Questions to Emmanuel

Submitted by Emmanuel on Mon, 07/25/2011 - 11:38

We come to you again dear ones with a message from your higher planes of existence. As it is always our intention to lift you all up and never bring you negative news from the illusion, we therefore have another wonderful box of treats in the form of wisdom for you all this day.


We know many of you have been asking how it is that you will be creating and therefore manifesting all things in your new world and life in your higher dimensions of existence, in the days ahead. We are also aware that many of you wish to know how it is that animals and children will not be found in your higher dimensions of life when in fact these things are still of much importance in your lives, and you do not therefore wish to give them up.


Still you do not fully understand what is meant by giving them up dear ones, and do not yet see that you will simply be giving up one representation of them (animals and children) for another representation; body; and form of the same beings that exist presently in your world. We also realize dear ones that your minds have been racing lately with many questions for us ( your higher selves) not only about life in the fifth density realms and higher but how things will come to be on a daily basis leading up to ascension for all of us. How will it all take place ( the ascension process and the split we mean. However, before you are often given the chance to ask these questions of us you have forgotten your questions. Therefore we will allow the human whom we are using here for our message to pose certain questions to us now, and we will in turn answer those questions to the best of our abilities based on your understanding.

And so we say to you dear Daniel to commence with you questions.


Daniel: How is it that there will be some who will remain in third density life on this planet; others will move on to other planets in order to continue third density life there, and still others will go in the ascension to fifth density life and higher? Is it true that some humans will ascend; some will remain and die natural deaths according to their three dimensional life’s plan; and still others will leave this planet before the ascension? I realize this is a vast subject but enquiring minds out there wish to know these things Emmanuel.


Emmanuel: Hello again Daniel it is good to hear your voice again, so to speak. We will begin this discussion in saying that things are not at all like certain souls in your world today would have you believe. You hear many channelings over the internet during these days leading up to the ascension, and many of them are misleading, while still there are those that are quite good in providing you all the answers to your questions at this day in time. And so given the fact that you have come to us once again for your information we would say to you that you must all still hear our words from your heart and if they then come to resonate with you then you would do well to retain them as your truth dear ones.

As far as how the awakening and ascension process go it is indeed a deep subject, but one we will attempt to bring down to a much smaller article for you each to read, so as to not confuse the masses at this day in time. For we wish to provide understanding to a much larger audience than before, given the fact that the hour is near dear ones. So as we were about to say Daniel human beings do not awaken and human beings do not ascend. Your human form is a spiritual society and soul group living life in the spiritual world, while in fact you believe according to the spirits that live life along with you that they arte in fact you. This is not so as you are nothing more (according to your human body and form) a house for your society; city; town; state; country; world; and universe. All of these things exist within you all dear ones and you have always thought of yourselves as this tiny little human form, separate from all other life and existence.

You are not as single being but you are living the illusion at this moment that you are in fact a single being. And so because you are many dear ones – and Daniel – there must now come a split in your life so that those who are the wheat ( those who seek unconditional love and light to all and service to others in life) can go on to their higher life in the upper realms of fifth density and higher. These are the ones who are awakening and are remembering that they are Gods, and will soon retain their abilities as Gods. These are spirits and angels who live within your human forms and will separate from your three dimensional human form so as to go on and live now as a higher representation of your same form if they wish, or they can choose another. As we said these are those who represent the wheat.

There are also those spirits that represent the chaff, and these are those souls within your existence (bodies and forms) that are still living life in service to self and according to the ways of the flesh and this present world and system. They are the ones who will remain here in third density life and go on to die in their present world on planet earth. Others like them will also take a third direction and will move off planet ( according to their spirits alone) and will go on to live out their remaining days of their lives on those planets. They will then either reincarnate as three dimensional beings, or fifth dimensional beings, all according to their life’s plan. Those who remain here and die natural deaths can reincarnate as well based on either scenario we have given you Daniel. All will truly awaken and ascend Daniel, but they will do so in a way that other lower density humans will not recognize , as the ascension process takes place in the spiritual world, which is fourth and fifth dimensional life and higher.

What is confusing people today when they hear others teach of all souls or people in your world going in one of three different ways or scenarios in the “Consummation of this Age,” is that the others have not to date explained that it is not humans who awaken and ascend but those souls who live and exist within the illusions; bodies; or forms we see as humans, our spiritual or inner man that is.  

