Obama's Victory is a Victory for the Light

Submitted by drmoe on Wed, 11/07/2012 - 07:39

Obama's re-election is a clear win for the Light. All our channeling resources here at the Galactic Free Press have said so, and if you're like me this morning, you Feel It in your bones and Know It to be True.


There is no doubt in my mind that the Shift has taken place, that we've crossed over the hump. 1) Obama gets re-elected in one of the most hotly contested races in American and World History; 2) two states pass propositions to legalize Marijuana; 3) another state joins the chorus of recognizing gays and legalizes same sex marriage; 4) a proposition opposing a new bridge between Canada and Michigan gets defeated clearing the way for better trade between our (I'm a Canadian) nations.


What this all means to me is A Sound Defeat for the Dark, for the Republican Agenda which is dark through and through, for the attempted controllers of the world, like bridge owners in Michigan, like the Fox News Network and its litany of lies, like the flip flopping ADD Mitt Romney and his cadre of supporters, like Carl Rove and his army of manipulators who have to crawl back under their rocks somewhere, like the anti-marijuana paranoids, the gay paranoids, the "rape is OK whackos" who want you to believe that "it's God's will", like the Bush family who sent in their Army of manipulators, intimidators and cheaters to try and steal another election and FAILED!!!,  like all these Fat Old White Guys who've been running things for so long they can't imagine life without their usual measure of control.


DEAD IN THE WATER!  That's where they are.  America has spoken and Her Voice was echoed around the world with a Tsunami of Support from every corner. NO MORE!  NO MORE!  NO MORE cowtowing to the Dark! 




The World has a Lightworker at the Helm of a mighty nation and this time he will be Kicking Butt and Taking Names.  They're aren't enough rocks or slime pits for these members of the Dark to hide in.  The Light is Growing Brighter by the Minute and We, my fellow Lightworkers, Starseeds, Wayshowers, Curious Seekers and Holders of the Light, We Have Won.


Now Feel That and get on with the Business of Loving Your Self.


Any Questions?


Love and Blessings to Us All


Dr Moe





Wed, 11/07/2012 - 08:24





Bstarsister (not verified)

Wed, 11/07/2012 - 09:53

Hi lovely people,


I'd like to know whether anyone has had genuine higer-self downloads re Obama and his lightworking agenda. Or has he acknowledged he is a lightworker himself?


I felt a huge releif this morning (I'm a Kiwi and feel it affects me as a world citizen). But he has clear civil liberties issues to address, followed closely by energy issues, and financial shenannegans.


I think the catalysts bringing us to the point of change will be a) energy (free energy) and b) finance (global collapse of fiat currencies and a return to gold / silver backed currency). However I'm not throwing full whole hearted beleif / faith behind anything (ie Keshe) without first using personal discernment and due diligence.


If anyone has anything to add specifically about Obama I'd be most grateful.

B <3

Right from the Heart - The only True Test of Truth as we move into 5D.


For you Naysayers go to today's Home Page of GFP and start reading.  Obama is a Lightworker - End of Story!

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 11/07/2012 - 10:20

I disagree totally.  Obama will show himself to you more now as he has nothing to lose.  You seem intelligent but not very insightful.  Barry has issued more executive orders than anyone else in hstory and the list goes on but unless someone is open to seeing the truth, it will remain hidden from view.  Hope & Change, yeah right.  My advice to you, watch out now!!!!

Obama has signed 139 EOs so far, compared to the 291 signed by George W Bush. Don't trust me though, go look it up for yourself instead of just believing anything that you read.

David Porter

Wed, 11/07/2012 - 14:30

Who ever's "side" Obama is on should take a short time to see. Romney would have got this office if Obama is on the side of "The Light" and, keep this conjunction in mind, "and" there was no interference behind the scenes from the ETs.


In other words, there is enough cartel, opps, cabal and minions to easily shift the votes to who I am convenced would easily follow their lead, Romney.


Therefore either the ETs had their blessed hands in this or Obama is just another guy to be swayed by threat if necessary by the eternal workings and manipulations of the most evil beings on earth.


On the other hand if we are on our own, we're all packed and loaded and ready to regain our own country now that enough of us can see that it's been stollen. Did you see the protesters in Greece today, they are not only lined up like a military op, but the pine dowels the flags are wraped around are 1 1/2" diamiter, did you notice that?



I stated my opinion and it has not been swayed by you proponents of the negative view of Obama. Look at the global reaction to his win. Relief!!!  Is the whole world wrong and it's only you naysayers that know what's right? Are you suggesting that Mitt Romney would have been the better choice? Mr ADD (attention deficit disorder) who can't make up his mind where or what he stands for? The same Mitt Romney that was brought to you by the very power mongers who gave America 8 years of George Bush who quickly proceeded to piss away a healthy economic surplus and then ran America into the ground? Really?


If Obama is the devil incarnate as each of you suggests then make your case. The American voters have spoken!  The entire planet has spoken!  You have offered nothing in rebuttal, except clear evidence that you fear him. If that's the case then own it.  That fear belongs to you.  I and those here who have offered positive comments to my orignal post and all those who support Barack Obama do not share in your fear and will not be dragged into any fear-mongering.  That is 3D and we're done with it. We have our own Discernment, which is about listening to our Heart, our Guidance and our Higher Selves and its all working just fine thanks!


To those of you who see Obama's win in similar terms to my own, I thank you for your comments.  I believe, as do Salusa, the Galactics, Father/Mother God and all those Channels at the Galactic Free Press who inform us here regularly with their blog posts, that Obama is indeed a Righteous Dude and he will  show us More of what he is made of and it will be More of the Good that we have already seen.



Thank you all for sharing.


Dr Moe

JWalker (not verified)

Fri, 11/09/2012 - 03:29

I'm sorry, I can't believe Obama is a lightworker.  I know they play horrible games in politics but I've been watching and listening to Obama for four years.  He's destroyed America and its people during his first term.  His treasonist ways are no acceptable and he's not even legal to be holding office in the US of A.  To say he's a lightworker?  I'm sorry, even a person 'undercover' doesn't have to go as far as he does to hide their cover.  Someone has their wires crossed.


Spends millions of American tax dollars so his wife can go on lavish vacations while Americans starve and die?  If he's a lightworker, I believe he's gone rogue.  Plays golf while American business is unattended to?  I know the Bush's are bad business as Romney (who would have been the same) but to think Obama, of all people will be a saviour?  I need to hear it from his lips and start to 'love' people before I can accept it.  My heart tells me no on this one.  Sorry..


Just an opinion...



Go back to your Cabal friends and report that your disinformation tactics did not work. I and all my friends here at the Galactic Free Press see them for what they are which is plain and simple BS.


Now you continue to live in fear, but keep it to yourself. Nobody here is interested. And finally, as Dr Phil would say "How's that working for You?"


Have a nice day.

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