Love is all-pervasive. All you have to do is open yourselves to receive It.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/31/2017 - 19:00

The awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, and most enthusiastically, because, in spite of the unsettling and disturbing mainstream media news, people everywhere are beginning to see the Light and feel uplifted and inspired to make the daily intent, on waking in the morning, to be loving throughout the day, whatever arises.  Doing only that is enormously powerful and effective, it is what you all incarnated to do – to be conduits for the Tsunami of Love enveloping the planet.

As all of us here in the spiritual realms – the formless realms where there is only the One, Consciousness, the field of divine Love in which all that has been created has its existence, in fact where all of creation resides eternally and joyfully – keep telling you through the various channeled messages, Love is All, there is nothing else!  Therefore, focus on Love.

When you do peace and contentment will embrace you, assisting you in dealing satisfactorily with the human issues that you all encounter and have to resolve, issues that are not in perfect alignment with Love – no other issues exist – and even those are unreal, an aspect of your intense sense of separation.  When you focus on Love that sense of separation eases because It helps you to access your sense of connection to Source, the connection that has never been broken or removed, and which never will be because it is eternal.

You are always enveloped in and embraced by the divine field of Love in which all of creation is eternally present.  However, you can refuse the embrace, and most of you do most of the time because you are so caught up in the constant stream of distractions with which the illusion bombards you, and which seem to confirm for you that you are separate, abandoned, and alone in a dangerous world.  Most of you have seen small children refusing to be comforted when they are restrained from doing something, and getting angry as a result because they feel abandoned, alone, and unloved in that moment, and therefore they refuse to accept the love and comfort that is offered in the next.  It’s called sulking, as you well know, and it serves no one because it just prolongs the agony being experienced.

Love is all-pervasive.  All you have to do is open yourselves to receive It . . . from within yourselves where It is forever present.  However, judgment has become so endemic that its presence within you is scarcely noticed, unless a seemingly major provocation brings it into your conscious awareness.  And judgment blocks Love because it is a choice you make to distance or separate yourselves from whoever or whatever you are unconsciously judging – often yourselves as not being good enough, smart enough, quick enough, or whatever other form of self-disparagement you use regularly against yourselves.

Therefore we continue to remind you that you were created perfect by God, and that nothing can change that.  As you grow into acceptance of this simple fact and realize that it is true for all humans, you will find yourselves increasingly able to forgive or allow, both yourselves and others, instead of judging.  The more you can allow, and that means accepting whatever arises, the less you will find yourselves in emotional turmoil when you or another says or does something damaging or hurtful.

When you accept yourselves unconditionally, just as you are, the more easily will you be able to deal with situations that arise.  This does not mean disowning errors or choosing not to correct them, it means understanding that as humans you make errors and accepting that, in yourselves and in others, and then accepting the lesson with which the error presents you, and learning from it.

As humans, experiencing life in physical form, you are well aware of the limitations that that state imposes on you, so instead of resenting it remind yourselves that you chose to be human at this moment in humanity’s evolution.  Evolution is the form in which spiritual growth and development unfolds for you as humans.  There is only LIFE, which is, of course, LOVE.  However, as humans, it appears to you that not everything has life in it, that there is an extremely large and varied field of stuff that contains inanimate matter, dead stuff.  But truly nothing is inanimate, it just seems to humans that this is the case because of their very limited ability to sense, to feel, or to recognize life other than through their physical senses.  That lack of ability to sense the life that runs through the planet is one of the major reasons that you have felt free to inflict so much damage on her.

Everyone has the ability to connect with the non-physical realms – Reality – through their intuition, their prayers, or their meditation, but for the most part that ability was forgotten or mislaid as you grew from infancy to adulthood.  However, you still have it, and you can access it if you set the intention to do so, and then allow it to unfold for you.  Those of you who have been consciously following a spiritual path may well have had situations arise in which you knew things about a situation or an object which were not revealed by your physical senses, thus making it abundantly clear to you that the physical environment is but a tiny offshoot of Reality.

Your daily visits to your holy inner sanctuary, when you choose to remain there for a while in prayer or meditation, will assist you in getting in touch with that aspect of yourselves.  It will take practice and patience because you will have to learn to differentiate clearly between the vociferous voices of your egos and the gentle nudges of your intuition.  The intuition is always gentle and suggestive, never demanding and insistent, and that is how you can tell the difference between it and your egos.  But the loudness of the ego often prevents you from hearing that quiet, sane, and wise guidance from deep within you.  When you do accept its guidance life flows more easily, more smoothly.

You are each spiritual beings who chose to experience the limitation that form, by its very nature, imposes upon you.  And you chose to have that experience for a limited time only.  That time has now come to an end, and so it is time for you to terminate it and return to awareness of your true nature as One, with each other and with God.  Focus on Love and let all that is unloving or out of alignment with Love just fall away, and enjoy the peace and contentment that only Love can provide.

With so very much love, Saul.


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