New World Society Part- 2

Submitted by Emmanuel on Fri, 07/29/2011 - 10:52

New World Society part 2


We come to you dear ones with a message form your higher planes of existence. As many of you appear to be of little knowledge of the New World Society at this day, we wish to bring you further information on said society.

As we spoke earlier in a previous message all will become a part of the New World Society who live not only on your present planet, but all who live within all of your present “Circle of Life.” Your “Circle of Life” includes every solar system; galaxy; universe; star; and planet known to your generation. For dear ones it is what you know as an accumulated Macrocosm that will make up your New World Society. Every soul that exists within the hells of your Macrocosm will provide the hells for this society; Grand Man; Macrocosm; and Angel Man.

Yes it is true that every Angel possesses their own hells as well in life. It is also true that every soul that exists within the heavens of your Macrocosm; WILL PROVIDE THE HELLS FOR THIS SOCIETY; Grand Man; Angels MAN; AND SO ON. There will be One single Human being who will be the Macrocosm of all human beings in your “Circle of Life,” that will possess all worlds; galaxies; universes; solar systems; stars; and planets at the moment of the change and the Universal Ascension of “You.”

You are a society dear ones and not just a single soul or human. You think you are a single human because up to now you have not been aware that all and everything, including all other humans and souls, live and have their existence within you. When we say within you it is simply a representative term as well, given the fact that there is actually no inside or outside of anything, as all just is. And because there is no inside nor outside of anything we will stay with the fact (for the moment) that all will continue to be your illusions that you have created, once you enter into fifth dimensional life, and come to realize you now exist at every level of life now, including, but not limited to, third dimensional material and physical life.

And so at this point in your existence as the Grand Man and Angel Man you will now realize that everything does indeed exist within you based on the assumption that you are the limiting factor of all that belongs to you; your creations; and your memories of life and existenc4ee. They may not actually be inside of you but they are indeed understood to be “of” you. We could say the same thing about God or the All in All if we wished, but we will not go into that for the moment dear ones. Therefore for the moment just keep in mind that all things are of you in life, and are therefore you now, and once you come to move into your new life within the New World Society.

You will be what you have always understood to be God in form. You will possess a single form yet you can create at will, any other human form you wish to see; hear; or interact with throughout your day in the higher dimensions of life, and these human forms will appear to be outside your body and form, just as they do in this present world of yours dear ones.

Before your society was ruled by evil and dark beings who were you as well, but now your New World Society will be guided by good and loving beings who are at the center of your society within the Angel Man, who is a heaven in its own right. No longer will society be ruled over by the dark ones of the past as these will have returned to their hells within the Grand Man, and will therefore exist and live their lives within the lower realms of the Grand Man.

What we have not told you dear ones is that the Grand Man is actually an Androgynous being who possesses a male and female nature in life. So the Grand Man who used to think himself or her self to be a single human being will now know he or she is all human beings as a whole, and that he or she can be male at one point in time, female at another point in time, or both at even another. The Grand Man or Angel Man is in a way like a Father and Mother to all souls in the lower realms of his or her body and form, which are ignorant of life and continue for the moment to live life in illusion.

Again the Grand Man (you) has not only every dimension of life within your body; existence; and life, but this goes for your material or physical, and spiritual body in fact.  The Grand Man can live within any one of its dimensions of life at any point in time, as it wishes in life. With you being the Grand Man; if you would wish to descend into your third density body and form, you could interact with a whole world of human beings (still knowing that they are you) and could interact with them for as long as you pleased in life. You could not speak to them of higher things or higher wisdom however, as they would not believe you in the first place, and you know this.

If you go into higher dimensions of life and wish to receive wisdom from higher realms of existence or dimensional planes of existence you can do so. They will not offer you their wisdom however unless you seek it first. When you seek and receive their wisdom however you will lose it as soon as you return to your natural state of life in whatever lower dimension of life you reside in. Why? Because the wisdom of the higher realms will not fit into your society, and those of your society would not believe what you would have to offer them from higher societies, without them first entering those societies for themselves.

However dear ones, you are now the Grand Man, and you only need in life what you need in each now moment, and do not require the presence of persons; places; or things such as higher wisdom from higher societies before their time or season. In other words whatever wisdom you need now will be given you by you willing it into your life and mind. What is to come later is no longer of any concern to you. As we said, all will come to you and be created by you in its own time or now moment. This is how it works below and this is how it works above. Once you become fully conscious and the Grand Man you do not wish for every thought and memory of your past lives to enter into your mind all at once, as this would drive you mad.

You live for each now moment and what is willed; required; wanted; or needed in each now moment will be provided by you no matter what dimension of life it is taken from. Still dear ones you will not wish to retain what you have experienced or heard in the higher societies if it does not serve your present now moment in life, right? So it remains in the higher reams which you will come to visit from time to time, and will be there whenever you seek to possess or experience it ever again. For, the higher dimensions of life are simply within your mind, as are all lower dimensions of life.

This dear ones is the New World Society!

This, my friends is the new life you will all come to take on and experience, and very soon we might add. You will have taken with you every friend; acquaintance; person you heard or saw; loved ones and family members within every life and past life you have ever come to know or create. For, indeed you have created each and every one of them dear ones. All will ascend and all are ascending within every now moment of life; creation; and existence. There is a personal ascension and there is a Universal Ascension and they both happen at the same time, even though no human born in flesh is ever aware of this. For, ascension happens in the spiritual world where your inner person and man live life.

