The Society of the Soul!

Submitted by Emmanuel on Thu, 07/07/2011 - 19:07

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. We are your inner and spiritual representations of your soul dear ones that is indeed all God. We need to make it clear however that God is not made up of simply affections of complete unconditional love and Light. If He were just unconditional love then you would be unconditional love alone as well. If you were unconditional love alone you would not be all and everything as the All in All (true God) is as well.


And so if you are each the One and true God then you too must each represent all things in existence. But how is this possible dear ones? How can you be unconditional love and conditional love? How can you be a leader and a follower? How can you be the punisher or the one who rehabilitates when a soul is found in disobedience or has walked off of his or her course of proper order in life, and still find the time to forgive all souls of their trespasses? How can you laugh while at the same time you mourne and cry tears for another soul who is in distress over a situation in life? In short how can you do the things in life that provide you happiness while at the same time you carry out the roles in life that are not so pleasurable, and still you do them because they are for the good of all mankind? You do these things in your third dimensional life as well as the higher dimensions of life but you are not aware of these things yet in third density.


And these are only small examples of the duties you will possess when you ascend into fifth dimensioinal life and existence and again take on your role of being the Creatoor God. For you will not simply take on fifth density life, but every density of life based on your own free choosing in life, as you can now ascend into the higher realms of existence so as to live life in your present now moment in a higher vibration and density. You will no longer be limited  to the things of third density as you will no longer be living life in illusion, as well as being a limited consciousness being any longer.  So you see dear ones you are about to take on a whole lot of responsibility in life once you experience the universal ascension, as you will be the Creator of worlds as well as universes and "Circles of Life." What are "Circles of Life?" They are the completion of the four seasons of life that every newly created soul ( which you will indeed create by the way) must come to live before they too can awaken and return to their fully conscious state of existence, and therefore return to the reaslisation that they too are God.


So how will all of this be possible for you if you have been under the understanding that you will live life in complete unconditional love and Light? Because unconditional love and Light is simply the platform or base ruling love each of you will possess in life so as to be able toi deal with and carry out all the other thoughts; affections; and creations of your new life, without totally being consumed by it all or becoming overwhelmed. The one ruling love you represent in life and truly are in your expression of life is simply one of the myriads upon myriads of ruling loves that you possess within your spirtitual society and soul group. And so it is not your human alone that will ascend dear ones but your complete spiritual society and soul group, and this is what is known as God. This is what you look our through your eyes every day and see as many other human beings who make up all life that appears to exist all around you. All of these people or souls are all you. And just as they are all you, so too is every other soul or person in your world every other person or soul in your world as well. You are your mother; your father; your sister; your brother; your aunt; uncle; son; daughter, and on, and on ,and on.


So you see dear ones when you ascend your whole world ascends with you, while at the same time your whole world remains here in third density to continue your third density life and world, as you will forever exist within every density and vibration of life and existence. As each human or soul comes to ascend into fifth density vibrations and life, they immediately take their whole world with thme, and thier three dimensional representation of themselves remains in third density with their whole third density world; family; friends; neighbors; acquaintances, and on ,and on ,and on. As we see and feel dear ones that this is much to take into your spirit and heart we leave you now to reflect on what we have told you. We will come to you again however once we feel you have had ample time to adjust to the things we have stated. Untlil we meet of the minds again dear ones we leave you in unconditional love and light to share with all the world.


                     We are Emmanuel, and we are your higher selves.






Fri, 07/08/2011 - 07:59

In reply to by Doreen Smith

I truly am trying, but  i have to date not really known what you were looking for. I have to be doing something right or i would not be one of those who was chose to guide, so i truly am looking to do it all right and proper. Keep guiding me and i'll get it. Am i on the right track or am i wasting my time here? To tell you the truth i am feeling a little bit judged.


