~Reader Comments To Naysayers About Obama~ Open Your Your EYES

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 07/04/2012 - 09:32

This president is not your ordinary president for this very critical time period. Obama is a White Knight in dark skin working at the black house, playing a few roles wearing a few different hats keeping himself alive setting things up for your release from the ages of tyranny in this momentous time period.

Nothing works out like you are led to think in this particular time period if you cannot get your mind out of the box, because ascension, is totally out of the box of your regularly scheduled programming.

Nothing works like you think, it works out like you think it doesn’t.

It is the only way it works and you are not understanding the extreme multidimensional nature of the many aspects at play here and the dynamics occurring to bring the world forward out of the ditch, of death, disease and destruction, so you can still manage to stay standing and breathing while it occurs when all of the change begins, but that is about it.

The changes are designed to break down your artificial belief system that does not work correctly for harmony and unity.

Regardless of what you think you believe, the commander in chief is the only individual the masses of people will trust and give credibility to, when they are presented with new information for the change they are about to be surprised with.

There are not many others currently in a position to do it.  The people have to be able to trust who is telling them about unfamiliar new information so it can believed. The majority of people trust the position of commander in chief, even though they may not have voted for him, they still trust the office of the commander in chief for their authority figure.

Obama is not illuminati bloodline and is in place specifically in this time period to bring in the new age and not otherwise.

You are gullible and obviously jumping on other peoples band wagons who cannot correctly read the road signs themselves and who,have no clue about what to do, so they whine, complain for more cheeze please and blame the president for their grievances, just like the illuminati planned it.

The president does not run the country, the illuminati do.

Cherie (not verified)

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 09:52

I have known something was different and good about this President from the beginning. He was not meant to win by the powers that were. I have watched his movements and felt his energy and knew it was for the light. It felt as though a family member was being attacked which is the way I guess the universe had to play it. If people look past their pre-conceived ideas he has always told the truth and done the best he could. I knew he was in great danger and I believe we will find out soon how bad it was and the burden he carried. I know he is now safe and hopefully today will be able to announce the beginning of a wonderful new world. Thanks folks/angels, earth allies for letting people know as it has at times hurt my heart to hear so much anger expressed about someone trying to change the future for all of us. This has been no easy task for anyone and without the help of the celestials and earth allies we would not be on the verge of spiritual and individual freedom. For myself the containments are just a sign of the really important event to come. I can't wait to see my celestial family. It has been much too long.

It is ignorant to think otherwise. Just like this message states, your grievances that are directed toward the president is what the Illuminati planned on. They don't want people to trust him, that's why they distort every positive thing he has ever done. It's shocking to find people calling him a murderer and a war-monger, when it is simply not true at all. You can thank Fox News and the conservative media for that. I was only 17 when Barack was running for office, and I had tremendous faith in him. And since then I have learned so much about this world, the secret societies, and the way this world has been manipulated for our eyes. And I have even MORE faith in him. But those who cling to their TV's and their negativity, have lost faith in him and found more hatred for him than ever before. I've never had a fear about Obama being the Anti-christ or the next Hitler. Those times have passed. If anybody was to be like that, it would've been George W. Bush. Many of those who are against Obama have yet to awaken to a lot of other truths that came before him. So instead of learning about things that have led up to Obama's presidency, they want to find more about the current situation, in which you will find distortion and lies from the Cabal so that the Light of Barack Obama can not be seen. That is what they want. Every person who is opposing universal health care is promoting their agenda. Every person who thinks it is okay to have voter ID laws is very unaware that there are next to no accounts of voter ID fraud, and that it will only repress more voters. When you have less voters, that's less of the majority deciding what is right for the country. People promote these things they know nothing about, because it is the main idea of getting Obama out of office that is their concern... and that is also the Illuminati's concern. They know their time is up, but they want to put the heat on every which way they can, while they still can. So every good initiave put forth by the President has been thralled and rearranged into what the conservative media WANTS you to think. They have their own agenda as well, and it won't have anything to do with universal health care, immigration reform, ending wars, or the richest Americans paying their fair share of taxes every year. I can guarantee you that.

