SanJAsKa on the Number and Colors of Galactic Ships in our Skies

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/05/2012 - 09:59


~through Wes Annac~



We are now stationing our ships all around your atmosphere, as while there have been many of us stationing ourselves in your skies for a long time, we have been given the authority to increase the number of us prevalent in your skies in the days and weeks ahead. We will be able to make ourselves known in more bold ways via Cloud Ships and other types of phenomenon that many awakening souls will notice and be able to understand is a sign of our presence in your skies.


At present, we are preparing ourselves to land on your world and make diplomatic contacts and efforts with all of your nations, many of whom are quite aware of our presence and our immediate wish to be on the ground with you. Time has now run out and our options have waned down to be in line with the final merging timelines and scenarios that are being brought forth and brought together on your world.


You are experiencing the upheavals and the surfacing of trauma that has been discussed numerous times, and you are feeling as well the departure of the old as your world readies Herself for our full presence upon Her surface. You are readying yourselves as well for our imminent arrival by going through the surfacing of former emotions and traumas, which will see you a better vessel to absorb the Lighted energies we will be giving you, which you will note are quite strong from our simple presence around you.


This is because we come from realities wherein this energy is quite normal and all are used to the flowing, radiant auras and colors that some of us choose to take form as. These colors are the pure energy of Love, of Source, and these are the colors which construct your very souls and bodies.


These colors are very prevalent among our many Motherships and Star Ships, and you will see whenever we are able to become openly known on your world that our ships themselves possess auras which fly around with us as we make our ventures throughout your world. Despite the density that has been fed and adhered to on your surface for so very long, special admissions are being made allowed so that we can express our full Light and radiance without it becoming too much for your dear Earth souls.


We ask you now to continue on in your process of readying yourselves for the disclosures and impending revelations which have been waiting for so very long to burst forth, as they are just beginning to make themselves known.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/05/2012 - 10:12

oh  no !.... not again !



bs-bs... bla-bla... bla-bla... nothing-nothing... bs.-bs... bla-bla.nothing.

Allow the love to come forth and shine It's light upon the darkness.  No matter what happens, we ARE past the point of no return.  We have experienced the depths of love within us and chose love over everything else.  Allow the emotions, hold them up to the light and watch them dissipate. 

another delusional stupid monkey believing the voices in its head.  Please just stop the bullshit period.  We have had enough.  Galactic Federation of Fail.


I'll be a darkworker now.  They get shit done.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/05/2012 - 11:39

Dates are an's just a TEST to see how many humans continue to believe after there is nothing that physically happens in the 3d reality. HOPE is false....but when u meditate u find answers & real Honest proof of who u are & what your objectiv is here as a Light worker.

NOTHING will ever happen in the 3d because the frequency & vibration levels are too Low, you can only raise your Vibration to see them with your heart & 3rd eye chakra.

As long as u have "hope" you will always have "dispair".....they were here before Aug 4th & they will be here forever. They are just Waiting for us to mature we can reach them!!!!!

It is only up to us as an Individual to look within.....they can't do it for us. Remember the bible also says when the End comes there will be a great separating of the "Wheat from the Shaft." Dates are just Test.....that is all.

King David (not verified)

Sun, 08/05/2012 - 20:41

And I have finally decided to keep notes of who 'eledgedly channeled' and who they 'eledgedly channeled.' I've been reading this every single day for nearly two years now and when back several years to see what 'they' were saying back then. 


I have found such powerful, authentic and incouraging information in their words that it has been well worth my time to keep reading, BUT, I am going to now begin to delete the one's that keep making or strongly indicating the events are 'coming soon' type information and NOTHING visible to US down here happens except the excuses that follow on these site the next "days and week and months ahead."


Why do I have the feeling that I will be finding reason to delete ALL of these leaving no more readings for me to do?


I have been in mediations daily for many years and will continue that as I don't need an 'eledged channel' to guide me on that, if you 'understand my words?' 


This has not to do with me NOT believing whole heartedly in ETs, Angels, Guides, and Ascended Masters, as I know this is truth. This is about miss-infromation over and over and over, again and again and again and they continue to insist that we make fools of ourselves to ALL the ones we know by broadcasting this to them, get you patrys up to par and fill your tanks and two years later, nothing again???


And when I awaken this Dec, 22nd and see that I am still in 3D and go to this site just to read the detailed justifictions of why I didn't make it. "Oh that means that your Soul contract is for you to stay behind and help the other idiots that believe the same line of bull shit that you do."


This Wednesday I begin deleting blogs, post and then sites 'in the days and weeks that follow' 


Julia Cosby

Sun, 08/05/2012 - 21:11

I am always watching the skies and I see you in the skies. I am very happy to hear you will increase your presence. To My Galactic Family I am sending you my love and once again I say to you WELCOME!!!:))


Love & Light


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