The Golden Age – Living From Creation Rather Than Survival

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 02:27


Christine Hoeflich – The Golden Age – Living From Creation Rather Than Survival 

(Lucas: this article is from the 9th November but it reflects the that what needs to be taken up the creator role by you all. Manifesting 5D reality truly. Be and live it.)

This past Wednesday I had a message from the Counsel of Light channeled for me through Flo Aeveia Magdalena. The gist of their message, if I could put it in a single nutshell, is: Live from creation and not from survival and struggle. In other words, if we want to manifest a Golden Age, it is high time to begin living from creation, consistently.

As some of you may know, it’s been quite some time since I had Flo Aeveia channel a personal message for me. It’s been several years, in fact, the last time during the Summer of 2005. But I felt, with my move back to the house I lived over nine years ago, that this move was significant and an opportunity for a new focus for me–and also that the moment was urgent. And indeed, I received the message that it is time to much more consistently live from the creative mode and less from survival.

Oh yes, I admit to not being so consistent. Even though I write these blog posts on reconnecting with your higher self and following through with divine guidance in the moment (meaning, promptly and consistently), I have made many choices that I would consider a reaction to the world around me rather than living from the creative potential. (Particularly in certain areas of my life, such as family relationships and personal economics.) In other words, rather than operating from the creative realm consistently (the vertical connection, the connection with Source), I was reacting to the struggle around me from the normal human operating mode, making choices from fear and outer circumstances and the manipulations of the outer world.

In the channeling the Counsel of Light advised me to be more consistent, to increase the time I’m living in creation compared to living in survival from a ratio that right now approaches 50:50, to 60:40, then to 75:25, and to keep increasing that ratio. This means being in the creative mode in all areas of my life more and more consistently, until that’s the only mode I’m operating from.

They advised me to get that vertical connection really strong first (the connection with Source, with Origin actually) so that the “horizontal begins to spin.” What they mean is, I am feeling that excitation and that strong excitation I’m feeling in my heart is what drives my horizontal connection, is what drives me, is what drives my choices and actions in the outer world. Because that is how one attracts whatever one needs, whatever resources one needs to fulfill one’s purpose.

I have to agree with them. While I was writing my 2 books, I felt that excitation really strongly. I was in creation mode consistently, the resources were flowing, and I experienced many amazing synchronicities daily that furthered my book projects along. Universal cooperation and flow happened consistently on a daily basis.

I experienced flow and amazing synchronicities while writing many articles and blog posts, and when I moved my place of residence near the end of September. (To see a recent example of what is possible when living from the creative potential, please read my blog post from a few weeks ago titled, Following Your Intuition in the Moment Makes Overwhelming Projects Manageable). But at the same time, I see that I have been operating from fear and struggle in other areas of my life (which I am sure caused a damper in what I was able to create and/or manifest around me).

I am reminded of what the Counsel of Light told me several years ago, something like, “Don’t worry about what you need to do next week, don’t worry about tomorrow, even. Just take care of what you’re being called to take care of today.”

Regarding the moving example, I am reminded of another amazing thing that happened that illustrates the above beautifully: I had been trying to sell a heavy, solid wood entertainment center for a few weeks on Craigslist. A few people came in to look, but no one bought. On the last day of my move around 5 pm, after I okayed with the landlady that the new tenants could begin moving in their things, I got an email from a woman who told me that she wanted the entertainment center and could come over in 20 minutes. The buyers and the new tenants arrived around the same time, and the guys moving their furniture in helped the people who bought the entertainment center load it onto their truck. (It was very heavy, too heavy for only two guys to lift up onto a truck.)

I know some of us get glimpses of the magic of living from that sacred space and the creative energies that are possible, but do we actually dwell in that place for any length of time? Do we live from that place consistently? Look around you, look at the state of the world, and you will have your answer. Does it look to you like we’re on the brink of a Golden Age?

Yes, I understand that I have not been as consistent as I could have been. And yes, I am ready to live from that place consistently, I’m ready to live from that vertical connection consistently, from that connection with Source, with Origin, that’s accessed through the higher self, consistently. I will be sharing what I experience as well as parts of the Counsel of Light’s message in future blog posts because I feel many will benefit from their message. Will you join me in this endeavor?

In the meantime, I invite you to strengthen your relationship with your higher self, and if you haven’t already, please take a look at the resources on myConnecting with Your Higher Self website. The Golden Age (including your own personal “golden age”) will not created by the wave of someone’s magic wand or just by meditating in our retreats, but by our living from creation rather than survival in the outer world consistently. link to original article


Guest (not verified)

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 03:49

Articles like this make me sad. How are we to live as if we have more than we have? Some people are just barely getting by. How do you suggest to them to not live as though they need to survive?
This is all fine for those that have enough and truly just worry too much about the future, but that is not always the case.

That's one of the reasons that things like nesara, disclosure with new or gifted technology or whatever other cultural shift are so important. It would give them the freedom to actually live from creation without jeopardizing their very life.