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 14:03

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

I totally agree with what you're saying and have thought that's exactly what they do to keep people in anger because they know it keeps the vibrations of the planet low and prevents people from awakening and truths coming out. They will do anything and everything in their power until the very end to cause any disturbances they can muster in order to hang on and in power.  It is we who must hang on and keep shining our lights and helping others to awaken so we must not let them get us into a war of defending Obama. The best way to defend him is to keep our lights shining for that is our true power which enables others to awaken and we know that the more of us who awaken the more powerful the Light becomes:)

Note: I am who you replied to, lol

It is not the leftist side of the spectrum that pulls the race card to create more division. It is the more aware side of the spectrum that knows racism is sitting in the back of the opposition's mind, whether they want to believe it and admit it or not.

Yes, they want our vibrations to stay low. They want the negativity to spread. They want those who work for the Light to be distracted and upset, as well as doubtful in their beliefs and hopes. People do not seem to understand this at all sometimes. They don't consider it to be a possibility. But there are also so many that have no knowledge of the GFL, Archons, Ascension, etc... And that also holds them back from seeing the big picture. There is no easy way to help people see the light but offer solid information and a solid view of where you're coming from. But it will all come out in the wash. And people's faith will be restored.

For all of the Lightworkers who do NOT believe Obama is of the Light, I suggest you revisit his inauguration speech and apply it to the ideas of ascension and the events that are soon to come. It is cryptic, to say the very least.

Love and Light to you all. :)

Dear One,


I worry more about his "white" side.  Here is what I feel though.  I have heard the Galactics say he is a light worker hemmed in by the constraints of his job.  But if you and I witnessed a crime and did nothing would we not be complisit?  (sp) I have seen a list of all that his administration has accomplished but I also watch and see that not one banker has been imprisoned.  MFGlobal "can't find 1.6 Billion dollars.  Wachovia Bank laundered 320 billion dollars of Cocaine Cartel money.  Our troops are protecting the 50 billion dollar Heroin crop in Afghanistan. Wars. Death. Poverty.  Every child wants to be President.  One swipe of his Pen and the problem is solved.  Screw Congress.  Excecutive Order.  Problems with the Dark?  Send out the boyz.  But he has Holder send guns to Mexico and let the favored Cartel continue to operate.  Our Children!!  Our Children are stealing and our daughters are prostituting themselves to get that drug.  Meth comes from there.  The Money supports the Banks.  Shoot 'em!  Lock 'em up! 

If you don't clean up this ghetto than you support the ghetto's ills.  See, you got me long winded!  Feel it.  Feeeeeelll it!  It does not FEEL like a lightworker.  His wife went shopping and bought 15 neglige s.  feel it.  People are suffering and you are bangin in the White House.  Nope!  WHEN THERE ARE NO MORE LEADERS THERE WILL BE NO MORE FOLLOWERS.

Do you realy think that Obama could have gotten through the dark cabal's control system to even "attempt" to be President...if he was not one of them?? 


You are only hanging on to this belief out of fear...do not be afraid that you have been lied to and decieved...get used to it! Then and only then, will you be able to tackle the changes coming...empty your cups...its not our fault we were conditioned and fooled to put faith in one man, its a human trait (or flaw...depends where you view it from)...Obama is out for one thing...himself...like ALL self serving cabalists.

Julia Cosby

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 09:58

Thank you for this message.  I Know this already I continue to spread the word to many but they are still stuck on the color of his skin.  which is so sad.   President Obama is the Light thats why his campaign was "CHANGE".  He is bringing in our next era. "The Golden Age" which is upon us now.  Watch the days ahead as the dominoes begin to fall to bring in DISCLOSURE, NESARA, FIRST CONTACT.. These times are so magnificent. Please keep Love, Peace and Forgiveness in your hearts. OUR GALACTIC FAMILY HAS BEEN HERE AND WILL SOON SHOW LOW FLY OVERS BEFORE THE MASS LANDINGS WHICH WILL BE A FACE TO FACE GREETINGS.  They have always been here helping humanity and Mother Earth and they are here for ASCENSION.  We only have 6 months. CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!!.

Love & Light!

When ever anyone disagrees with his policies, we hear its due to the color of his skin.  Believe it or not, we had nearly eliminated racial discrimination in this country until the leftist used it to cause division.  The Communist manifesto listed this as one way to divide. Divide and conquer. Any country that has ever fallen to the Communist/marxist rule was preceeded by a revolution of some type. They try to find any reason to divide.  I, for one, am calling for ALL people, not matter if Latino, African-American, Asian or what-ever to stand together against the greater evil of Communism.  We are facing a greater enemy, one that would enslave the black man as quickly as the white man.  Look what they have done in Africa.  I believe that we are all smarter  than to let them pit us against each other. Wake up America and unite.