So you see Daniel When two are standing out in the field and one is taken while the other is left what is being spoken of here is a single human beings standing in the field. The lower being is taken while the higher being is left. Why is the lower being taken you may ask? Because the Meek shall inherit the earth, while the others will go on to other planets according to their spiritual and inner man, or they will die in this world and therefore be reincarnated in another, or become the meek in their next reincarnation in which case they too shall inherit the earth at that time. All at the same time however Daniel, everyone has in fact awakened and ascended. You see it is all an illusion we created long ago to teach our spiritual society and soul group new lessons of life. And we do this from eternity to eternity.

So when the two who are standing in the field experience what has been spoken in your Holy Bibles Daniel, what they are really experiencing is the shift. You know the story don’t you?

“Listen – I tell you a secret, we will not all sleep but we will all be changed, in a moment and in the twinkling of an eye.” Just as the field story tells of the shift so too does this one dear ones. When a soul sleeps and leaves your body and form you are not aware that this soul ever left as they are a part of you and come in and out of you all through the day many times, and when they do leave you they simply enter another expression of life that resonates with their ruling love in life and affections. At the coming of the shift or universal ascension process dear ones those who leave you that are represented as the chaff will do so without your immediately realizing they have left. And those who have left will do so without their realizing whatsoever, that they have left you as at that time.

You see Daniel it will not be as some have said in the past as things and circumstances have changed drastically according to how we have drastically changed over your years in your present world. What has not changed however is how the shift will come about, as it always happens in the same manner, so that those in lower three dimensional societies of our spiritual society and soul group are not aware of what is taking place, as they would not ever come to believe it in the first place. And as we do not wish to argue with others or go against their free will in life, all souls will return to where they each came from before the creation of the illusion. Those who are from the heavens will return to their heavens, and those who are from the hells will also return to their corresponding hells.

It will therefore not matter whether your friends; family; or acquaintances go with you in ascension as you will go back where you came from and there are representations within every dimension of life of ever human soul on your planet, as you in fact created them dear ones. When you change or make the shift dear ones it will be done in an instant and you will have already made that decision as to where you will go. You cannot therefore force anyone in your world around you to go to a place they do not wish to go to or belong. Neither can you do this in your present world and life for the most part, as people to not hang around those they do not like or love. But you will not remorse as you will still be among all those you love in life even once you have ascended and made the changeover to fifth dimensional life and even higher. Neither will those who remain in third density mourn for those who have left them in life as they will not even know they have left, given the fact that the human body and form will have remained. Do you see how this will unfold Daniel? Do you understand that we are all God and we have made your changeover as pleasant as we possibly could have made it to be, when the time came for you to return to us.

Do you also see Daniel that we will all ascend according to our spirits and souls, and not according to out human bodies and forms? Every soul will know they have ascended once the switch has happened and not before. Neither will one human being or third dimensional soul know another soul or being has ascended as the lower never knows what the higher is up to in life, or what is happening in their life. However when enough souls have ascended in your world Daniel the planet or mother earth will go through what is known as the universal ascension process, and this is when the two worlds will have separated one from the other. And all during this time dear ones no third dimensional human beings will become the wiser, as they have chosen the lower life;  ignorance; and illusion all over again. What is different?


You are conscious Daniel on every dimensional level and plane of existence from here to eternity. But who are you? Really! Are you your wife’s consciousness? Certainly not as you don’t know the things going on in her head now, do you?   Yes Daniel you do, but within a higher expression of yourself where you know the workings in the minds of all beings, as all beings are truly you. But getting back to our former question – What is different once the Universal Ascension takes place?

Your consciousness moves up a notch in the Grand Consciousness that is you. You are now awake and aware within your higher fifth dimensional self, and even higher when you wish to be. However, you are still conscious within your third dimensional self that you left behind in third density life and existence, with all of your friends; family; and acquaintances. Right now you are only aware of a single consciousness Daniel, but soon you will be able to take on whatever consciousness you wish in all of your Grand creation within this Grand “Circle of Life.” Your lower self will always reflect on a single consciousness alone and will never be aware that it possesses infinite numbers of consciousness’s in the higher realms of its existence. But your higher self will know these things now, or should we say it will remember these things now that you have once again connected with your higher self Daniel.

So when you have connected with your higher self, which will take place at the moment of the Universal Ascension, you will terminate your connection with your lower self in a way that you will know all things of your lower self, but your lower self will know nothing of your existence, nor of the separation. The two worlds will have separated and both representations of you Daniel, as well as all other human beings, will go on living life. The lower expression of all humans will live as if nothing had ever happened, but the higher will now experience a much more wonderful life and existence out of duality and separation. The meek shall inherit the earth but she will be a much more wonderful and pleasing place to live life. Of these things however Daniel we must speak of at a later time.


