Galactic Federation of Light message ~ April 1st, 2012~Time is drawing near.

Submitted by Star Gazer - Cheryl on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 02:12

Time is drawing near.


Time is drawing near. The Dark Cabal are on their final roundup, and the path is being laid clear for your final stages of ascension.

Those who are still unsure of their purpose will now be shown what it is that is required of you at this time. Many of you have already received communication from us and are aware of your mission here, it is now time for the remaining Lightworkers to be provided with their missions so that they can begin their tasks in earnest.

Many of you will have noticed increased activity in your night and day skies. This will continue and become increasingly abundant, as we wish to convey our presence to every inhabitant of planet Earth. We have decided that gradually increasing our sightings is the least fear-induced way for us to reveal ourselves, as soon our sightings will become commonplace, and everyone will know that we are here and are real.

This is when the true face to face contact will begin in earnest.

Many of you have already experienced initial contact with us, through the spoken word, through dreams, and for a few of you - physical contact. The physical contact will increase, as we feel that this is a more believable way to dispel the doubts many of you still have - dreams and voices can be explained away as imagination. Physical contact cannot.

So, we ask each and every one of you to please remain open to receiving contact from us, as this is an integral part of the ascension process. Yes, many of you feel that you were sent here to do it on your own, and that we are 'interfering' with your mission if we step in to assist but this is purely  your 3D egos speaking.

Would you criticize your brother or father for stepping in to offer you assistance on a task you were struggling with? No. But many of you still feel the need to criticize us. We are your family. You were sent down here to undertake the ground work, the hands on work, whereas we were asked to provide the assistance from 'above'. We are all still part of the same ascension team. We are just providing our assistance from a different angle.

When are you going to realize that we are all one and the same?

As we stated through our channel the other day. You are all enmeshed in 3D mind games. This MUST end if this ascension process is to be a complete success. You are NOT earthly beings.Yet you continue to act as though you are. We are making a concerted effort to assist in the removal of the final veils, so you can all see clearly who you are, and what your purpose is, but we do require your assistance of an open mind, in order to do this.

Time, as you refer to it, is drawing near, and there is still so much that needs to be accomplished. Many of you are experiencing a myriad of fears at the moment, and are finding that you need to deal with issues that you thought were long forgotten, but have recently been brought to the surface. The planet is not the only one that needs to undergo a final purging process before she can successfully ascend. You all need to be pure, crystalline structures, encompassing no fears, issues, doubts or any negative feelings or emotions, as they cannot be brought with you to the 5th dimension.

The 5th dimension is a place of pure unconditional love, continual joy and somewhere where there is no place for negative emotions of any kind. So do you see the importance of working on your issues? We do not ask that you undertake this on your own - in fact we encourage you to seek each other out for assistance. The time for being individual entities is coming to an end. The group consciousness that you will experience in the 5th dimension can also be experienced in your current 3D reality. If you allow it to.

It is not the location you are in that has you enmeshed in your 3D reality, but your current mindsets. So, change the way you view things, believe that anything is possible and allow your minds to open up to the wide range of of positive experiences that are already available to you, and you will then view a glimpse of the way that things will be permanently in the 5th dimension.

Many of you already alternate between the 5th and 3rd dimensional states, so know what can be achieved. The lower vibrational energies of the planet are what are preventing you from remaining in that 5D state continually, but very soon, this state will become your reality.

So, once again, we ask that you all shed your 3D fears, anxieties and doubts and take the next step towards your new reality. There is some work involved to reach this final state. We cannot do this for you. It must be undertaken by each and every one of you, as each of you has undertaken very different and very personal experiences throughout your many lifetimes on planet Earth.

This is your task at this time. To purge yourselves of the final vestiges of 3D negativity, assisting others, and in doing so, raising the vibrational energies of the planet higher and higher. This is when the ascension process will accelerate in earnest, when the vibrational energies of the planet reach a certain threshold. And this is when you you will all know that the ascension process will be a success, as once a certain threshold has been reached, it will be like a runaway train, unstoppable.

This is all we wish to convey to you all at this time, as we realize that what we have just shared with you will require a leap of faith for many of you, and a lot of introspection. So, we will give you the time to realistically view where each of you feel you are at in your own personal journeys, and to undertake that which you feel is necessary for your continuation of your journeys.

But remember that we are always here for you to call on. And willingly offer our continual assistance to those who simply ask. We are all in this together. Your planets successful ascension will have a lasting affect on us all. Which is why we want nothing more than to see it through to its completion with you.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through StarGazer - Cheryl.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 04/01/2012 - 05:21

These are delicate issues. We are urged to use discernment before stepping in a particular direction so caution is not out of place at the moment,. Also we are faced with raging arguments as to who is the authentic 'federation of light' here. This dilemma cannot be ignored by simply dropping eveything. Especially as the dark cabal is still not completely out of our way. This is a classic catch 22 as they say. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. That may be 3D talk but I am not yet aware that we out of it anyway. Is anybody ?

If so let them speak.

What matters is simply where you see that you are :')  Like a choice of toll-roads: one can pay with money in our all too familiar routine here... or one can "pay" through the procedures of letting go.  The letting go is ONLY as painful to the level that we fight it.




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