Do You "Get It" Yet???

Submitted by d'tewa on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 12:41

( I tried to get this out yesterday, but was prevented.)


A few interesting questions for you:  Do you "get it" yet, or are you still running around in circles chasing your own tail, getting nowhere fast?  And, are those circles making you dizzy and tired yet?  Intrigued?  Please Read on.



     First, let me begin by saying, "I Love You".  It matters not who you are, what you've done or what you're still doing, what you look like, where you live or who you associate with or what your beliefs are...I Love You!  I Love You because you are a part of me and I am a part of you.  Yes, we may look different, speak differently, and have totally different points of view, but you see, that doesn't matter either!  We are connected.  We are connected by something unseen, like our DNA, and something seen, like our Humanity.  Think about this; "Underneath The Colors Of Our Skin, We're All The Same...Deep Within."  This is Truth.

     For you to "get it", what's it gonna take?  Some kind of earth-shaking, ground-breaking, jaw-dropping monumental event?  Or are you waiting for "someone" or "something" to magically appear out of nowhere to make you believe that all you've been told is real?  Or, are you to the point where all the predictions and hype has made you feel depressed, confused, disbelieving, disheartened or just plain fed up, that you just don't know who or what to believe in anymore?

     I understand!  I know you've heard it all before.  Right now, you might be saying to yourself, "blah, blah, blah.  Just another boring blog."  Yeah, you may be right, but then again, you may be wrong.  You won't know unless you keep reading, right?  So, what ya gonna do?

     I'm glad you decided to keep reading, because I desperately and sincerely want you to "get it".  I want you to say to yourself, "OMG!  I Get It!!!", because in doing so, it will bring us both so much happiness and joy, because I Love You.  After all, isn't that what we all strive for in our lives, happiness, joy and Oneness?  So, let's get to it, shall we?

     Okay.  Let me set the stage.  The spotlight is on you, and you don't know your lines.  All you can see is a bright light shining in your eyes, and you can't see a thing, not even the audience.  You can hear and feel the audience's anticipation, but you are frozen, scared, nervous, and almost to the point where you want to run off the stage, but your legs won't move.  What do you do?

     Right now you feel alone, because at this point, it seems there's no one around who will either tell you what to say or what to do, right?  Well, you are right in what you feel, but your assumptions (i.e.ego) is WRONG!  Your ego wants you to feel alone so that it can present to you "drama" , like the doubt of what to say and what to do.  "Get It" yet?  No?  Let's take it a step further before you run off the stage, pass out or throw up.

     Let's say that in all the chatter of the audience, you have decided to drown them out (out of fear), but miraculously hear a "voice" in your head that gives you the courage and strength to begin talking.  Suddenly, you automatically know what to say and what to do, because YOU are the star of the show, and everyone is hanging onto every word and every action you present to them.  Before long, the audience is cheering you on, clapping and giving you a standing ovation.  The fears and doubts you had are gone.  You are beaming from ear to ear while taking a bow, finally realizing that that "voice" you heard meant that you were never alone on that stage!  "Get It"?  Not yet?  Let's give it one more shot.

     My Dear, YOU are NEVER alone!  NEVER, EVER, alone.  Sometimes, you just have to drown out the chatter of the ego (who wants you to feel the fear, doubt, and drama) that's in your head to muster up the courage to go on.  To say what's on your mind, just as long as it's the Truth.  Why the Truth and not a lie?  Well, a lie will bring you drama (which is the ego making you chase your own tail), and the Truth will set you free to be...YOU!  Your authentic self.  The you who breaks free to become the star of any show on any stage, anywhere.  YOU can become anything you want, as long as you keep listening to that voice in your head that gives you the courage and strength to go on and not be afraid.  That's the difference between the ego and the voice of reason.  Now, what you call that voice is totally up to you.  Many say that that voice is the voice of God.  Some say it's their Higher Self, and others say it's their Spirit Guides or Angels.  All wonderful answers!  Whatever you call it, if it brings you a positive feeling or action...use it.  Use it to say whatever it is that's on your mind.  Use it to bring that strength and courage to carry on.  Use it to teach, to learn, to share your Light, and to be YOU!

     You, who are many fractions of me, are brilliant!  To be who you truly are takes courage to listen to that voice of reason, to not only stand in your Truth upon any stage anywhere, but to simply stand up and be counted for your brilliance.  Once you do that, not only will you be free to be who you are, but you'll finally find that happiness, joy, and Oneness that your ego has conveniently hidden from you all along.

     Now, here's the thing.  Many are having a real hard time listening to that voice of reason, because there are so many distractions.  The t.v., the radio, the computer, your job, other people, etc.  The list goes on and on.  What it comes down to is this:  Stop!  Be Still, and LISTEN!  Filter out the ego from the voice of reason.  If what you feel and get is negative, that's the ego talking.  If it's positive, and you feel good about the situation or yourself, then you've found your voice of reason.  Really, it's pretty simple once you get the hang of it.  Your voice of reason will guide your heart to do what's right for you, and you will never stray as long as you follow your heart and that voice of reason.  And, to top it all off, you will be happy and joyful.  And, when you're happy and joyful, you can shine your Light to those who haven't "gotten it" yet so that they too "get it"!

Got It?  (Whew!  How about leaving a comment if you "got it".)

I Love You All For Your Brilliance!




Sun, 06/09/2013 - 14:49

Thank you d'tewa.

I do/did get it and it's the fear of going ahead based on the past as opposed to the mumurings of the ego about what might go wrong which in fact are one and the same. It's about going ahead regardless of expected results. I am finding now that when I take the latter approach, NOW everything always turns to gold. It's amazing. I used to phone 20-30 ppl to get two to four clients. Now I phone four and get four clients or LOL phone three and get five.

I still feel I am lagging to what I could be doing so your message is very timely and no matter how advanced we think we are can use this advice and bless those who are seeing it for the first time.



Sun, 06/09/2013 - 17:58

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Greetings Dear Grenville!

     It's true!  When you follow that voice of reason while following your heart, all is possible and abundance flows right to you.  Well Done, Dear!

Knowing that makes life more fun and exciting, doesn't it?!

Love and Light to you.


Fearlessly be who it is that you are, and stand in your Truth (for who would want you to stand for a lie?). As fear of others' judgement creeps into your being while you stand on your stage, realize your general audience has their own fears during times you may stumble, because they want the best for you, and they are always waiting for the moment to clap for your performance. This is because, at their core, at everyone's core, even if it is not apparent, everyone has a sweet soul, a love and awareness that understands every other soul in what they go through and knows that all are truly One and the same. When we fear another, we are fearing an aspect of ourselves. When we love ourselves completely, we will have no fear for another and will be standing in our Truth.

Or something like that. ;)


Sun, 06/09/2013 - 17:53

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Dearest Ascendi,

     Congratulations, You Got It!  I Am so happy for you!  Now, let your Light shine onto others and help whoever may come your way to "get it" too. 

I Love You!

With Love and Light,


I will indeed continue my mission of light, to help others "get it", and to help them help others to get it too. ;)

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