Daniel: Do you know Emmanuel who will come to our world, and why they must come in the first place if we will all in fact be the ones who will create our new life and world around us?


Emmanuel: We are pleased Daniel that you have asked this question as we cannot speak on this subject enough in these last days of the shift.

No one is coming here to your world that is not already here dear ones. Every one who exists is within you and is in fact you at some level of your life and existence. It is a truth that all of life and creation is the whole and complete essence and being of the source who is God (or the All in All). People who call themselves members of the Galactic Federation of Light are people just like you and us. They too exist at every level of life, and they possess wisdom and abilities at every level of life cased on the dimension they each come to exist in or on. If third density beings appear to come here therefore from the Galactic Federation of Light or any other planet or group dear ones within third density, they will bring you third density solutions in life, and nothing more.  Their technology will be of a third density nature, in which case their technologies will be based on service to self and feeding the cravings of the flesh, and your present world and system dear ones.

Only those who are third density beings therefore in this present world and system will see them and receive them as their saviors. Some of them will be of other worlds near by while others will be from right here on your planet, and will be your own world rulers attempting to deceive you. They will change tings in your world and make you new promises in hopes of holding on to the power they presently hold over all third density beings of your world. As far as fifth dimensional beings coming here to save the world this is not ever going to happen Daniel, as fifth dimensional beings need not be saved.

As far as them saving third dimensional beings in this present world this world is even now shifting or switching over into being a fifth dimensional planet and world, and third density beings are leaving this planet is swarms at this day in time., They are not leaving as far as their human bodies and forms, as each human possesses a certain amount of good; loving; and caring spirits who wish to live life as well in service to others. That is why it is the spiritual and inner man that will separate from the material and physical and outer man at the shift dear ones. Can fifth dimensional beings come to a third dimensional world and save it or aid the human beings there in fixing their world? No! A third dimensional being cannot see or hear a fifth dimensional being, and they only have a connection in the mind and spirit. It is true however that higher dimensional beings can provide help to lower dimensional beings in third density simply by coming to them in visions and dreams, and the three dimensional world can benefit from these visions and dreams, but they must retain what they have dreamed or envisioned immediately. For once you awaken from a dream the wisdom and knowledge you have brought back here into third dimensional reality immediately begins to leave your lower mind, and must therefore be written down or recorder in order to retain or save it.

This Daniel is the only way a fifth dimensional being can be of service to the third dimensional realms of human beings. This is happening all over your world today as this is what is bringing many human beings to awaken and to their ascension if they so choose to awaken and ascend at this day.

Will we give them third density solutions to their problems in the world today? No!


Third density solutions are what got third density human beings in the mess they are in at this day in time. Money will not solve the problems of third density mankind, as it will only aid in the delay for the world rulers, so they can put their plans in place to diminish the population of the world to a level that can once again be ruled over.  World debt forgiveness is only a third density solution to your present problems as well, and new debt will come and take its place very quickly if a monetary system is left in place. The declaration of world peace is a good start dear ones but it is only temporary again for third density beings until the world rulers once again become strong, at which time the dark and evil of your world will once again force you into bondage. There are no third density solutions that will repair your world dear ones other than the ascension into a fifth dimensional world and system where all things are seen in the light of unconditional love and service to the neighbor.

So now in getting back to our original question Daniel, third density planet earth has all it will receive in life already, as we will and do provide all the help to mankind at this day that is allowable by universal laws. Anything outside of man is his creation and not from the higher realms of his existence. What exists in your three dimensional life; and world; and universe is three dimensionally created by you and yours. Those who appear to come to you to help or aid you in fixing this planet and system are those you attracted and created, and they will be third dimensional beings Daniel. Therefore they are flawed in that they are limited as well to third density wisdom and understanding, and could even cause life to be worse for your planet. Still this will not be permitted as we can provide a certain level of discernment to out third density counterparts who hole offices of government and leadership in your world at this day in time. And so we say again that we will provide all the help we can to you dear one in your dreams and visions, but we cannot do it for you, as this is up to you to fix your world or leave it for a higher one. The choice is all of yours as you are all given a choice at this day as to where you will go in few days left leading up to the shift and ascension.

