Message from the Ashtar Command 8/15/12 ‘All Remains Possible for You’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 17:35


Hold on to your dreams and to the desires and the visions that you have had for your new lives and your new world, for they are just as possible as they have always been. They have gone nowhere. All and everything that has been discussed with you is still possible for you, you just have to make it happen, that is all. There is no reason to give up now. There is no call to see gloom on your horizon, for nothing has changed. Why are there those of you who believe anything at all has changed about your prospects, your outlook, your timelines, anything? We would like to know this today. We would like for those of you who believe that something has changed for you, that suddenly something is not possible for you, to share with us and explain to us what that is and why you feel some kind of rules have changed or that some kind of promise has been broken or that you can no longer have something that you thought you could.


Please tell us why you feel this way. If it is something that you believe we have said, then please explain to us what you believe we have said, perhaps in previous messages, and tell us what you believe we have said in recent messages that in any way stipulated that any possibilities have changed for you. This is what we would like to see today, as it will help us greatly understand this sudden mood swing that some of you have experienced over the past few days. We see your days ahead as rich in glorious possibility. We see no limits or boundaries on what you can achieve for yourselves, what you can have for yourselves, and where it is you can go from here. We say to you that we see more clearly your future timelines, but we also say to you that these timelines are endless, they are for all intents and purposes limitless. You can have just about anything it is that you wish for, that you dream about, that you want and expect. There is just about nothing that you cannot have. So why today is there a cloud of gloom above the heads of some of you?


This is what we would like to discover today, and we ask you to please continue to leave your comments beneath our messages and share with us your inner thoughts, for we wish to once again be clear about this; we have no way of learning your inner thoughts unless you share them with us through your comments beneath our messages. There are those of you who continue to feel we use our telepathic or psychic abilities to trespass into the inner harbors of your personal consciousness. We say to you again and we wish to be perfectly clear; we do not violate anyone's rights of their personal domain which is your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual vessels. We respect, honor and obey by the laws governing this universe in regards to the personal and sovereign rights of each and every individual and collective in this universe. We feel we have been again very clear on this, and we can move on to other topics today.


We feel the frustration of some of you that may wish to begin witnessing for yourselves firsthand changes in your world. We say to you that changes will become apparent to many, but we also say to you that you must begin to look for these changes in alternative directions, as turning to your television sets and your newspapers will not provide to you the evidence that you seek. Not at this time. This we see will happen, as it is merely an eventuality when the walls concealing truth and reality come crumbling down and your media outlets feel safe enough to begin to report these stories to you. This is not yet the case, but it will be, as your world is headed for many changes and this will be just one of them, although a very important change indeed.


Today we suggest to you to seek evidence of some of the changes you wish for yourselves through alternative news sources, for these men and women have found the courage, the bravery, the integrity, the will, the desire and the need to report to their brothers and sisters the truth of what is transpiring in their world. To these courageous, honorable and professional men and women we say bravo to you for a job very well done. We say to you please continue your efforts, for many eyes will fall upon you and your work for your brothers and sisters very shortly in the days ahead as events will continue, and like a ripple in a pond will grow and expand and begin to fill the collective consciousness of the people of your world, and it is you and your tireless efforts that will be most needed to sound the call of truth.


We say to you that we, the Ashtar Command, have begun to find evidence of the arrests of the members of your criminal cabal throughout your Internet medium, and we say there is no reason that more of you cannot begin to amass a steady flow of these mounting proceedings. We would like to see more of you combing your Internet into its farthest reaches, just as we explore the universe into its farthest reaches, for one never knows how far one will have to look before finding what it is they are searching for. Sometimes large things come in very small packages, and we wish for you to remember this when searching for what will be for you valuable pieces of the evidence so many of you wish to see.


Moving on to another topic today, we say we are making great strides in filling our rosters for the first initial project we will undertake with you. Once again we will be constructing protective barriers in the form of seawalls not too far off of the coast of more than a few areas around your planet where we feel coastlines do not in their natural states offer adequate protection in the advent of rising sea levels that will make their way towards shorelines in the days ahead. Our monitoring services again reinforce their earlier findings and conclude once again that there will be certain areas of your planet that will experience these rising sea levels, and further state that if these areas are not protected in one way or another that they can expect damage in the form of flooding. This is the third report from our scientific division in charge of the analysis of your oceans and seas in relation to your coastal landmasses, and we share with you today that this is the third report that has reached the same conclusion with no major deviations or alterations in their findings.