 I voted for him, I have seen many distasteful things he has done since, he has not spoken truthfully since being in office, maybe he cannot yet ? Skin color ...really??  He has a fraudulent Social Security number .. do the research. I still hope we are in for a surprise and he shows up for the Event..  okay I have covered it ..  in spite of all his deception , negative activities ..I am hoping for the best. WHY does everyone have to be so polar ..if they believe in him they act as if he has and can do no wrong ..and if they don't believe in him..he is the anti Christ... OPRN MIND people.!

That is true, the Iluminati have been in control for a very long time. The President is only a tool for the Iluminati, He is a puppet. there has only been one man worthy to be called Mr. President, and he was John Kennedy, and he was murdered before he could wake the people up. If by some outside chance Mr. Obama is a mole to end the cabal, then HE better move NOW, because if we the people know, then you can bet that the cabal knows too.

Unity Consciousness

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 14:28

I agree with you about Obama, but from a different angle.


In the same vein, Hitler was our greatest teacher of what doesn't work.  In the years since his work, his name is mentioned probably more than any other name of anyone in the history of the world, except perhaps for spiritual leader which I won't mention.  The whole world consciousness shifted after we had a taste of totalitarianism, and humanity vowed never to have that experience again.  But that generation passed, and now...


As commander and chief of the U.S. military, he has successfully introduced law to force all Americans to purchase private health insurance coverage from a designated private provider, he has personally ordered the targeted assassinations of those he viewed as enemies of the new world order as determined by NATO, he has pushed successfully for the subjegation of the U.S. to the NWO through U.N. control and directives, and is presently pushing Agenda 21 into law for the U.S. to re-wild the U.S. and force people into ghetto style housing, he has pushed hard for the U.N. small arms treaty to eliminate our Bill of Rights from the U.S. Constitution, and now he has ordered troop build ups in the Middle East in support of his planned war between Israel and Iran/Syria.  All evidence suggests he intends to use those troops, ships, planes, bombs, missles, and artillary to engage in a military confrontation against somebody.  The most likely result, if contained locally, will be millions of people will end their earthly existence.  If not contained, it will undoubtedly be measured in billions.


If he is successful, I have no doubt the remaining population will demand an end to the idea of war, and we will thus begin a new era of human existence on earth without war.  After thousands of years of continual war, this will be a monumental and wonderful change in the consciousness of all humanity.


It's all good!  :^)


Unity Consciousness

Let's agree to have different perspectives, and if we can, let's disagree agreeably.  Isn't that what blogging ultimately leads us to?  We both have the freedom to hold our own opinions and express them in a reasonable fashion.  Who you are has led you to react emotionally.  That's ok, that's simpy what is.


Nobody knows what will be, we do know that all events move us closer to unity consciousness and ascension, especially those events which seem darkest from our limited 3D perspective.




Unity Consciousness

Just thought I would be short and sweet on that one.  the Universe I know has some bigger things planned and "leaders" are not high on their list.  ;)

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 19:34

Of all the BS I have heard lately this has got to top it all. White knight with all his 900 + executive orders issued without even telling the people? Pushing through NAADA and the healthcare bill against the wishes of the majority of people? All set to enslave the people more.  Truth follows the light, not behind closed doors.  Satan is also called the father of lies.  Just once, where have we seen the truth?

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 19:54

People are tired, tired of seeing friends and family suffer, struggle... Mr Obama had options,like his veto powers, to end this, For me, to have a president who will stand up to congress, and do it publicly would have been wonderful... and while I fully grasp that kennedy did, andLinclon did and it ended badly, and more than likely he could have suffered the same fate, but now he has a chance, the Americian people are behind him...We need the Ron Pauls, Dennis Kechinch, Bernie, all of them who have openly made a point... it is time Obama stands up and speaks his truth, tells us ALL what has been going on, and fires all of congress... brings them all up on charges and ends this... or we may end up with something worse...ROMNEY!

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 07/05/2012 - 12:24

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

Urantia is not a Universe..it it the name of this planet we are on!..


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