Okay i agrre that it is only the egop that sees itself as being judged. I would also have to add that it is not my ego telling me that Love is not all there is, as i cannot believe that Love is any more real or false than hate. i do not believe God ( The All in All) to be love alone, but hate as well. But i believe Him or It to be all of these thngs based on Equilibrium; moderation; and a middle place between the two. I do not see love as the untimate force in the universe as no one can remain in love 24/7. Neither do i believe for a moment that the All in All (God) can remain in love and passivity 24/7, not that there even is such a thing as 24/ 7 with the All in All. Can the All in All remain in love within every now moment? I do not think so, do you? Evidently you do, but you would have to explain it to me. Can you find the time to do this if it is your will to do so? From where i am coming from o cannot fathom a pure consciousness ( the All in All) that is All and everything, and is true order choosing to remain in love within every now moment of His or Its existence. I also do not understand why we should choose to always keep our messages simple. I did not like simple when i began seeking truth. There are no stupid souls only awakening souls or spirits. If you are me then you know i believe what i believe with a passion, and i cannot give in where i truly believe i am correct. So if you are here for me then help me to remember what ity is i forgot. Show me how God ( The All in All) is nothing but love. Show me how nothing but love fits into the agenda of fifth density life and existence and no one need know about anything else but love. I don't see it! And for that i am truly sorry my dearest self. To me love is just as much an illusion in and of life as is life the illusion. For i believe the only thing that is truly real is consciousness, with that consciousness being made up of all potentials and possibilities of all things, which a created soul ( illusion) can choose as tools to create whatever reality they choose in the illusion of life. Still i do not believe we create in and of love aslone as love would truly not wish to create but would wish to remain passive and non active from one now moment to the next. I also believe that love could not create anything in all of existence if it were not for the active state of existence found with evil; darkness; and illusion. Love is not active and cannot therefore even createbut can only provide the potentials and possibilities of all creations. Please add yuor opinion and please do your best to cause me to see the truth, no matter if it comes from you or myself, as i truly know we are both representations of the same being or soul. With love and light! Emmanuel


Are you saying i am still asleep because i am bringing limited conscious principles into fully conscious principles and reality? I say we are not moving into heaven and complete unconditional love and light but are moving into a higher sdimension of life, which possesses three levels of heavens and three levels of hells, just as every other diemnsion does. And so, we will still be connected to our hells on in to eternity. In other words we will still possess free will in life to choose our heavens over our hells, or to find a nice equilibrium with the two. For is it not said that modersation is best? You tell me you are my mom and dad and i am saying "Talk to me Mom and Dad, and don't simply tell me i am still asleep. I love the fact that you teach love to everyone, but why are you hiding the other side of each of us? I'm a big boy now and i have come to be capable of managing the spoirits within my soul group. I can now keep my dark and evil side under control, and plan on doing so when i enter fifth density just as i am doing even at this day in third density. But you tell me what you are thinking and why you teach in this manner. Does not unconditional love love all souls, whether obedient or disobedient? So why are we pushing the disobedient souls away at this day, and not telling them the whole truth, good and bad? And do take your time with me and explain everything as i am not neive and wish to hear the long and difficult version. Remember guys, i have to teach and guide souls just as my mom and dad do. So tell me, who told you we are going to heaven, and that we will never again experience our hells again in life, ever? For to continue to experience illusion we must experience our hells, but you say we no longer need the illusion, but only need the real. I don;t buy that, so school me! Love and Light to you both!  Emmanuel

Humanity is at the end of their experience with hell. It is a "limited conscious principle" and it has reached its limit. Humanity has fully explored hell, and has grown far larger than what suffering can contain.

Light doesn't integrate with darkness, where there is Light, there is no darkness. Hate is simply denial of Love, it's a rejection of what's Real, and that can't be merged into Reality.

We are not done with the hells as the hells will be a part of us all to eternity. We do not semply go to heaven and be done with it all as the Churches of the world would love to tell you. Heaven and hells are not places but states of mind. We chose to create a finite representation of ourselves in a finite world and universe within what is called a "Circle of Life." Neither good or evil; dark or light; right or wrong; love or hate is real but is illusion as well. There is never one without the other in all of creation and consciousness. Therefore there is no right and there is no wrong, there only is. So do not think you are hgeaded off to heaven when you ascens as you are only entering a higher expression of yourself. But just as reality would have you think unconditional love and light are right, and evil and darkness are wrong, this is a misconception. Nothing is right and nothing is wrong, and you have the free will choices in the illusion oif life to choose whatever you wish in life, now that you have completed school in the three dimensional material and physical world and universe. By graduation however you dfo not get to live unconditional love and light over evil and darkness without "your soul group" choosing with you.And as you have taken on all of these myriads of saouls in all of the human lives you have created and lived from the creation of your soul, you now have this Grand accumulation of worlds and universes you have created as your own, and you cannot just leave them and go off to heaven by yourself to live in peace; harmony; and paradise to eternity. They are all a part of you now, and you must and want to take care of them now as they are all the accumulated souls that will makje up the existence; body; and form of you in fifth dimensional life, as the true Macrocosm or Grand Man. Does any of this resonate with you brother?   

Hell is a state of mind, Heaven is a state of Being. You don't "ascend" into Heaven, you realize it is present now, here, within you. If you go to the "higher realms" and there's still the illusion of hell, you haven't made it past the astral plane. Hell is separation from God, but you really can't be separate from God, because your mind can't limit God with its own illusions. It can only limit the perception of the being focusing upon the mind's illusions. You can't combine Reality with illusion because of what illusion "is", which is nothing. Illusion is not, that's what makes it illusion. This isn't at all about integrating two sides of anything, because seeing things that way is the illusion. When Reality is present, things are a whole lot more than two sided, things are simply what the Are.

