Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 9 - Beyond Healing

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 12:48



        “Receiving” is a generous gift to us.  Our Soul says “Open and I will pour Love into you”.  Love from God, it appears, which is abundant and most satisfying.


It is said that only animals and small children know how to receive.  It’s a natural state for them, completely instinctual, perhaps.  What happens to us on our way to adulthood?  How do we learn to shut out that ever flowing fountain of gifts from God the Creator?


Something happens when we become obsessed with “making it” alone and trying to control the flow of good into our lives. This is fear at work.  Fear says you have to do it all by yourself.  Love says Come back to me and I will show you how to reopen that heart so you can once again receive.  Now it is to be a choice.


Perhaps the lesson is this:  We are naturally capable of receiving and enjoying the bounty that God and Life have to offer.  To deny ourselves these benefits, we actually have to “learn” to close up.  This is the essence of the “Fall”.  We fall from God’s grace into turmoil by believing that suffering is bad and we must close off these feelings in order to be safe. Cutting off our suffering means we are cut off from Source as well.


        Redemption comes through surrender.  By surrendering, we open up and release those so-called safety defenses. Then we regain our capacity to receive. In so doing, we become vulnerable. In this Life there are losses and heartaches to grieve alongside receiving that which is good. Life is both bitter and sweet.  Only by accepting this and surrendering to God’s grace do we return to that primal reality where we know life will renew us.


        Now we are adults, not children anymore.  And we know Life can be bittersweet in spite of that loving connection to the Great Creator. We accept that reality at this juncture because we have grown.  We know what it’s like to be closed to the Creator’s love. We now choose to be the embodiment of that love.  The suffering passes.  It always does.  The reign of Love remains constant.  Reach out and grab it, it belongs to you.



Chapter 9: Beyond Healing


The healing journey sits behind us now as we look to the horizon to see what’s coming next.  Many of us are standing on this hill right now, marching toward the future eager to see what comes up for us.  How exciting!


We are eager and scared at the same time.  The healing journey gave our life perspective and a set of references to which we could relate.  Books were passed around; workshops and seminars were attended; and journal writing was completed. We pursued all manner of inner explorations designed to bring healing to that wounded part within.  We knew where we were then.  That particular framework surrounded us and gave us comfort.  Now we are standing at a new frontier, one that’s not well charted, defined or laid out, one that leaves us trembling as we contemplate the next step.


Here we reach back to myth once again.  What did the hero or heroine do at this point in their journey?  How did they serve their fellow man?  What was the nature of their blossoming?  What will be the nature of our own?


Myth teaches us that all eventualities are cyclical.  After any one phase is completed, there comes another, and then another, all succeeding each other in a well orchestrated sequence. Beginnings, middles and endings, all following each other as surely as the cycles of the moon, the turning of the planets and the movements of the stars, each remaining true to some guiding principle that never fails in its measured and predictable unfolding.  What goes around comes around.  What follows one, follows all.


Some would call it a utopia, but that is not so.  Utopia is the word we use for the illusory concept of perfection.  Perfection does not exist in our world, only in our minds; hence, the illusions of utopia.  The poise we are talking about is a stance toward life, one that sees us consciously aware of our driving Force, the God of Love within us. This beacon lights our path and guides us forward.


After the healing journey, there is truth.  The truth that states God is our Savior which leads the way from here.  We can dispute this if we wish.  We can engage in endless philosophical arguments, but the truth is still the truth.  God resides within; we are God and it is this force which will lead the way from this point. It means we must surrender control, or more accurately, the illusion of control.   Conscious Evolution leads to God.


So what does it mean to be led by God?  Does it mean we no longer have free will?  Not at all!  We are free to choose as always.  But why would we choose a path that takes us away from God when being God is all there is. Does that mean that God’s will is our will?  Yes. God, as individualized in you, has free will.  God chooses self-expression through you as you were created to be. 


When you choose God, that is your God Self, then you move forward from that point as per your specific design.  You will be attracted to and choose to move toward your particular area of specialization.  Are you a mover and a shaker?  Are you a healer or teacher?  Are you a wanderer or creator?  Are you an explorer or gardener? Who are you? What are you designed and created to do? What does your heart say? Be true to you and you will live in the Heart of the Lord.  You determine who you are now that you’ve accomplished your healing journey.


This is where the creative part of you becomes animated.  This is where that Self you’ve been working to rescue is set loose and begins to actively explore. This is where you, on your heroic journey, begin to uncover and express your path of service.

