We'd Love to know what you're Feeling

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 14:45



As Energies are coming in at a High Speed Gear and all that's not aligned with it might wobble all aroud to find a place it might hide, we'd really Like you to share with US and All your experience about this time in Now. How are you feeling... emotionally, physically... doesen't matter. We open a space to share whatever happens. If you don't feel like putting your name on it it does not really matter, simply share aout of pure Onness and find out what others are feeling.


Thanks for Sharing Love


All Your Team in Service for Humanity and Love

whitewolf007 (not verified)

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 15:06

You want to know how I feel.  Oh I was all ready to see the arrests and all this extra showing up in the sky of our galactic friends.


Then last thursday I got threw out of my apartment, lost my car, and most of my possesions by a wife who wants a divorce. 


It's real damn hard to be a lightworker and hold the light and try to think all positive when everything you currently have with you can fit in one dresser drawer.  No car, hell I'm lucky my dad let me come stay with him or  I would have been on the streets.


I'm trying  hard to believe that all this goodness and greatness and promised happy stuff is going to happen but its increasingly hard to stay positive when in a situation like this.  I know I shouldn't hate her, I should forgive her, we loved each other for several years etc but it's a fight to keep the black evil anger and rage from builidng up.


I've asked my angels for help.  I still try to hold the light.

Merryl Miziul (not verified)

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 15:59

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

I feel like I can't live with humans anymore.   Like I should live in the forest with the animals or at an animal rehab place.

ludesniftairmi… (not verified)

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 22:49

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

you should come and live with me then.  I am serious.  I have 10 cats , 1 dog , and a child whose mayan glyph is Blue Monkey.  Please help me to help you.  No shit.

I'm experiencing just that! I noticed that many are feeling the same way with some exchanges I've encountered in my web travels.  Everything seems to be pointing to an imminent breakthrough.  I've lived with this hope for a long, long time now, but it just seems so much more real right now.  Circumstantial evidence abounds!!


I am saddened that everyone is not feeling the same however, but I understand that we all have our own realities to deal with.


Whitewolf, I was in the exact position you find yourself in right now in 2007.  Very dark days indeed!  Divorce, no work, no car, no apartment... living with my son,   I won't get into the details, but I decided to keep the hope up and something great came along for 3 years, then once again, the doldrums.  Kept high expectations and trust in the Universe that it was part of the plan, and something great came along again!  Even better! and now I find life very elating.  I'm not bragging because I know that it could all change again. I'm just passing on some encouragement for your present time !


I wish everyone the best and good turns of events..


Love and Peace,


Excuse my language of joy and happiness knowing what is coming your way...and this is not in any way judgmental  I want to congratulate to You for allowing this to happened, and completely detaching from material and conformistic way of living... 

Even if these events coming at you with such a speed, you will see the speed of global events that will unfold... Because of your state of existence, because you start realizing that you are still alive, even more relaxed than living in household where no harmony and care for others existed...

I will tell you my little story of fully awakened human... I was local businessmen in Ottawa, Canada working and owning many different business, always 'successful' what ever I touch...

Yet end up in 2004 with limph nodes cancer... start seeing life through different eye... healed my self with pure faith that I can do this... AND I did..

Simply trusted that all have to be as it is... For me to grow spiritually, I could not be obsess with money and survival... I have to be clean...


End up on the street, with no food, no place, yet filled with faith and knowing that God is always with me, and within me... 
He did not let me be ill or hungry [not too much...] as simply I knew that all is perfect what ever is happening... I knew there is bigger purpose than only to be hungry or with no place... 

I did not see my two children for 23 and 1/2 months, I did not hug them for such a long time... yet I am so content and I forgave my ex for not letting them contact me... She does not know any better at this time, and I only send them love and compassion to awake soon...


I live with no money and steady place to stay for 3 and 1/2 years..and I truly enjoying it...as God is with me every moment of my breath... I feel them [Father & Mother God...] even while I write this...

There are no accidents in your life... or any life... You planned it... Your task is to experience this path, with no security, so you can look within and not expect to find solution with new job or place to stay...

Your task is to recognize your self as one who will show others when this all collapse, when millions will be in same and worse situation than you... You are here to show them forgivness and love no matte what other did to you... You are here to show compassion because you care for others only... Because YOU KNOW GOD, you KNOW HE is with you always... and He cares for You... 

How to give this gift of knowing to others?... Simply by sharing your experiences... As I am doing it wright NOW... I am truly honored that You gave me this opportunity to share my little story with you and world...

Because, know that all is Perfect in Universe... Mother & Father God are here with US, to Love US...we only have to open our hearts and allow IT...

With all my love and forgiveness, Predrag/Saint Germain 


whitewolf007 (not verified)

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 15:09

How does it feel to be in the minority.  Not one person you meet on the street is open to this info, they will all laugh and think your a nut job.


It all seems like a great fantasy or maybe a carrot held out in front of a horse.  The Galfed is great for holding that hope just out of reach for what now since 2004 or before....


Always right around the corner, always immenent happening..... i'm loosing patience.

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 15:12

i have been feeling sadness in the selfishness of the people around me....but i find solace in nature and realise that all is as it should be....the 3d is a learning for us all and it is not easy to hold the light in the 3d....it is not my right to hate the selfishness for it is wot it is...the people will learn in their own time...me, i have to learn to allow the feelings of injustice to flow through me and transmute them in the violet flame for they serve no one.....