Many who love in your present world today are already in fifth density life, and they cannot therefore speak of fifth density things to any third density person as many of you surely know what this brings. Do you not have to deal with people calling you crazy or confused all the time? So if you are living life in and out of fifth density today you will have had problems recently with returning to third density life all the time throughout your day, so as to continue acting as a guide to those who have not yet awakened, but who will indeed awaken, as we have it from a very high source dear ones. You are here still because you long ago chose to remain here until a certain time in the ascension process, and at your allotted time you too will move over to your fifth dimensional life and self for good. In the spiritual world you are already completely in fifth dimensional life, but according to your third density self

You are still here in third density, providing the words to those who seek them in life. This does not mean you are to force your words on anyone, but you simply need to put your words out there where a place is made for them, and those who seek them will indeed find them, we assure you dear ones. Others may be her not for their words but for some act or deed or service they are to provide in these last days of third density life, and that is how it is to be. As each soul has done their part based on what they chose to come here and do in these last days,

They will each move over to the body and form of the Grand Man, not that they will all be fifth dimensional beings. For there must be third and fourth dimensional beings going there (ascending) to the Grand Man as well, and this is done by natural death in your worlds, and by those who will move off planet and experience natural deaths as well, and will not reenter the life of the Devil Man, whom you are now or once was a part of. Everyone is leaving the Macrocosm that they are presently residing within in life and moving over to a Grand Man that is now an Angel Man.

Everyone will ascend and is ascending even as we speak. Once you ascend for good and no longer serve a purpose within the realms of the Devil Man, who is the present Macrocosm, you will immediately move over to live your life within the realms of the Angel Man who is the new Grand Man.  For those of you dear ones who have trouble grasping the idea of the Grand Man you can certainly replace this term with world, as world is what man has represented for ages upon ages. So another way of putting it is that we are all moving over to the heavens and are now leaving the hells. Does this sound better to you dear ones?  Either way it is correct!

So what many of you want to know at this day, given the fact now that good things are about to happen, and get even more wonderful after the completion of the Universal Ascension, is when will this Universal Ascension take place in your world? We say to you dear ones that the Universal Ascension is already happening as it is a process in your world but instantaneous in the spiritual world. Every soul is already in their place within the Grand Man or Angel Man within the spiritual world where you actually live and exist, but you are not all completely out of your present illusion based on third density principles as of yet, and this is the process you see taking place and unfolding before your eyes every day in your world.

It appears that the days are dragging on, and that your new life in the New World Society is lingering, but we say to you it is already done dear ones. All that needs happen now is either your awakening, or your leaving this third density planet by some other means. But we promise you all dear ones that all souls will be happy one way or the other in the mere days to come, as life will become better for all no matter what dimension of life you live in, within the Grand Man and the New World Society.

If you leave by ship you will still either awaken or leave third density in some other manner, but leave you shall, and you will therefore move into your new life within the NEW world Society, at whatever dimension of life you will be living in.  And this will happen for every soul that wishes to awaken in life, and even for those who don’t. For if you do not wish to awaken yet it is simply because you do not yet believe in this process and you require more time. But we say to you time is growing very short, and you are all about to live your lifelong dreams according to your reality. The world around you dear ones is awakening at an accelerated rate and nothing can stop it.

Where you find yourself in the coming days; weeks; and months’ dear ones is up to each of you, and you alone. It is what you will “know” to be truth to you in your future that will indeed become truth and reality to you. The world in front of you is turning into a world of free will creation and all are and will be a part of this. There will come a time in each person’s life very shortly when you will notice your wishes and dreams are all of a sudden coming true in life. This will become even more evident to you all as the days click by, and we say to you all dear ones to be careful what you wish for, as you may surely get it.

The more you come to awaken the more you will know that certain things are true and possible in life, and because you” know” they will be very possible now for you to manifest. So again be careful. We say again, the more you awaken the more you will be capable of creating at will and instantaneously dear ones. Those who will now awaken will still ascend but may not come to possess the abilities to create at will and instantaneously until they reach the other side of life in the spiritual realms of the New World Society. However it works for each person or soul simply know that things are about to get crazy in your world, and we mean this in a good way. In ending we will recap the ascension process –


All will ascend but not all will awaken. All have already awakened and ascended within the spiritual world where we actually live and exist at present however. What all human beings are waiting on today is not actually ascension or awakening, but for as many souls to know where they are, if they are to know where they are in your present world, and at the present now moment, in the world. Those who do not know where they truly are in life and existence will either soon come to find out or they will leave this third density world and enter third density within the Angel Man; heaven; or the New World Society; however you wish to term it. Again everything has been done already, and all that awaits is for every soul in your present three dimensional world to make up their minds where it is they wish to be, and what they wish, for their next world and life to look like.


 For where ever a tree comes to fall in the woods therein will it lay!


We send out unconditional love and light to you all dear ones and we ask that you reflect it to the rest of your world whenever possible.


WE are Emmanuel and we love you as you are we and we are you.



Sun, 07/31/2011 - 21:50


i thank you for your candid channelings. are you sure that 98% of all channels are of the dark and not the light? that seems awful high.   BTW you are an awful speller, but that is a sign of intelligence, ha ha! since i can no longer find the post i am commenting on i am leaving my thoughts here. i am so glad i caught it before it disappeared. i admit that the whole get on the spaceship thing has always been way out of my comfort zone. because of that, your words resonate with me and i am so very grateful for some cold, hard, truth, which as you point out is not all cold nor hard but loving and inviting. there was a channeling about one month ago now that featured Goddess Isis and she said essentially what you are conveying now. and i am ever grateful for her frankness as well. did you see that one?   i suppost this nesara thing is too far-fetched to be real too?  regardless, i know everything is unfolding for the better and our new reality will be exponentially more blissful that the one we are leaving behind. cheers, gwen

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