Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 16:12




By Shannon - Posted on 09 July 2012

Time is growing shorter and shorter as we come to the END of this Reality. Unfortunately, not only are the CABAL refusing to see the handwriting on the wall but, like a bunch of monkey's in a cage who like to copy what they see, even the light workers are acting "AS IF" the ending will not be here sooner than they think. Look my friends, a person can say in words, that they "BELIEVE" what the Angelic sources are telling them, but then they ACT as if they don't believe it.
Let me give you some examples here: How many people are planing next years trip to Hawaii and booking rooms for July 2013? How many people are still buying a new car thinking and worrying about the payment schedule that might go into 2017? How many are doing all kinds of things AS IF nothing is going to happen?

Okay, I made my point.

The TRUTH has been given from many sources in many ways. THIS REALITY IS COMING TO AN END!
In fact, the truth is this: CREATOR has cut off the support system of the old reality in such a way as that one could say it's already dead!
This is not a lie..., listen.., compare all of this to a diver who is very far down in the ocean and is connected to the surface by a breathing tube or cable.
If the air supply is shut off at the source, there is STILL breathable air left in the tube which depending on the depth might last a few minutes.
So even though the air supply has been cut, the diver can still function for a short period of time.
What he should be doing is swimming to the surface with all speed because his supply line has been cut!

Now we could compare this to the DARK CABAL! God has cut the supply line that feeds this 3-d Reality!
It's a done deal period! The CABAL has been told as much! But due to their arrogance, instead of being grateful for the "heads up" and swimming to the surface to save themselves, they are continuing along as if the small amount of air left in their breathing line will not run out!


Make no mistake..., very soon, very soon, that small amount of air left in their tube will run out, and when it does, they WILL DROWN! Done deal!

What makes matters worse to me however, is even though the CABAL in their arrogance is acting AS IF, the supply line has not been cut, and they can somehow exist in a 3-D reality without GOD's energetic support (IMPOSSIBLE), there are hundreds and thousands of light workers out there, watching the CABAL stay on the bottom in their doomsday divers suit, and staying there WITH THEM, copying the CABAL and not bolting for the surface in these last months of 3-D realiity!

WE as lightworkers should NOT be scheduling next years vacations, buying the lastest and greatest gas guzzling car off the assmebly line becuase it is telling the UNIVERSE that we dont believe in or want the CHANGE GOD HAS DECREED. Not that it matters, the change will happen regardless, but it begs the question:


Just like the air in the divers lifeline, the ENERGY that supports 3-D reality has been SHUT OFF!
However, there is still some supply in the tube or conduit running into this reality, enough to last a while longer.

But just as certain as the air in the tube being soon used up, so to the energy in the conduit will also run OUT.

When the energy supply runs out my brothers, that's it! We're done! The fabric of reality that you see around you will come down like a blanket falling around you within moments!


Now, there is a NEW REALITY waiting in the wings, the energy supply line is already in place, but you have to agree to make a change in the way you use that energy to hook up to it.

The CABAL has not done this, so they are in effect done. But why should so many others be watching what THEY (the CABAL) do, and copy it. That's just silly.

It's time to hook up to the new reality and leave the old one behind, and you do that by DOING THAT!
You leave the old reality behind by leaving the old reality behind!
You stop planning to use your credit card (old reality)

You stop planning next years vacation (old reality)
You stop supporting the cabal by investing in their finished markets ( old reality)


Okay, again, I've made my point.
All of these behaviors are supportive of the old reality!

The most amazing part is that ALL THOSE DOING THIS, are simply giving mouth to mouth resusitation to the already DEAD CABAL, which..., I don't know, is what...flabbergasting? Appalling? Amazing?
You pick the word!

Lightworkers have booked tickets to the promised land..., the new reality, and then instead of going to the station and waiting for the train, are still at home trying to achieve effects and outcomes in the old and soon to be DEAD 3-D reality.

Why for the life of me, or for the life of YOU for that matter would you want to keep the old reality alive???

Again..., YOU PICK THE WORD THAT DECRIBES THIS...., honestly I can't think of a good one.

If you're still not sure this is going to come about, Here is some real info, some real background on the situation.

If I were to say in only one sentence what was going on it would be this:

Everything is going to change!

How this works is simple. Consider that we are all playing in a large computer game. The entire game was developed many, many millions of years ago, and is in the process of being played out. All of this info was written into the CD or DVD that controls the game and is now in process.

Consider that GOD at some point did NOT LIKE how the game was proceeding, and decided to rewrite the DVD, but NOT to end the game in progress. How would he achieve this?

Not only does he have to re-write the software, but he also has to up-grade and change the hardware to be ABLE to run the new software.

He picks a point in time (NOW) were the change occurs, and then goes back in the time-line and starts to up-load new software, (volunteer souls, lightworkers, first wavers, indigo children, crystal children, rainbow children...etc...)
Then he uses, the Celestial Beings of our UNIVERSE who are experts in celestial mechanics to change and upgrade the hardware.

The computer hard ware for our game is the stars, and the planets! Their rotations, and their trek through space, and the magnetics and allignements they cause with one another!

How many of you have seen the STEREO A and B photo's of the Earth sized ships (yes many of them) around the SUN and wondered what they are doing?

They are in fact up-grading the SUN, and changing it's out-put in order to handle the new soft-ware written by GOD, which as I've said before....CHANGES EVERY THING.

Now if they were NOT THERE, and these up grades were not taking place..., then I suppose the CABAL could have some validation in their belief that things could be kept the same. However, this is just being arrogant!

This is going on as we speak..., as I write this...., so who can say that time is not growing short?