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 04:08

In reply to by David Porter

It might seem a paradox to you, though it is those that are (following the matrix/program instructions) in lack those that do Live Feelinga boundance and thus... they Become the aboundance they Felt. For we are co-creators, and until one does not break ones mind FREE form the programming all of this will seem only nice words. Once you break Free, and you do it through FEELINGS that come from the Heart Centre and not from the mind, then you start to See, and Live, and Become all your dreams. 

What would nesara or anything change if beings do not change from inside first? What would change? We would see the exact same thing, some that believe they have not enough as they perceive it from the outside and live on the memory of "the days I had less" and would want more to feel safe. Even now, having the kitchen full of food, so many live in fear of tomorrow, which creates the fear of tomorrw and creates the fear of tomorrow until tomorrow becomes Now and is a manifestation of fear. Because if yne uses fear, or Love, one remains a co-creator of it's Moments. 

What you choose?

All our Love

I figured nesara was/is to be a band aid/temporary fix for a transitionary period to the point where we wouldnt need money to merely survive and live in actual abundance. And to be able to fulfill our dreams that otherwise we would never have had the freedom to do.
I know a man who wants to travel around the world, he doesn't have the money to do that and if he did his family would be unsupported. If he decided to just go and do that he would be broke in a week and his family would be in quite a mess, and what if he got sick or injured along the way? As long as we are still in a 3d reality with primitive technology dictating our limitations.

You could say that I'm enabling these grim possibilities by thinking of them, giving them my energy or whatever, but can you really say nothing bad would happen to this man? That his family would be well off and only miss their father for the sake of his company? Their house would be magically paid off and food would be on their table every day? That the hospitals would care for him in the event that he needed them to free of charge?

The idea of living in abundance is absolutely wonderful, it would only work if everyone cooperated though and did their part for their community that is, still did their job just for the feeling of a job well done, the feeling you get when you've made someone else's day a bit brighter. Until we got the wonderful technology we've been promised so much ,we would all still have to do our work. In the end what would have changed? The paycheck would be replaced with a sense of honor, a sense of being needed.


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 06:06

In reply to by David Porter

I understand all of your comments, though all of them are 3d mind based and cannot be used as a Manifestation of a 5Dimentinal Reality. One works through the mind, the second throught the Heart. It's like two different Doors that bring to two different places. You can't have both. And can't go throught the 5d Door with a mind. It's nor good or bad, it simply IS. The only suggestion I can give you is... understand, live, experience the Heart if your feelings brings you towards Higher Dimentions. That's the only place where you can find it.


Can the mind and heart not coexist on the fifth dimension? Are they not the yin and yang of the same part of our soul? Without the mind can there be humor? Take some cartoons for example, when the characters defy physics perhaps by running through a painting which we at least usually expect them to believe, if we find that humorous, is that not our heart and mind working together in a positive way? Is that not our heart enjoying our mind being surprised?

...Much of what I find enjoyable in life comes from humor, to laugh at something my mind finds absurd. I can't see any reason to discard that. That would remove a significant portion of my personality.

Joy and laughter come from the Heart, so no need to worry about losing that. The biggest reason you can't take the mind into 5D is because the mind itself is 4D.

Too much analysis and reasoning is what kills humor, though your Heart has reason that goes far beyond the limited mind. I'm not gonna say humor will be the same, but you're not going to lose it, it'll just be different. Just like the humor of a child is different than that of an adult.

I also wouldn't put hope in having physical contact with non-physical beings. You can contact the 5D Beings that are currently Here, but that's done through raising up your own vibrations, not waiting for them to lower their's. That's not what they're here for.

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 06:31

In reply to by David Porter

I agree with you unregistered guest. You come from a place of compassion and of course personal resposibility. Yes, we are abundant, infinite, eternal and doubt or argument about that; however acting like one is abundant will not bring abundance. This is creating a mood, not a reality. Mood making is a trap of the ego. One must be it "THAT" (infinite being) not think about it and say that one is it. One would simply just be it and act from there as abundance.You either are or you aren't. If  like you stated, this friend of yours simply said he was abundance and went off on his trip this could cause tremendous suffering for his family. Not very spiritual.


A teacher I study with many years ago of tremendous spiritual development and common sense (who I belived to be enlightened) stated, "that it is impossible for someone without financial security to advance on the spiritual path. It just doesn't work. Or at least in the west it doesn't since our minds function differently than of the eastern mind. His point being if the wolf was always at your door to pay bills, to provide food and shelter, etc. you wouldn't have the energy, time or motivation to advance on the spiritual path.


So, yes it is my understanding that nesara (and the hidden technology) was to be used as a temporary bridge for us to not only persue our hearts desires but also to be able to contributing freely of our skills and abilities to provide a service for the common good of humanity. This would aalso free us up (on a 3-D level) to focus and complete our spiritual developement pre- ascension. Not sure how this will happen with only 4 weeks to go!


So you point is very well taken. Thank you for your clarity and insight and not drinking the cool aid. Yopur post is a breath of fresh air.


God Bless!

Once again, you have expressed almost EXACTLY what I was feeling!
Sometimes I feel as if YOU are going right into MY heart and putting it down for ALL, so much more eloquently than I could have said it myself!

Thank You, Andrea!



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