When something disturbing sweeps into your awareness, just let it flow

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 04/29/2012 - 00:31


When something disturbing sweeps into your awareness, just let it flow



The forthcoming event to which you – humanity – have been progressing steadily for so long, with not infrequent, apparent back-steps, gets ever closer.  Yes, all is on schedule, and your awakening is to occur precisely as divinely planned with your enthusiastic help and agreement.  Any doubts about it that you may be harboring are completely without foundation.  Release them, and focus your attention on what you truly desire to happen, and bring it to fruition.  That is your task, ably assisted by all of us in the spiritual realms who are constantly offering you advice (but only when sought) and encouragement.

To have spent so many eons in the illusory environment that you made in which to play your games has caused you to build around yourselves a hard shell to protect you from the attacks that have been an ongoing aspect of that strange environment.  What you are mostly now engaged in is softening and removing that shell so that you can fully interact with the divine field of Love that surrounds you at all times and which longs to hold you in Its loving embrace.

To soften this shell, and to enable you to let it go, you are addressing all these unloving issues and attitudes as they pour into your awareness, sometimes with very unsettling effects.  To awaken is to awaken into the divine Presence where all is Love.  Anything that is unloving cannot enter because the brilliance of the divine Light utterly overwhelms and terrifies anything that is unloving.  Any fear you may have that you will be divinely judged and found wanting stems from your deep inner knowing of this.

You know that to attempt to enter into the presence of God with anything apart from Love in your hearts is a meaningless endeavor.  To enter into the divine Presence you have to desire and intend to do so with all of your heart, but if you are still harboring unloving thoughts or attitudes, then you are not doing so with the desire and intent of all of your heart, and that is why it would be meaningless.

You are so accustomed to withholding part of your heart when you relate to others, in case you should be attacked or betrayed, that it is difficult for you to release those remaining unloving elements which seem to have provided you with essential protection for so long.  And it is these remaining unloving aspects you still hold in your hearts that you are in the process of addressing and releasing as the moment for your glorious awakening approaches.  Consequently, many are feeling disturbed and distracted as aspects of themselves that they had buried deep within surge up to the surface of their awareness for release.

Remember, you are constantly being offered enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms so that you can deal swiftly and effectively with these issues, and there is no way that you can fail to do so.  However, it can be very uncomfortable for you.  When something shocking or very disturbing sweeps into your awareness just let it flow.  Do not attempt to stop it or block it – you do not need to act on it, either – just let it flow.  It will not last, and when it has passed you will feel more alive, more secure, more sure and more confident in yourselves.  What will have happened is that the intense energy you needed to block it, deny it, or hide from it is now available for you to use and enjoy, resulting in a marked decrease in the fatigue and stress that its misuse had caused, and you will be brighter for it.

Truly your path to awakening has become far shorter; the main part is well behind you now, and as you release what you need to release and allow your hearts to open ever more fully, your faith in the divine outcome that has been planned since the moment of apparent separation will continue to strengthen and intensify, until you will know in your conscious mind that God’s Will and yours is assured.

With so very much love, Saul.



Doreen Smith

Sun, 04/29/2012 - 16:13

Thank You, Thank You...Saul, for this wonderful message, and John for being the conduit to bring your message here so we can all learn and know what is going on within and around us... I personally, needed to read this. There has been and is so much coming up from within me that I need to acknowledge and be released from...

I have been stuck in the muck regarding some family members reactions to my Awakening... I do not want to hold on to ill feelings even if they don't understand yet...

I am so thankful we can ask for help and it's there for us in an instant... I'm learning every day to ask...and then, I receive insightful articles such as this to help in this process of learning to trust again...

Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3



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