There are only a few such paths ultimately, but they do come in many fascinating variations. We are spoiled with choice.  Behind the curtain of our defenses we had no choice. We were stagnant and focused on survival.  Now, we have true choice, and abundantly so.  We have choice beyond our wildest expectations.


When writers and artists come to this point in their journey they refer to this emerging referent as that “still small voice within”.  Such voices are hard to hear amid the cacophony of busy and chaotic existences. Now we can hear this voice because we are out from under the tyranny of our defenses.  This voice can be heard, or felt, by tuning in to it, learning to listen for its subtle nuances as these can be distinguished from our ordinary inner chatter.  This is the undercurrent to our conscious outer directed lives. We will have greater insights, more creative thoughts and more intuitive glimpses about who we are and what direction to pursue. These may feel strange at first, but oddly personal.  We will know they are meant exclusively for us.


Some of us will hear this Voice loud and clear, and create great works of art and engineering as a result. Others will receive subtler messages, but pressing all the same, and these will lead them on their path of conscious evolution. By choosing to listen to ourselves, we will act appropriately for who we are and why we came to participate in this unfolding drama.


Heaven has no other purpose for us than to see us recreate it right here on Earth.  Not the heaven of our illusions and childhood dreams, but a transcendence that sees people maximize their potential in an ever expanding interrelationship with each other. The old glue of Love will bind us together once again.  We will be well informed and well served by listening closely to each other.  We will receive messages from each other and know they are valid because they reverberate with our hearts.  This will be God talking to God and listening to God, as us.  How can we fail?


We will know what is accurate for us because our still small Voice will ratify incoming data as exclusively ours. We will move forward in the new direction. Trusting the Voice, our inner Pulse, and all of its possible configurations will allow this to happen.  Remember, we are no longer circumscribed by our old defenses.  We can move forward again and trust the information we are receiving is truly ours.  It is hard, if not impossible, to fool a person who is well grounded in their own reality and in touch with their essential Self.  This particular aspect of our heartfelt experience is what makes the whole process of moving forward so stable.


God had this in mind originally, not the unanticipated wide detour we took individually and collectively, a side journey which distracted us from our ultimate purpose.   What we needed, once we took ourselves off the main path, lay dormant within each of us.  It was emissaries of God, the “Keepers of the Truth”, enlightened women and men across the centuries that helped to awaken us and lead us back on track.  Now we are at this new threshold, contemplating our next horizon, ready to fully engage this emerging structure called the Self. This central driving force is what connects us directly to God, the Creator, and takes us forward on our new adventure.  That is mythology in action. Here we are now, consciously advancing the Creator’s causes as has always been the plan.  We are back on track.  Where do we go from here?


The heroic journey inevitably leads to a path of service based on the unique traumas and challenges faced to overcome.  If that is a path of healing, then helping others heal is what it will be.  If that is a path of teaching, then teaching others will be the mainstay at this juncture of their lives.  All heroes and heroines pass through their own trials first. They must overcome their demons, losses and heartache before instructing others on how to do the same. We, who are moving forward now, have inscribed these tenets in our healing journey.  We have taken up the reigns of helping others once our own healing had moved along.  We are prepared to teach the upcoming generation those skills which have been so hard won.  We must pass on what we have learned.


As the healers among us propagate their truth and assist others in their own unfolding, then more healers will be available to fill the gaps left by those who are moving forward.  When any potential healer has finished with their grieving, they are ready to enter the fold and choose their path of service.  We cannot heal others while we are in mourning.  We can only heal ourselves at this point.  But once that is completed, we can become a helper and healer if that’s where our next horizon points. It is only at this juncture that our path of service comes into view.


Then together, all of us, healers and teachers, will march in unison and inform the next group, still lost in grief, what is involved in overcoming their suffering and what they need to move beyond.  At some point we will leave these tasks to the next graduating group of healers and teachers, and we will become teachers of a different sort.  We pass on what we have learned, and share every nuance with those coming behind us.  The great cycle of life is at work once again.


All healers have been in the throes of grief at one time in their lives.  Many chose to become healers as a result of their experiences.  We will step into and out of such roles several times before we are done with them.  Then we seek a new order of being to take us to our central purpose of learning. Growing and learning is what we are here to do.  Growing is what God wants for us.  This opportunity is available to everyone.  Our existences are marked by these precepts, and we live and breathe them with each day of our presence on this planet.


We will revue this in our next chapter.  For now, suffice it to say that the new threshold is upon us. We are geared up and poised to take it on.  Our healing journey has given us the tools to take the next step.  Our particular brand of healing has prepared us for our purpose.  Once healed, we can activate that purpose.  That is what we are here to do.


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