Once the updates to the hardware (our solar system) are complete, and the new reality comes completely online, the old one is DONE! FINISHED! KAPUT!

The new software comes on-line as well, and anyone trying to run the old software will fail miserably!

Why is this happening? GOD SAYS SO! Who in their right mind is going to argue with that?

So, now that you know time is short?



Guest (not verified)

Mon, 07/09/2012 - 16:38

Well I don't know...what am I supposed to be doing? I'm sharing online and talking to people and trying to warn them but it's like the churches going door to door knocking saying that time is running out and it's time to get saved. People have been told for centuries that time is running out but they are sick of listening to it so they're taking their chances. I don't know so you tell us what are we supposed to be doing exactly??

I really love all the information you have all been giving us! Even though i want to wake up. I'm not really sure how to wake up... I find all the information you all post very interesting and fasinating. But I also admit alot of it Is also beyond my comprehension. Like for starters how can we wake up and attune to this new energy? I haven't met anyone thats woken up either. So I was just wondering if their was anything we could do to help us wake up.


Thank you!

I too agree with you Orcoda with all this information at hand and reading the Galactic free press every day i too am not sure how to wake up or am i already awoken, I just dont know and as you say i too haven't meet any one that has woken up ether.

With what time is left i would like to be on the road to awaking and would like this help by some one if possible.

Love & Peace to all.............


Well last time I checked....we are all still in the 3rd dimension. I'm not going to go out and give all of my belongings and life away because someone is telling me we are leaving this dimension and going into a new one. When the 4th, 5th, or whatever dimension we are going to be in comes into our existence... is when i will live that dimensional lifestyle. For now tho we are all still in 3D. Im gonig to live in the now. 

is already part of Full Conscoiusness and 5d, though to get into 5d you have to Live it in order to Manifest it, your statment seem a little confused. And the post does not say to sell everything, just to step into the New, into Now. It's already Here unless you stick to the old. Don't blink Love, or you gonna miss it. 



Guest (not verified)

Mon, 07/09/2012 - 16:52

I do understand what you are saying.  I have just recently learned how to live in the NOW!  Many people as well are just coming on-line with what is occuring.  They haven't yet come to terms with the fact that they may be separating from family and going in a different way.    The constant change in info we recieve is not helping many as well.  I just think we need to have more understanding and compassion for some of these living with people who are still asleep.  They just don't know what to do yet.  Just pray for them.


Mon, 07/09/2012 - 17:15

Now that is an intersting article. May I kindly ask what it is the writer beckons the lighworker community to do exactly? Are we not leaving behind the old paradigm of programmed human doings and realizing the truth of our being pure love and joy? While I appreciate the sincerity and urgency of this message, I will continue to work my own program and trust my brothers and sisters to do the same ~ whatever that may be. I've been here for 53 years and time has been short from the moment I landed here. Time is irrelevent to the Divine Creator and everything is unfolding in divine perfection and timing.

Hawaii in 2013 sounds pretty darn awesome to me. Mahalo :-)

This article makes amazing sense and it highlights how hard it is to change whilst we are still mainly in 3D (at least in the outer physical reality).

Sooner than later now the exterior will change quite dramatically and then the penny will drop and wake up all the sleeping souls - I am so looking forward to it.

Very sobering acticle - thank you.

Love and Light.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 07/09/2012 - 18:18

Its an incredible software where god made sure only few exceptionally ascended master material can break away.  


I understood what the author meant but if he wants people to wake up then he better pray that the mass arrest or containment or whatever heaven heaven wanted to rephrased with happens the NOW time of july leaving more months for people to sink in with the realization and prepare for ascention et al.

Thank you for having the courage to point out the obvious :)  I've been wondering that myself, and what really preplexed me was reading about Lightworker-"Leaders" (ie, they have a huge following) who are building new centres, or embarking on year-long courses that end in 2013, etc. I sometimes think perhaps they know something I don't! And I feel that during these last six months we should be busy preparing ourselves for the Shift and raising our vibrations. We forget that Ascension is a about the Spirit, not the economy.


Tue, 07/10/2012 - 11:40

This entire post seems a little off track.  Nobody has posted an accurate discription of "what" is going to happen and "what" it is going to be like.  Some have pointed out that it would be like: "explaining the quantum theory to an anteater."  Others council that all one must do is: "Remember."  Remember when you were indeed a being of that vibration.  Still others say one may choose any experience they so Desire.  Desire is an emotion.  It has a physical connotation to it.  You see folks, the "descent"  or rather "immersion" in to the physical (named 3-D for whatever purpose) has been to hone the feeling of Love.  Love is best felt do you not agree?  Yet in this zone we have had to be trounced upon by the other emotions, many quite painful.

The Trick then will be to Be Sure of what you desire.  Shut out the negative.  This has been taught for eons but few have rode its upsurge.  Our Light will now shine brighter and desires will come in to being quicker.  This can cause problems for those that do not control their desires.  All one has to do is be flexible and not hold on to Judgement about virtually everything.

But to say that one must not plan a vacation is ludicrous.  The beaches are not going anywhere.  The airplanes might not be required if you imagine youself "at the beach" and instantly you are there.  I say Plan for a Wonderful Time!!  I say buy a new Car!!  Anything that you choose can be had!! 

But I believe planning for a wonderful time with Loved Ones and planning for a wonderful time secure in your home (the home you choose in that moment) are all choices that must be Honed.  You must be Sterling in you creations and that starts by Loving each of your Creations.  If it does not work the first time and you become the "Sorcerers Apprentice" simply Love that Creation and create Anew.




The I Am

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