Lemme love to everybody

Submitted by lemme howdt on Thu, 10/03/2013 - 09:31

Greetings fellow Earth Allies -

   The train ride is complete - i arrived at destination intended after a detour to Choco Canyon.  The rhythmic hues of red and orange permeated the rock structures as we drove into the mouth of the mountains.  We found locked gates sequestering away the tourist beauty - the 3D shutdown of 'national' treasure.  Still the land called and we drove through paradise - stopping to explore wind caves where a few could dwell in the shadows of hills.  The rest of the ride flew by - four hours in a car is much easier than 36 hours on a train. 

   Enlightened beings and serendipedous adventures took place throughout the trip - talk to amin while going to aamann - finding that community enlightenment is just a drift away.  Blink and you miss it.  The healing of Gaia and the healing of mankind is the same healing, we are of the earth = heart.  The gig that i arrived at is way opposite of the gig that i arrived at almost a year ago - it demonstrates a theory of spiral symmetry based on fibonacci and scale.  Fractals work.

   More on this at a later date.  The key is love - you are responsible to love yourself.  Know that i love you too.  You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else, except that we all love everybody else, unconditionally.  So we are all one and we are each one.  Always.

Namaste'   lemme


lemme howdt

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 10:12

from LRC Blog

Truth Is Their Worst Enemy

Democrats, Republicans, and other statists continue gurgling the death-rattle of the state, seemingly in the hope that Boobus Americanus will find their desperate babblings convincing enough to effect a miracle cure for the disease that inheres in all of politics. President Obama has been on network television this morning telling his assorted ignoramuses that the reason government parks and other facilities are shut down is due to the failure of Republicans to do what he wants them to do. Were he an honest man – a quality that would have denied him the presidency – he could have spoken the truth: “we have shut down the parks, national monuments, and other government operations that you people actually want, in order to punish you for electing representatives who oppose me.” This is the same tactic California governmental bodies used years ago when the voters approved Proposition 13 – the measure that cut the power of the state to tax people’s homes. The next day, Californians were told that government parks, libraries, museums, etc., were being shut down. The purpose of this move – like that of the Obama administration today – was to punish voters for having had the arrogance to direct the policies of the State government.  Boobus must be kept subservient and obedient and, short of recalling to service the soldiers responsible for the My Lai massacre, the citizenry will not be allowed to enjoy what they have paid for.  Obama tells us that “essential government services” will not be cut during the make-believe shutdown. Were he more candid, he would have informed the boobeoisie that “essential government services” are those instrumentalities of state violence (i.e., police, military, prisons, etc.) whose maintenance “serves and protects” those in power.

If this “shutdown” drags on, look for other statist groups to add their own explanations. I suspect that the “global warming” (ooops, “climate change”) crowd – what I call “Gang Green” – will soon be issuing public statements blaming SUVs and luxurious lifestyles for the shutdown. Shall we soon see photos of polar bears and the Washington monument clinging to a rapidly shrinking body of ice?

Tao of Jonathon

Thu, 10/03/2013 - 17:42

I enjoyed reading your blog. I have been close to Choco Canyon, but didn't make it. I know I would enjoy it...♥. 



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