurt and even scar another individual. Do you understand this? Do you understand that words, even though they cannot touch another person physically, can reach another in so many different ways and do harmful damage just as if you were taking your hand, making a fist and striking an individual?


Do you understand this now a little better? Do you realize that your words can be just as abusive as your fists? We hope that those of you who are engaging in such violence and harm through the use of your repeated slander, rhetoric and hurtful demeanors and attitudes think about what you have just read and think about how many doors would open for you if you continued on in this harmful, unproductive, disrespectful, unfeeling manner, and think about how many doors will close for you if you do not change the direction in which you are so eagerly walking. This is all we have to say on this particular matter today, but we will from time to time be speaking about this again with you as we will continue to read your responses to our messages and we wish so very much for all of you who are engaging in this rude and inappropriate conduct to see clearly the choice you are making, and think about choosing another path that will lead you to bigger, better and brighter, as you do not owe it to anyone any more or any less than yourselves.


Today we would like to speak to you about how you can improve your methods of telepathic communication with us, as we have begun the initial stages of our program to communicate with those of you who we feel would make positive additions to our teams that will begin our first project together, which is to construct see barriers off the coast of several areas of your planet. We have been sending our communications out to the selected individuals, and we will report to you that a number of you have indeed successfully received our notification and in turn, we have received your reply. We also report to you that there are those of you who we feel have not received our notification as of yet, although for some of you, we have indeed attempted more than once to send you this communication but you have not received it, or as could be the case, some of you have received this message but have not sent us your response.


We cannot know for certain if you have received this message from us, we can only know if you have sent your message back to us, this we can be sure of. We will continue to send our telepathic communications to all of you who we have selected for this initial operation. We will be patient, we will be persistent, but we cannot continue to attempt to send you these communications for a prolonged period of time, as we have made it clear for quite some time now, time is of the essence. The time between today and the finale that is planned for you is not very far off in the distance and we must make haste and begin our many projects together. We hope that those of you who do not receive our communications understand that, for the time being, this is how we must communicate with you. We have no other choice in this matter, and when we can speak with you in person we will fully explain to you why we cannot choose any other means to communicate with you at this time.


We suggest to all of you, since you do not know who it is we have selected for this initial phase of this operation, to pay very close attention to the dreams you may be experiencing, as this is a very suitable and efficient means for us to relay messages to you. There are those of you who report that you have difficulty in remembering your dreams once you awaken. We understand this, although there is nothing we, from our side, can do about this. It is all up to you to find a way to, and to develop skills sufficient to lock-in some kind of memory of the dreams that you are always experiencing. Dreaming is a very natural function and is experienced by all of you, there are no exceptions. For those of you who claim you do not dream, it would be more accurate for you to say that you do not awaken with any recollection of your dreams, for you are certainly experiencing dreams in many ways and forms.


Now that we have been clear about this we would like to suggest to you how to more effectively remember the dreams that you have. Keeping a writing pad and something to write with by your bedside at night is strongly advised, as often when you dream you awaken, even momentarily, and it is then that you may have some sort of recollection of the dream you have just experienced. We say to you to write down as many details of the dream as you can as clearly as you can, so when you awaken later on you can carefully examine what it is you have written down and surmise some sort of message that has been sent to you, if indeed this is what that particular dream represented.


We also suggest to you to perhaps alter your sleep patterns, with the goal being a longer, deeper and more restful sleep. We suggest to you to sleep in complete darkness, hanging extra window coverings if necessary, and possibly placing something under your bedroom door as light may be filtering into your room. Turn off all lighting and even electronics, as LED lights in many of your electronic devices may shine a relatively large amount of light. We also suggest to you to remove all wireless electronics from your room while you are sleeping as these may, but not necessarily, be causing interference of our communications to you.


Your brain has parts that function like a communications satellite, sending and receiving information from your surrounding area and all throughout the universe, and taking care of your equipment is very important. The foods you eat are the fuels and the fluids that run your communications machine. These fuels and fluids must work to enhance your machine and not debilitate your machine. What kind of fuels are you adding to your machine? We suggest to you to scrap all the junk foods, the sweets, the cakes, the cookies and sodas and fill your refrigerator with fruits and vegetables, as these will significantly and almost immediately raise your vibrational frequency, and this will certainly assist you in your communications with the higher realms, as this will physically bring you closer to the higher realms. Do you understand this? Do you understand that your frequency rises and falls like a thermometer all throughout your day, and dependent on the foods you eat, your vibration may rise or dip suddenly and greatly? These are a few of the methods that may improve your telepathic abilities, and we say to you by following these simple guidelines you may see immediate improvements.


We will continue to send messages to those of you we have selected. We will give you warning as to when we feel we cannot spend any more time attempting to send these messages to you and we will have to begin to send messages to those who may not have made the first list, but are certainly individuals we feel would make positive additions to our team, and we will at that time begin to attempt to send out messages to them. Do not allow yourself to fall into panic mode fearing that you will miss your opportunity to work with us because you feel you may have been selected for this initial project but have not received our messages, as this kind of emotional strain will not help you in any way receive our messages and will, in many cases, make matters worse and hamper any communications to and from us. There is still time left for you to receive our messages, we wish to make that clear, and we will continue our efforts immediately and continue them until further notice.


This is all we have for you today dear ones. We hope that you are all doing very well, and again we thank you for all your efforts to communicate with each other more effectively and politely, and we say to those of you who have demonstrated improvements in this area thank you, for you are doing all of us throughout our entire universe a great service. Until we speak again tomorrow, have a wonderful and blessed day dear ones.


We are your friends and family of the Galactic Federation of Light.





As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish


Mara Williams (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 18:07

My husband Erl is ready to help in any way. Until new health technology is available I will be unable to do the physical labor that may be required for this project. I can help in the health arena however and would love to work with you in that regard. 


I am so excited to proceed with the work we will do with your assistance. I get why we must do for ourselves. My passion and expertise is health care and use of integrative modalities. So excited to learn more that will heal people from whatever is their problem.


Thank you and blessings...I look forward to meeting you! Mara

Mara Williams (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 18:07

My husband Erl is ready to help in any way. Until new health technology is available I will be unable to do the physical labor that may be required for this project. I can help in the health arena however and would love to work with you in that regard. 


I am so excited to proceed with the work we will do with your assistance. I get why we must do for ourselves. My passion and expertise is health care and use of integrative modalities. So excited to learn more that will heal people from whatever is their problem.


Thank you and blessings...I look forward to meeting you! Mara

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