We wish you to understand that great care, time and energy go into our studies. These studies are not conducted quickly, loosely, haphazardly or carelessly. Our studies are meticulous, they are well performed, they are carried out in depth and they are overseen and they are conducted by highly qualified members of our organization who, in many cases, have taken part in and have conducted similar research many times in many different parts of this universe. We wish you to understand that, although there may be variations experienced to what our final projections will be, that these variations may be very slight, with barely any visible or traceable differences or outcomes.


We wish for you to begin to prepare for such eventualities, as preparedness always goes hand-in-hand with preventive measure. We, with your assistance, will work to prevent as much damage as possible by building with you the seawalls that we have spoken of. These seawalls will protect large areas of coastline. They will not protect every square mile of coastline around your planet, as this would be a task beyond our time constraints and other areas of conceivability, and we do not feel the most appropriate solution is to cover every square mile of your landmasses with seawalls. Instead, we would like to construct these walls in very strategic areas that will protect not only the local coastlines of these areas, but will also prevent large amounts of water from filling into other areas, causing spillovers of water onto these coastal shores.


To understand this; think about a river flowing through your oceans that must release into another body somewhere, whether it be another ocean, sea, bay, river or landmass. We wish to prevent this by cutting off the flow of these rivers of water that can and will build in size and strength when tectonic plates in your planet’s mantle begin to move and vibrate very strongly in the days ahead. This will be the cause of what we wish to manage concerning the waters of your planet.  There will not be a collision with a ‘rogue’ planet, if you will, entering your solar system, we wish to make this perfectly clear. There will be no rogue planet, asteroid or comet entering your solar system and causing any problems for your planet in any way, whether it be a collision or gravitational effect. We have been clear on this, and we'd like for all of you to share this piece of information with those who you see leaving these misleading items throughout your online circles.


We wish not to cause a panic, and we feel when others spread inaccurate stories such as a large planet will be colliding with yours in the days ahead, that this can certainly cause panic and fear to rise, and we ask you who would this serve better? Would it serve you, the people of your world, to begin to panic and fear the days ahead? Would it serve us, your allies of the galactic commands who wish nothing more than a peaceful reunion with you? Or would it serve someone else? Would it serve the dark masters who have enriched themselves so greatly in wealth, in power and in control by time and again exploiting the emotion of fear in your world? We ask you to always take a moment and think about something when reading an article on your Internet. Ask yourself who benefits from this type of story being spread? If it is clear that someone very particular benefits from such a story, ask yourself one more question. Who is the likely author of this story?


This is all we have to discuss with you today, and we will leave you with these words; why is it that so many of you have gotten down in the last few days? What is it that you feel has changed for you? If it is that you have learned that it is not everyone in your world who will ascend into the higher dimensions in the days ahead, we ask you why it is you feel this would include you among those who will not experience ascension? Why just a few days ago did you think you would experience ascension, and why today are there many of you who feel you won't? Is it simply because you have learned that not everyone will ascend? So why do you think this would automatically include you? This is what we wish to understand better today, for if there are reasons why you feel you would not make the ‘list’, as it were, to ascend, can you not work on rectifying these problems or ‘deficiencies’ or reasons why you feel you will not ascend.


Why suddenly quit? Why give up so easily? Why not simply say to yourself; “There are changes I need to make in myself and make them now”, and then do just that. That is what we ask you to explain to us today by leaving your thoughts beneath our message, for we wish to better understand why there are those of you who feel there are aspects of yourselves that are unchangeable, ‘uncorrectable’, and please share with us further and tell us what some of these things are that so many of you seem to simply believe are fixed, are permanent, are unchangeable within yourselves, for we see absolutely nothing within yourselves that you cannot change immediately with a little effort, focus, determination, drive and will. These are some of the things you possess inside that will never change, and we say to you today to apply what it is you have and make the changes that you know deep inside need to be changed.


We are here in offers of our assistance to help you make these changes.  We are the Ashtar Command.