Guest (not verified)

Fri, 03/16/2012 - 16:59

I too have my good days and bad days and find it best to stay isolated for negative people are all around and crowds and loud noises drive me up the wall and drain me. I try to talk this to people too but they think I've fallen off the deep end so it is very lonely. Some days I am so entergetic and full of life and gratitude and others I just lose it all-I think more and more stuff comes up to be cleared--it's like a roller coaster ride! I do find being in nature very calming and clearing. I sleep alot and don't feel like doing much of anything but reading and learning all I can. I can see those who are lost, helpless, always complaining or sick and have given their power away and I just want to yell, "WAKE UP, YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS"!  I too get weary of watching people suffer--I want so badly for things to be wonderful for everyone so I have to have faith that we're gonna make it! Even as a child I have prayed to let my hope be enough to save the world so I bank on that being in me for a reason. 


Fri, 03/16/2012 - 18:38

a number of things are happening for me. there's this sense of guilt, as if for inaction, that seems entirely baseless. i think that may be empathic perception of others' opinions, now that i write it out.
it sort of ties into the next thing, which is 'how do you tell the difference between temptation and opportunity?'. because situations keep happening that seem like wonderful blessings of opportunity...or tests of my resolve. i see chances to flirt, but i have a stated intention of finding my twinflame. dalliances like that are detours on that road, are they not? because if they're not, i've been ungrateful by not accepting those chances.

i'm at a frustrating point in my development where i can hear my guides, but i can't really understand them. there's been times i could hear them more clearly, and there was something i did energetically that helped that, but i can't seem to do it anymore(or im doing it and it doesnt help). i've hit that "razor's edge" before. fear got ahold of me, felt like i couldnt keep that up forever, and the channeled messages i read all seemed to suggest that was required. if you have any advice on how i could listen and hear better...

on the upside i found my crystal friend! i had a small clear quartz crystal that ive had since boy scouts go missing until recently. during that spiritual high point where i hit the razors edge i performed some selfhealing with it, and the other day i communicated with it! we've been emotionally communicating ever since! it likes being held, it forgives me for imagining how to use it as a weapon when i was a kid, its glad im its friend, and its glad i communicate with it. :D
also this morning i became aware of myself within my ego. it could be described like if you swallow with nothing in your mouth, then pull your tounge back it sort of unsticks from the front of your mouth, but is still in your mouth. it was like that, unstuck but within. im still pretty entrenched, but at least i realize it. things are beginning to click together. :) ((


Fri, 03/16/2012 - 21:55

I remember reading in one of the messages that protons are the higher selves of electrons. Somehow that just sank into me. Everyone and everything has a higher self. I've taken a great deal of comfort from this because I've learned to ask my higher self (Angels) to communicate with the higher selves of others and ask for perfect alignment. IT WORKS!


Here's a very small example: I was trying to go to sleep one night and a fly kept buzzing around my ear. At first I swatted at it, but then I remembered to ask my higher self to ask the higher self of the fly to help it go away so that I could sleep. The fly went away and I fell asleep. Wow!


Also, I find myself asking my higher self to speak to situations, asking how can I make this better, even when things feel really good. IT WORKS!


When I need cooperation from others, I ask my higher self to speak to the higher self of others. I ask for alignment and things work out. From my understanding, the key is recognition of the higher selves. They seem to love being recognized and called into the action of bringing things into alignment. The recognition, for me is an act of pure love and light. I just discovered this so it's been such a beautiful thing to experience and it gives me a great deal of confidence about what we're getting ready to go through. Just keep recognizing the higher selves of all and asking for perfect alignment. I think of it as an incredibly advanced communications system.

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 03/17/2012 - 06:42

Thanks for that input Pamela. I have never thought to do that-ask my higher self to communicate with others higher selves--and I shall start doing that immediately! Great example on the fly too for I hate to kill anything! I'm gona try that as well, especially on these ant beds that I have all over my yard:)

Hello all,


In my life and that of those around me I have experienced and noticed quite a lot of emotional release these past two weeks. Also I was following the solar storms and indeed, as the energy released reached us, some releasing started occuring, mainly on an emotional level. It took the form of arguments. High energies and lots of old emotions coming to the surface, being released through these arguments. After the emotional storms had passed, the ground in the relationships was clearer, cleansed as it were. Personally I am going through a lot of change within, in my thoughts, choices of direction in my life at this point. I can sense very clearly the changes taking place, in my own life, in that of others and in the world at large. I can feel more and more clearly where we are heading and am very enthusiastic about it. Consquently I am making adjustments, choices, saying no to what doesn't feel right (anymore) and allowing myself to move more and more towards who it is I am, in essence. All in all I would call this a liberating process. One step at a time, focues and in trust. It isn't always an easy process, there are doubts along the way, and I think that without the doubting no growth would be possible. The journey is intense. Much love to all :)

Brilliant focus and observation of yourself.

I answer to you but my answer is here for everyOne!

Wow... intense Energies of Love and of Change!

And, did you notice... YOU ARE THE CHANGE!




Be Blessed in Love

It's just great to see so many people expressing themselves!  I'm so use to wanting to hear new world expressions, but most of the time being disapointed.  Dissapointment doesn't become an accepted answer however, and One (which I, like you, are a part of)  can always expect different results.  It almost seems like this is aAll beginning to manifest!  Happy New Year People!!! <3


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