Do you understand dear ones what we are telling you all? Do you see that it is what it is and you must be the change which you wish to see in your world and system? Again no one above third dimensional existence and manifestation will come to help you as all you can create in third density is third density things; people; solutions; and illusions. And yet we realize that very few third dimensional beings will read these words, and this message must therefore be given to third density representations of your selves through yours and their visions and dreams in life. If you who are fifth density beings at this day do not share these words with your third density counterparts they will not know these words ever existed – so go do your part dear ones.

For those who are part way between third density life and fifth density life, and think someone is coming here to planet earth to save your world and systems you are being misguided dear ones. If you wish to find happiness of life from this day forward you are going to find it in the universal ascension through your awakening. In order to do this however you must give up all the things the dark ones through their falsified channels have provided you dear ones, in order to deceive you into believing others are coming to your world to bring peace and happiness through the announcements of world debt forgiveness; world peace; and the deliverance of the world p[prosperity funds. There are none of these things coming as this is a false flag incident being spread throughout your world dear ones by the dark ones.

 And still you can bring about great change and peace to your world dear ones simply by creating a paradise in its place and leaving them to maintain their present world and lower lives in third dimensional reality and life. If you love the things that feed the flesh, and if you love the ways of your present world then you will inherit just that - your world! If you love the things of unconditional love and light, and service to others in life then you will ascend and go on to live life in a new world and will therefore inherit the earth, as it is now becoming a paradise. It is that simple Daniel, you will attract in life that which you put out. You will reap that which you sow in life from this day forward. Those who are coming are already here and around your world waiting for just the right moment to move. You Daniel and all other human beings are the ones who will decide when they are to move.

In the end however there is absolutely nothing to fear as there are no right or wrong decisions from this day forward, but only decisions. If you seek unconditional love and light and service to others there is absolutely nothing to fear. If you seek service to self however, and the type of life that the present world provides then that is your choice and you must in the end live with your choice dear ones. But because we move toward love and light your world as well will experience a season of love and light. How long that season will last in your earth years no one knows as that is up to you.

Daniel: How do animals and children fit in to fifth density life?


Emmanuel: There will be new young souls who will come in to fifth density life as other representations of you but they will not be children as all will have free will in life to do and live as they please. No children are ever born in fifth density as childhood is only experienced in third density as the children are born there to teach third density beings unconditional love. There is no purpose for children in fifth dimensional life as all the things children represent in third density life are no longer of concern in fifth dimensional life, and therefore all souls have the same opportunities in life to create and live as they please. There are children in fifth density based on fifth density wisdom and understanding alone, but they are not similar to third density children at all, except for their lack of wisdom and knowledge at first, when they first come to fifth dimensional life.

Still as there is no punishment; no chastisement; no ruling one being over another; no respecting of persons at all in life; and no one in need of protection and care from other beings in life; all are therefore equal. There is no longer a need for children because of what children represent once again in third density. Once you begin to awaken and prepare for ascension you come to realize just how children should be dealt with in life and what their true purpose has always actually been in third density life. That no longer is the case once you enter fifth dimensional life, as all are now equal, and are in fact one.

As far as animals are concerned we can say basically the same things. Animals were never meant to be ruled over; punished; harmed at the hands of man; dependent on man for food and water; killed by man; eaten by man; and never have freedom to roam as they please in life because of man. Animals were put here as well to teach mankind unconditional love; free will to all in life ( never being ruled one species over another); and to serve as companions in life and not slaves or pets or food. In fifth density life they will exist only as equal beings in life and will be fully conscious as are all human beings in fifth density and higher. They will therefore not be seen as what they are seen and recognized as in third dimensional life. There will not only be beings who very much resemble the animals of our world but many others as well, and none will ever be eaten; ruled over; made to be pets; or not possess complete free will in life. And so this is how it will be with all beings in life in fifth density, and this is again why animals as we know and understand them will never again exist in fifth dimensional life and existence.

Daniel: How is it that we will create instantly and at will in our fifth dimensional lives?


Emmanuel: There is a material and physical plane of existence within every dimension of life, as all dimensions of life are our spiritual body and form in truth, seen and recognized in life as a material and physical body and form. So in fifth density our body and form will appear to us just as it does in this present world, though it will be different in reality. But again we will be able to choose our body and form in fifth density life.  We will also create at will and instantly there just as we do here. The one difference is that we will know this in fifth density and will live life according to this knowledge, whereas here in third density life we are not aware of this and therefore create in chaos, and unknowingly. While a human being is moving in and out of fifth density existence however they do not possess their full abilities as this cannot be seen and shared with third density human beings.

