The "Closet Ascender"

Submitted by SophiaLove on Wed, 03/28/2012 - 16:24

We are becoming more than we’ve imagined ourselves to be.  It is not so much that we are changing; the potential has been here always.  We just didn’t know.  We know now.


It’s all I think about and yet, not something I speak of often, if at all.  There are a few of us that can speak to it, yet most of my talk of ascension and transformation happens right here.  I wonder how may “closet ascenders” there are amongst the people in my daily life.


Sometimes, when on a street or in a store, I look around and think “Does he know?” “Is she waiting for the spaceships to land?” “Are they participating in a group channeling session later?”  Mostly, I think not.  It feels as if I reside in two very different worlds.


In this one I am an infinite being, poised to usher in this incredible new age for humanity.  It is exciting, fulfilling and sort of wild.  I am part of the greatest show in the galaxy.


In that one I am a mom in the U.S. suburbs who just took her cat in to be groomed and went to the grocery store and made a doctors appointment for her son.  I love this life I have created, yet it is feeling surreal.  No longer is it my only focus.


We’ve all heard the prophecies and channeled messages, telling us “soon”.  This is because we have not yet combined both lives into one life.  Until we merge ascension and galactic citizenship with cooking and car repairs, it won’t happen.


This shift is one we are taking together.  It is gradual because we are all getting used to the idea and our memories are associative, this is how we learn and proceed. We need to acclimate.  We are the showers of the way and if we aren’t showing, the way is not yet realized.  Currently we are speaking mostly to ourselves.  It is wonderful and supportive; we are bolstering ourselves up.


We have to come out of the closet. It feels time now to take this knowledge to the streets.  The mainstream media is not going to clearly or accurately announce what is happening.  We who know have read and heard everything we can get our hands on for some time now – we are better equipped than they are.


This could mean anything – talk to your mom, mention it to your sister or brother, your friend, your hairdresser, or your child.  Each of us can throw a pebble in this pond and the ripples will bring awareness.


It is our expectations that create our beliefs and our beliefs that create our reality.  Expect love and understanding of this shift to grow and be facilitated by you, by all of us.  It will.  We are creating how this happens.  This is why we are here.


We are absolute love.  We may not always feel it yet we know now the truth.  We came to share our truth and create a seamless, beautiful, gradual, loving transition to oneness.


Step into the shoes of one who knows.  You do.  There is nothing to fear; we are your sisters and brothers.  We love you.  We are waiting for you to share with us your wisdom and your love.


You are a way-shower. It is time now to show the way.


Our wait is over.   We are here.


Thank you for showing up, I love you absolutely.

What if each light being did something each day they have never done before... to stretch the experience of life!  One new experience a day... to go beyond where.....!  No one has gone before... that great INTERNAL journey s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g  new gossamer wings!!


We love your love,


MaAlaea, Guardian Star


As a result of the blog, a face book friend has started a group, called "The Closet Ascender"... the hope is to talk about what we do differently, how it goes, who we are... join us there! 


Here is the link:


Another web site,, also posted the blog and she inlcuded my picture with it!  Now that is coming out of the closet.  I have not really been "out there" yet... I am now!!! lol 


The more we talk and share and "stretch" the faster and smoother this will be.


Much love!



Wed, 03/28/2012 - 11:17

Yes. The face book is  also a very good way of sensitizing the public. The Powers that Were thought we were all SHEEPLE. Now they know better although they are still refusing while on the spotlight. Deep within them they know the truth.We are going home. YETZ !!!

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 19:15

I too feel the same way as you do and often have those exact thoughts looking around wondering if this one or that one too is a closet believer. I think there must be more of us out there but we're all waiting for something to confirm what we know before we actually feel brave enough to come out of the closet and be able to speak freely. I have told all of my immediate family, and my side of the family and of course they all think I've lost it but at least the seed has been planted. I've gotten braver by posting many of these articles on fb and have come to the conclusion that people will have to either respect me for what I believe or unfriend me for I respect all of their beliefs but I am planting seeds and my hope  is that I'm  possibly triggering something in them that will inspire them to look a little deeper into all of this.

I hear that.  It is important to be who we are, don't you think?  We must believe in ourselves and by that will we create our future.  As we lovingly trust our truth and speak our truth, we plant those seeds and the ripples spread.  We have been hear for so much time now, we are strong enough to get out there and share!  It is one of those things that is scary, but if we don't even try, we will regret.

Thank you for sharing here!

Much love.

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 03/28/2012 - 22:39

i myself am painfully new to all of this wonderful information but my belief has been fast and total. i feel it with every fibre of my being and i find myself unable to contain it any longer. i had known for quite some time that "we are One" but had failed to fully act on it. My re-awakening started 2 months ago today at the hands of someone i just yesterday discovered is a believer, Mr. John Bell, via the band Widespread Panic. After a truly magical experience at one of their concerts i commited myself to spreading only positive energy and LOVE to everyone with whom i had any interaction. i changed my screen names from moonshine to soulshine (which as the Allman Brothers so beautifuly pointed out is much better =) ) and began this task in my online life. i began starting threads like this one on reddit:


i took the time to personally engage nearly every poster there in as Loving a way as i could and the positive energy that was generated has come back to me in spades. i was convinced, and took this mission out into the "real" world. The last two months have been the most magical of my life and i finally realize what i am here for! i am finding it very hard to "stay in the closet" as you so elloquently put it. Just today at work i almost closed an email to my region manager with "Namaste, i Love you so very much!" Ha! i do not think i can hold out much longer, though i believe we will not have to with all of the changes taking place this week.


i stand ready to do everything in my power to help my fellow man through these, the most beautiful times in our world's history!


LOVE you all so very very much and am honored to stand beside you All!



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