As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish



Wed, 08/15/2012 - 22:22

It seems so often when I read these messages - especially Ashtar - I feel your're really "tuning" in to just what I'm thinking. I guess I shouldn't be suprised. I find myself welcoming the idea of becoming a "fully conscious being" - or even having forth or fifth dimension experience - but ASCENSION? Well, I have always accepted that level of spiritual growth is only attainable by someone who has mastered life totally in Spirit - having completely shed the physical body (such as Christ Jesus did eventually). I've been taught all my life to "work on myself" - as far as developing a greater spiritual sense, and embrace God as Father/Mother, in whom I "live, move, and have (my) being." I'll be listening in to Sheldan Nidle's webinar on the 26th, and perhaps I'll learn more. I do believe though, that doubt is definitely a tool of the "dark" side, because it brings on discouragement, which shuts out the light. We all need to claim our dominion against that one! So, thanks for the "heads up!" (I think I've been feeling a bit "gloomy" lately because I tried sharing some things with family and friends, and received a rather "cool" reception!) Love and light to you - and THANK YOU for everything!

I was taken aback when you told us that not everyone would ascend, because my belief is that we are all ONE, therefore I was sad to hear that not everyone would be ascending. That part of our oneness would still be trapped.


Furthermore, I was concerned about whether or not I would be Left Behind, because I am not one who has spent years and years in difficult meditations to prepare. I do think that I made some preparations in earlier lifetimes, but in this lifetime I spent a lot of time in a very poor community just trying to keep my friends alive. I have spent a lot of time meditating, but not according to any particular teachings.


I have always been spiritual and looked to the sun for sustenance, but I don't seem to fit in churches, and I generally meditate alone. I cannot sit in the lotus position, and the pictures of people in merkabas always show them in the lotus position.


And I am physically ill. I have fervently hoped that I could be on a large ship for the healing and educational opportunities. I am sure that I do have talents to share, but I am having difficulty imagining how that would work.


However, I have come to understand from one of your recent messages that the people who are Left Behind will be those who feel they still have something to learn or to gain from a 3D existence. I hope it will be better for them than it is now!!! Many people I love are not aware of the shift that is occurring, and when I try to tell them what is going on, they just think I am crazy. And one of those people is my own son. I realize that he is a grown man now and must seek his own destiny, but I really don't want him to be Left Behind, either. He is very intelligent and has high integrity.


I hope this helps you to understand why we humans have so many conflicting emotions.  We have so many loyalties! And we are acutely aware of our own deficiencies, at least most of us are. I try to focus in on the love and the oneness, but the message you sent telling us that not everyone would ascend incited in my some conern about whether I am good enough, at a high enough vibrational level. We can gauge our body weight by standing on a scale, but we don't really have an instrument - that I know of - that we can use to verify that our vibrational levels are high enough.







My thoughts about the gloom was that so many sites cover the events of Ascension, and the many things that are to occur, august 4th was the end of your having to negotiate with the governments. This lead many to believe they might see some activity during the Olympics.


So many of the promises and accomplishments are not visual such as containment, so it's difficult to determine what is really happening. When I first became aware of channeling it was so exciting but at the time you were talking about taking people up on your ships, sense then many other promises just seem to pass with explanations but nothing our friends and family can see.


Some of the long timers say they experience 5D etc. But I think that because in the old 3D we are so used to being let down, it's starting to bore some. Having to take it easy on the cabal, while so many suffer that have suffered so long. While Nasara and promises of crystal cities, and replicators, and all we will do together, is always just beyond the next horizon, and the next and the next.


Then to be reminded that all will not make it, it only adds to the gloom. If we are awake and have second thoughts, while trying ahead of time to prepare, what of our love ones that will awaken suddenly? How can they make it in such a short time? Is this the Divine Plan? "Few there be that find the road that leads to Ascension?" and most will not? Most religions promise the same. All can go to heaven but most will not.


While other channels say the true desire to Ascend is enough, with all the multitude of loving family and masters to help. It's just a bit difficult for some to not feel a bit of gloom having lived so many lifetimes in the dark. And to think that some will have to continue for lack of money or poor health, or unforgivness of someone one that hasn't even apologized even.


I think a bit of gloom is in order from time to time. Nothing a large discloser won't change, or maybe an arrest of someone we know is of the dark. Especially sense mass arrest was changed and is still being channeled.


I hope you can understand how gloom could effect some of us. And the more so as we near the month of December.


