What The Heck Is Happening To Me?

Submitted by Rosangel on Sat, 12/22/2012 - 12:26


I feel activated... 

I'm feeling sensations in different parts of my body.  My skin is tingly.  For the past two weeks, it has been mostly my feet and hands. Today for some reason, I am feeling certain vibrations so strongly that my body can't almost handle it.  I have been feeling nauseous, been experiencing dizzy spells, and running for foods that are grounding. 

Even the vibration of human voices is penetrating my being so deeply... I realized this when a gentleman at one of my favorite coffee shops in Brooklyn sat down next to me.  He had a very bassy voice and when he spoke, I felt the vibration of his voice on my lower back.   This is also happening to me with music.  Certain sounds in a song seem to pierce through me today.

hmmm  How does this feel? Oh boy... it feels intense.  Not very pretty. 

It also feels necessary.

I've experienced something similar when I experienced a Spiritual Awakening in the Summer of 2010.  I felt like I had been birthed into a new world and it took a while for me to adjust to feeling vibrations on a heightened level.  Today, it seems clear to me that I am experiencing more of this.  

Forgive me in advance if I shy away from talking or socializing.  I need to allow these energies to integrate.

Love you gaias!

your sister, Rosangel, "Angels Angel"


Rosangel Perez,

Blogger, Soulfuldancer, Wellness Coach, Host & Creator of Blog Talk Radio Show, "Cafecito Break"

Seems like a lot of people are going through this right now, you might find this article on Kundalini Awakening interesting.

It's all part of the clearing of your chakras, which also enahnces your physical senses. This also means intense emotional purging, which isn't always very pretty, but as you said, it's necessary for ones expansion beyond those limitations.

Blessings Brother... Thank you so much for sharing this article about kundalini awakening... it's nice to have a reference of what has been unfolding for me in the past three years...


Here we go again! 

Big hugs and love to you!  Happy Ascension and Many blissings!


Rosangel "Angels Angel"

I am also experiencing symptoms such as the ones mentionned. I do have a question.


First, I will tell you my story. I am conscious that it might sound crazy. Anyways, here it goes:


About 3 months ago, I got hospitalized because of demon possession. I have always enjoyed exploring the limits of my energy through meditation and martial arts. A couple weeks before I lost control of my body, I had started moving my chi from the tantien into different parts of my body. Out of curiosity, I wondered what would happen if I moved that "chi ball" out of my physical body and into the crown chakra. It was one of the toughest exercices I had done and it took me all my strenght to bring it up all the way. As soon as I got it out of my head and in the crown chakra, I saw a very vivid and powerful white tunnel of light, feeling like I was travelling ultra-fast. When everything calmed down again, I immediately started hearing voices. It was 3 entities pretending to be "angels of the light". I soon realized what they really were. I took a bath and I could see 3 masses of energy over me, blue in colour. With meditation and by talking to them, I was able to send them in the light. But ever since I brought my chi into the crown chakra, dark entities kept coming in. I could recognize the presence of one by the twitching/tingling of its energy in my body. When I focused my chi on it, the entity would move somewhere else in my body. At night, they would move up to my brain to keep me awake. Another way to see if I still had entities was this one: when I "let go", my chest would lift up and my whole body would move in the most creepy way imaginable. A little like in exorcism movies. So I kept battling these demons until one of them decided it wasn't going to leave me alone. My Sifu (kung fu teacher) had given me all the help he could about this situation and he had helped me a great deal. I was getting no sleep and I was getting weaker each day. One day, I was at the dojo (where I train) and I totally lost control of my body. Fell on the floor like a sack of potatoes. I could hear the other students but wasnt able to answer them. They picked me up from the ground and by now, it wasn't me anymore. I brushed them away, took my shirt off, threw it on the floor and told them all to follow me outside the kung fu club. I was petrified. Started hitting fences and saying stuff that I would never say. Ambulance arrived and picked me up. I was hospitalized for 3 days. The shape of my eyes had changed.


I called a friend of a friend, who is a reiki master and asked for his help. He told me I had opened a door and that he would help me close it. He helped me slowly get back on my feet. He told me my "energy bubble" was totally out of my body and he pushed it back in. As soon as he did that, I felt heat and tingling in my whole body so I knew he wasnt talking gibberish. I also met another martial artist who taught me alot about the path of "soldier of the light", which I had no clue about before this story happened. He helped me push myself and I have been running, exercicing, pushing myself everyday

 to get as mentally strong as I can and make sure this never happens again.


I have read about kundalini activation today and it says that as you awaken, the energy moves up from the sacrum to the crown chakra. I have been feeling these symptoms related to kundalini activation. Knowing that my energy is moving towards my crown chakra again, I feel like I need to be extra careful. So my question to you is this: is there anything I can do to protect myself?

With an unconscious person, all their fears and negative emotions make a tasty meal for those darker entities. Many people go about their entire lives without even realizing this is happening. The entities you saw have likely been with you for years, but only recently did your vibrations raise high enough for you to notice them. They want you to fight with them, as that keeps sending them energy, so sending them into the Light like you did is the easiest way of dealing with them. Sometimes it must be done a few times before they leave for good, and there's always angels on call if you need as assistance.

What you experienced isn't always a "demon possession", it may be your own unconsciousness and ego fighting for survival. Removing entities is easy compared to conquering your own "shadow self". The most important battle between Light and dark occurrs within, and the True Warrior is one who has conquered themselves. One's own fear is always one's greatest enemy.

There is a big misunderstanding that awakening has to do with the body experiences!

It is not!

It has to do, with the understanding that you are not your experiences.

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