Submitted by AnaShyNa on Sat, 03/24/2012 - 10:40

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 03/24/2012 - 15:15

What about all the Executive Orders he keeps signing that endlessly take away the rights of people; and also their finances, homes, means of employment, food, water, and putting us all into slavery at no wage. How can you say these things are good and he is working for the people? I have enjoyed your messages for some time, and really wish to believe they are true, but now I am beginning to believe your messages are nothing more then another disinforation campaign. Worse yet, you say the pope and Ben Bernanke are on the side of light??? How can you do this? This is quickly becoming a big joke on mankind, and I really feel your organization is also part of this 'dark cabal' Illuminati. I don't get your sense of humor. I don't see how you can uphold those who destroy life unless you are also a part of the destruction. All these arrests coming, are them going to be good people being removed so this dark agenda can go forward unopposed? 

Obviously our Creator has other souls more advanced then we humans are, so their is really little we can do against the deceptions we encounter daily except to simply tune you out completely and all that you NOW seem to be embracing. What a waste of hope! Lesson learned. Thanks for clarifying. I know the day is coming when darkness will be removed from this earth and she will become a paradise of light, and if you are still here then please forgive my lack of understanding, but somehow I don't think you will be.



i would kindly ask that someone would address the above reply..the person had some valid points--namely about our rights being taken away..and what about obama's statements labeling us americans as the terrorists--& his actions supporting indefinite detention??  or perhaps as the matthew messages say--at some point all the evil laws will be overturned.---boy this is a big stretch!!   it takes alot of faith.. i just don't want to be like those naive jews who were open & hopeful--& we know what happened to them....with all due respect---blessings.    < i now went to NESARA NOW-RESTORE AMERICA--& read again--yes the bill DOES say they will force slave labor on lots of people.IT IS a complete takeover & everything & everything will be seized. it is a complete dissolution of the Constitution & BILL of rights--any who resist will be labeled terrorist & treated as absolute loss of our rights. this would be a TYRANNY & abomination. so this is not the glorious new government that is spoken of in the PAOWEB updates!! this would be a nightmare. Obama has to be held accountable for these atrocious bills--including threatening to starve millions of Americans. the bill specifically addresses re-education camps-. so please read the bill & get your facts straight!!! & not weezle out of this.


Someone should anwser this person b/c their points are valid. Yes it would be great to see this mass ascension of the entire earth and everyone on it and I won't hold my breath b/c it could take years. Aside from that when it does life will be better, but the fact is this peron was totally correct. There are laws right now that can and will make any person a legal slave and totally empty of all human rights, and less than worthless. Address this please, they deserve an anwser. Even if your theory was true dirt is still dirt at the end of the day and there's only one guy who signed the majority of these death laws into fruition. Period.

Totally correct? He puts words in Predrag's mouth that were never said. Where in the article does it mention "the pope and Ben Bernanke are on the side of light"? I will say they are on the "side" of Light because that's the only "side" that exists, but I doubt the pope or Bernanke are aware of that yet.


The "dark cabal" want to promote fear and separation, and some of the comments here are actively helping that cause. Predrag's message is about Love and when Humanity fully embraces Unconditional Love, it will render the "dark cabal" powerless. To accuse this site of being part of the "dark cabal illuminati" is absurd, and comes from confusion and conflict.



I posted this in response on another thread and it has a lot to do with what's being discussed here:


Where in that law does Obama set himself up as "supreme leader" or create a "slave labor" work force? I read the order, and it actually delegates the president's powers to the various secretaries and commitees, people that require the senate's approval before they can take office. In other words, it gives the president less power.


It sounds like people are getting hysterical over something they haven't even bothered to understand. I'll admit that the US government is very corrupt, but this simply isn't something to panic over. All it does is delegate powers the president already had, he didn't suddenly make up new laws. The president gained these powers back in the Korean War.


i also suspect the GFL is part of dark cabal/illuminati. barack has turned our country into a policestae & has taken away our freedome with many of his news laws, obamacare, tsa, radiation chambers in airports. i'm very suspicious of you and disillusioned with barack. i was hopeful. i see it's past time for me to give up on this country.


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