And so once we move over into fifth density for good in the universal ascension we will then have access to our full abilities of creation. This will be a gradual process however as we must be taught by our guides as to what things to do and not do while learning to use our new found abilities.  


Daniel: Will there be schools; houses; hospitals; jails; prisons; courthouses; 7-11’s ha-ha!; beaches; cars, buses, trains, and airplanes; malls; churches; airports; gas stations, and all different sorts of businesses and the likes? In other words how will our fifth density world and system be different from our own present third density world and system?


Emmanuel: None of this will exist in fifth density life as you will begin life with a clean slate, so as to create a new world from scratch. Still you will be creating at lightening fast speeds and can have many things of your world manifested within hours at first. This is why you must be given a guide once you enter fifth density life for good, so as to keep you out of trouble from creating things that you will later not wish to have in your new world. For once you create you cannot simply un – create it at all. It will have to be experienced as a part of your life for a season before you can gradually cause it to move from the center of your spiritual society where you live and exist in fifth density life. This is not to say that all of your creations will be in your face all the time, as you can cause them to appear and disappear at will, but you cannot completely remove them from your world once you give them life and existence. Remember! Everything will now be alive in your new world and life. You can talk with it and completely interact with it all. And so we say again that your new world will be created simply by the things you think about from moment to moment once you changeover to fifth density for good. You will basically begin your new life from a formless realm of darkness and void in what appears to be empty space dear ones. Still your hours and days of darkness will coincide with that of other human beings as each will experience this darkness and void at different times) or so it would seem). But still as you retain all memory now you will therefore have a Grand storehouse of ideas to begin your creation of your new world and universe once you begin your new life in fifth density. This is taken from an expression in your holy bibles as well Daniel, in that “All the dead in the earth will now arise from their graves.” You are the earth and all of your past experiences and lives are the dead. You will now be able to draw the thoughts and affections and ideas form any one of these past lives and experiences so as to create all things in your new world and life.

And so we again say to you Daniel that none of what you now possess and see in your present world has to become a part of your new world, but if it does you will be no better off then if you were once again in third dimensional life. That is why you must pat careful attention as to what thoughts you bring with you into your new fifth dimensional egg or womb so to speak. For just as the sperm is injected into the egg in our present world and that sperm decides what things will make up the new human, so too is this the case in your new fifth dimensional world about to come into existence, as you hold the sperm of life so to speak.


Daniel: As I am growing tired I will make this the last question for now.

How close would you say our universal ascension is Emmanuel? I realize you cannot give an exact date, but can you provide an educated guess based on your present knowledge of our ascension?


Emmanuel: As many in your world have already awakened and are therefore moving back and forth between fifth and third dimensional life and existence we would say that it is very close. Do not take the dates of December 21, 2012 and October 28th of 2011 as you guiding lights so to speak as you are each in control of the universal ascension, but not separately as some would suggest. You are not separate and it is not therefore a separate decision as to when universal ascension will occur. When universal ascension does take place it will be too late to say it is coming, and no one will know when it is coming until it is too late. Even we do not know as it is all up to the decisions of our lower selves in your world and system as to when it all will come down so to speak. We will say this however dear ones: The longer it takes the better off we are as the more souls the better, as we always say. With that being said however, we will tell you that right at this moment things look to be shaping up for right around early 2012 on your calendar. At the same time we would say that you third density humans never cease to amaze us in your spiritual advancement at this day in time, and you cause us to second guess ourselves every day and all the time. Therefore we would not be surprised to find the universal ascension process to come to fruition in late 2011 of your calendar year, and could very well come even sooner at the rate your world is awakening at this day and hour dear ones. We would certainly tell you all to get your things in order now!


We love you all dear ones and we thank you Daniel for this opportunity to share our love and words with you all. We love you all unconditionally and in the light of all things possible, and we say to you to reflect this love we share with you toward the entire world around you dear ones.


We are Emmanuel and we love you are you are we and we are you!

Silent Wind (not verified)

Mon, 07/25/2011 - 16:48

I've been following most of these but this one left my 3d mind wishing I could understand 5d explanations.

Still thanks for your messages.

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 07/26/2011 - 12:46

I know I'm going through ascension but I keep reading stuff that doesn't entirely fit where my mind is heading... This has explained everything and I have really big smile on my face! 

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