My thought is can a person living in a two bed room apartment with 5 people, babies and roaches out of control, behind on rent, living off a food stamp card, be a lightworker, by showing love?


What if they share the food with the hungry others? Will they Ascend? Is it that the worst one is effected by the cabal the less chance they have?


I look so forward to  brighter day but I'm sure it's because it's gloomy at the moment. I try to think it's not but illusion is very convincing. At times : ) 


With Love


We are a little confused about ascension and what does it totally mean? It kind of sounds like "you die". So does it mean some (not all) people will die in some way to ascend? We are gloomy sometimes because the future as told to us sounds awesome with healing ships, new technology to clean the world and free energy. We hear of all the Cabal being arrested, debts being erased and we being free. It is like being in prison and having the prison guard come to you every day and saying "soon" you will be free but doesn't quite tell you when. So you wait and wait, hoping to see a sign that it will happen soon. 


We hear that the Cabal are being arrested now but yet our everyday life is the same. Gas and food  prices are spiking higher and higher, banks still charging outrageous fees and all the many bills...that is whats so depressing. There was a post a while back telling us to stop paying bills that we were enabling the Cabal when we did. This was months ago. If we would have listened to this, our family and pets would be out on the street homeless which would not be good.


We keep the faith though and are constantly looking in the skies for some kind of confirmation you are here. We examine every cloud hoping you would decloak for us....a lot of waiting and hoping. A person can only do that for so long before they are just drained or think they are crazy (which other people tell them they are).


So being depressed or gloomy is a human condition, so please be patient with us. Humans are very emotional and reactive people. We can be elated one moment and be depressed the next like a rollar coaster. The Cabal bombards us with information from everywhere trying to control us. once the Cabal is removed entirely, you will see the a high spike in our mood. If everyone just hears one thing ("all your debts are erased"), you will hear a scream of joy from all over the world and everyone would be celebrating.


We are a little confused about ascension and what does it totally mean? It kind of sounds like "you die". So does it mean some (not all) people will die in some way to ascend? We are gloomy sometimes because the future as told to us sounds awesome with healing ships, new technology to clean the world and free energy. We hear of all the Cabal being arrested, debts being erased and we being free. It is like being in prison and having the prison guard come to you every day and saying "soon" you will be free but doesn't quite tell you when. So you wait and wait, hoping to see a sign that it will happen soon. 


We hear that the Cabal are being arrested now but yet our everyday life is the same. Gas and food  prices are spiking higher and higher, banks still charging outrageous fees and all the many bills...that is whats so depressing. There was a post a while back telling us to stop paying bills that we were enabling the Cabal when we did. This was months ago. If we would have listened to this, our family and pets would be out on the street homeless which would not be good.


We keep the faith though and are constantly looking in the skies for some kind of confirmation you are here. We examine every cloud hoping you would decloak for us....a lot of waiting and hoping. A person can only do that for so long before they are just drained or think they are crazy (which other people tell them they are).


So being depressed or gloomy is a human condition, so please be patient with us. Humans are very emotional and reactive people. We can be elated one moment and be depressed the next like a rollar coaster. The Cabal bombards us with information from everywhere trying to control us. once the Cabal is removed entirely, you will see the a high spike in our mood. If everyone just hears one thing ("all your debts are erased"), you will hear a scream of joy from all over the world and everyone would be celebrating.


Reiki Doc

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 04:40

I am not gloomy at all. However, yesterday a huge wave of sadness swept over me. It felt like when I was about to graduate from High School. There is nostalgia, a recognition that some significant portion of your development is going to go away forever, and a sense of apprehension for your ability to face the new unknown future. I acknowledge those feeling for what they are. I gave thanks for the wonderful learning opportunity three d provided while I had been too busy learning and complaining about three d to fully appreciate. And in my dreamtime, I have already met with my space family. But my amnesia over them is especially an emotional amnesia, and the feelings are more like: now one more hurdle, one more task, one more mountain, than joy.
I am patient and trust all shall be well. But it takes some adapting, even when you have longed for Home in a higher dimension your whole life.

guest (not verified)

Thu, 08/16/2012 - 06:16

Our emotions are in swinging full spectrum with all the energies flying around, into and back out. I am exhausted with it and still have stuff to do. And i KNOW we're all hoping we are up to GOD's 'par'.

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