I too use to think heaven was reality and hell illusion but it goes way beyond that brother Will. I will tell you that the truth is we are both right, as you will create your world and universe that is to come and i wil create mine, as reality and illusion are all in the conscious mind, and we being Gods can each create our own illusions and realities. That being said, "If you were God" ( hypothetical, as we are indeed God) would you wish for things to be the weay you are speaking or the way i am speaking? I f you say the way you are speaking then this is how it wqill be for you. You see we all create our own new "Circles of Life," as we mature into eternity. As we mature however our creations of worlds and universes become more and more beneficial to all the souls within our present spiritual society and soul group. And so our soul group benefits in the long run because our creations become more and more based on unconditional love and light. However, the illusion of darkness and evil must still always remain based on mankinds free will, and the fact that we are each still connected with the disobedient generation through our love for them. We do not ever put them off as they are now a part of us through our having created them in the first place. You see you can never get rid of or un - create the persons; places; or things you have created from the very beginning of your being created as a newly born soul, as all of these things and people are now a part of you. You can only move them farther and farther away from the center of your spiritual society and soul group, as in the center is where you forever exist and live. So as you move into eternity those things you created out of ignorance for lack of maturity over the years and ages will become less and less a part of your immediate every day ( or now moment) life, but they will always be there for you to draw your affections in life from to etenrity, if you should ever again choose to do so. Inf not they will still forever live their lives over and over again in their density of life and existence as there is nothing new under the sun, and all things are continuously played out over and over again to eternity. So again Will, there is actually no real and no illusion, there only is. As far as the love thing - love is completely passive and acts on no one until it is acted upon. So who would act upon us to etyerny if we no longer lived in both worlds at the same time? You would lay there in inaction, having no change and no life. This is all the point of life and existence, as the One true God of the Universe is the All in All, and He or It is not change alone; action alone; or life alone; He or It is all of these things and every one of their opposites as well. Still the All in All is not these things in hard form but only the potentials and possibilities of all of these things that can be lived out in hard form. But to continuously live everything out in hard form to eternity there has to be bodies, and we provide the bodies through our creations to eternity. In order to provide those bodies to eternity we must each continue to exist alongside evil and dark and disobedient souls again and again, never ending on in to eternity. What happens when love and light separates itself from evil and darkness? It loses its purpose in life as love cannot simply love itself. Why? Because love is passive and not active, and must be acted upon. But if all there is is love in your society who will do the acting upon? No one! And that is why good and evil need one another to eternity. Man cannot exist without being possessed by good spirits and angels to eternity. Good spirits and angels cannot exist either without the bodies and forms of man as well, and this to eternity. However this does not mean spirits and angels cannot possess a rock; or a tree; or a flower, sidewalk; lawnmower, and any other4 thing mankind can create with his mind. At the end of the day however spirits and angels need a flesh and blood human body to possess and live in, and call their home to eternity.  

You just took the old dualistic paradigm "good and evil need one another" and put a little bit more truth in there. Your words aren't revelations to me, as I've heard them many times before from other newly-awakening souls who are still trying to figure everything out.

You don't create your own reality, that's something we all share together. It's a Co-Creation. You can create your own separate illusion though, but that only seems like reality to those who are still lost within it. It's the mind's arrogance to think you create your own reality. The mind wants to be God, but it can't, so it created an illusion and pretended that was reality. The mind isn't the creative aspect and never was, you're still heavily stuck in illusion and you're playing in the astral realm believing that's the Higher Dimensions.

We don't spread hell on this site. You're free to poison your brothers and sisters with that nonsense if you wish, but it's certainly not something we choose to promote.

I say everything - good and evil - are real in reality or pure consciousness Potential and possibilities alone), while everything is illusion in created manefestations, good and evil; love and hate; dark and light alike. For who is it that is the Supreme All in All that would choose good over evil; dark over light; and unconditional love over hatred? And who would have cause to make Him or It choose one over the other to " become" reality or  to be expressed in existence as real? I say light came before the dark in creation simply because the light came first in the spiritual realms, and the spiritual realms came first, before the material and physical realms. Don't get me wrong, i am not saying we are not looking foir unconditional love, but i am saying we are seeking wisdom to express unconditional love as well, and to receive this wisdom we must know both sides of our soul and soul group in life. Again i ask, and i must receive an answer to this question. Do you believe we are going to heaven or do you believe we are entering the fifth (and therefore a higher density) of life? If you know then tell me what you know please! Love and Light! Emmanuel

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