This thing we call our ego

Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 03/27/2012 - 09:15

As you remember yourself, you may be surprised.  This ego self is very loud.  He or she is the only you you’ve ever known.  As an infant, you began creating him or her as a response to your environment.  As a third dimensional being, you understood immediately what was necessary in order to receive what you desired.  You were looking for love.


You emerged from a bath of love, swimming in the knowledge of yourself and everyone else.  You opened your eyes in a world that was not the same.  Although you felt each being in the room, there was a barrier.  They did not feel you and the understanding of each other was gone.  You began to forget.


Although you recognized love and felt love, you knew this was no longer a universal knowing.  Separation began - first you from your own body and then you from all of the “others”.  There came names and definitions - separators.


These names and ideas were taught to you by the beings you could see with your physical eyes, and so you listened.  When you did so, following the rules they taught, you received physical expressions of what you longed for – love.  Smiles, hugs, laughter, food, care, warmth and comfort seemed to come in response to things that you “did”.  You began through all of this to define and create your ego.


As a young human, you were immersed in your ego, trying on this one and that one, watching and learning and yearning for adoration from these souls you were with.  You began then to define yourself by their reactions to you, rather than by your own internal knowing.  These “others” became reflections in which you could see yourself.


You did not forget completely who you were – that is why you skipped and ran and laughed and tumbled and played and smiled relentlessly.  You were still filled with the expectation for love.  So deep was your knowing of truth, that it took more than a decade for you to forget.


Somewhere before your second decade as a human, you gave up.  A new way to physically give and receive love was introduced and you became sexual.  This sort of trumped everything else.  It felt just like it had in the place from which you came.  Sex became your focus.  You may or may not have called it love, but you knew you had discovered again, truth.  You eagerly soaked in these new rules and patterns; you wanted to learn how to get more of this sex.  It felt like home.


Waking up from our slumber now, we have given our ego a bad name.  Our ego is us, here in this 3D world.  It was created by us, so that we’d stay here and function at this vibratory level.  It was fed and nurtured along by every new definition of love we discovered.  We had been looking for validation, and with our emotional habits, (our “ego”), we got it.  Our ego gives us the reinforcement we perceive is necessary.  It is not “bad” or “good” – it either serves us or does not.


Awake now, we realize the truth.  We are conscious of our divinity.  This version of us is not where we begin and end, we are infinite, powerful, multi-dimensional beings enjoying a human experience.  This body we occupy is one we will transform into a new vibratory pattern without having to leave it to do so.  We came to do this, and the ego has been a necessary component of the process.  The ego is the only way we could define ourselves here.


We have a new definition now and it is love.  Love does not look like a specific answer or body type or action or reaction.  Love looks like it all.  It is the air we breathe, the trees that shelter us, the arms around us and the rush of emotion coursing through us when we recognize truth.


This feeling, these chills are where we began.  Our source is love.  You are a physical manifestation of truth.  When you arrived, you knew who you were.  It is time to remember again. You are love.


It is you who you’ve been searching for.



Wed, 03/28/2012 - 01:07

I truly cried for EGO when I read this.  So sad what EGO went through here on Earth.   It is so TRUE that you are birthed into this 3D world with infinite love.  The cabal programming sucked it away.  Nonetheless, we ALL HAVE THE POWER within us to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE.  REMEMBER the LOVE we ARE - shake off the shackles of illusion and BE YOUR TRUE SELF AGAIN!!!


All we have to do is BE in LOVE and LIGHT and Consicousness - be HAPPY  JOYFUL GRATEFUL to Creator for giving us this experience of lack and loneliness.


This article was RIGHT ON.  THis is exactly what happened to many if not all of us.  But its OK!  We remember - We ARE - We are LOVE :-)


Stop worrying - stop the negative energy - BE in LOVE with your SELF your SOUL!!!!  Look in the mirror and say I LOVE YOU every morning (not to the ego but rather to your loving soul that has been unloved inside of you waiting for your acknowledgement.)  


Did you CAN FLY!  You can BE anything you want to be - thats what 5D will be and I for one am so excited to experience it!!!  It is PURE LOVE VIBRATION.  Where you can become whatever has resonated with you here or there or in another "life".  We are all one big Cell one big circle- Im vibrating as I write this so it must be a message to us all.


Please, forget EGO - FORGET stuff - forget about acknowledgement from others - forget about FUTURE, JUST BE - BE STILL.  Feel the wind or breeze wrap its arms around you - feel the love in ALL things - the trees, the birds, but most importantly - LOVE YOU and SEND that LOVE EVERYWHERE!!!!  You will be amazed at what this does for you.  Honestly if you are vibrating LOVE Energy - ALL IS FINE, ALL IS WELL, AS ABOVE- SO BELOW.


Banish your anger over what was done to deliberately supress us.  Banish your sorrow Banish ALL negative emotions and Focus on LOVE in your HEART.  Breathe in through your crown and third eye (head) and allow the air to reach your heart.  Then, send it out through your hands everywhere - You have SO MUCH POWER WITHIN YOU - its time to use it my friends :-)


Its time for us to all join together as ONE FAMILY AGAIN :-)


All my love and light,


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