Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/4/12 ‘Vice Control’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 18:28



Vice control: It is your job to adequately contain the feelings that may arise in you that lead you to recreations that do not serve your higher good and your purpose for being here. We do see a number of you partaking in the use of mind altering substances, and we say to you at this time “Does this serve your higher good, and does this recreation serve our mission here in this world at this time?” What we ask of you, our Lightworkers, is that you refrain from such activities that promote negative responses within your bodies and which negatively affect your health, your vibrational level and your work here. What we would like to see are those of you who do partake in the use of recreational and even some prescribed drugs to cut back greatly or even abstain absolutely from this use that is doing much harm to your physical, emotional and mental vessels.


The use of these mind altering substances is not, on its own, what we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are concerned about. What we are concerned about is the effects these substances can have and are having on you, our teammates, who have been charged with certain tasks that are needed to be accomplished here on our shared mission. We do see the use of some of these substances hindering your performances on several different levels. What we would like to see is your performance of your tasks to improve sharply in the days ahead, as time is running very short and it is time to put aside all these limiting distractions and time spenders and get more involved in the work that you are here to do.


There are many individuals who are here on this planet at this time for different reasons. If you have found yourself to this message and to others like it, in all probability you are here for a very specific purpose. You are here to accomplish tasks that are part of our great mission here. You have been selected out of countless others who expressed interest in this assignment, and you have journeyed here from places far away only to be here for a short while and assist in our mission to restore this planet to its pristine condition and support her and her people in their time of great change. May we suggest that it is no longer time to partake in these mind altering substances? The time that you have had to wander this world taking in her beauty, her charm and many things that were new to you are, for now, over for you.


What it is time for is not sightseeing and not socializing at parties and night spots and even at your homes. What it is time for is for you to be connected with you your teammates that are also here for the same reason you are, coordinating your efforts, and completing your assignments adequately and in a course of due time. Do you understand how important your roles are here in our mission? Do you understand how important our mission as a whole is here in this world? Do you realize that it is not only this world that will be affected by our mission and whether it is successful or not, but worlds throughout this entire galaxy and beyond throughout this entire universe? Considering how vast the effects of the outcome of our mission is here, could you find a way to curtail your use of mind altering substances and find more time to busy yourself with the tasks that you have signed up for and have been entrusted with before your current incarnation? If you could find a way to do this we, your teammates, would be overjoyed, and your efforts in this regard would be so greatly appreciated.


There are many of us here on our side of this immense project and we too have had to make certain sacrifices to be a part of this mission. We too have left behind many of our loved ones, our careers, hobbies and interests, and journey here to orbit in our trajectories around or near your current planet for many long years away from the worlds that we call home and the people that we call family and friends. You too are asked to make certain sacrifices as the time for your experiments with many of the things a 3rd dimensional physical world has to offer are, for now, a thing of the past, as the time has come to focus on your assignments many days ago. The time for completion of many of these currently uncompleted tasks has passed, and it is safe to say that some of the tasks that are your responsibility have now entered into overtime and it is now time to complete them. We ask for your sincerest efforts and complete focus on the current issues of operation as we cannot afford to fall behind, as there are many important and involved tasks that await just up ahead for us and we need to have our plates cleared before we take on new responsibilities that will see to the successful completion of our shared mission.


What we are seeing in several cases is recreational drug use that borders on addiction. This is a very serious matter, and this matter must be addressed by those of you who are experiencing difficulties with your assignments due to these habits and tendencies. It is your responsibility to find a way to curtail these vices and accomplish this as soon as you possibly can, as we do not have the luxury of waiting for you to grow out of this through time and through experience. What we see as necessary is an abrupt halt to these practices and begin a new, sober and better focused way of life which will allow you to better focus your attention on your assignments and complete them on schedule and satisfactorily.


Each and every one of you reading these words is part of our mission, and as such it is required of you, according to your agreements with us, to one day awaken to your responsibilities and take it upon yourself to drop whatever it is that you were immersed in and begin to focus a great deal of your time and energy on your mission and even focus entirely on your mission, depending on what your particular assignment is and how much responsibility your particular assignment or assignments call for. It is now past time to do this. Mental clarity is of utmost important for you and for our mission at this time. The use of mind altering substances clouds and fogs the mind. The use of mind altering substances beckons your attention and leads your focus into directions where you will not find your purpose or our mission here.


The use of mind altering substances is greatly habit forming and this habit that is steadily growing is demanding more of your time, energy and focus, and this is what we cannot have through the ranks of our crewmembers who have been assigned the roles of incarnated workers of light. Based on your prior histories, your work records, your successes and your achievements, you were selected out of countless others from countless other worlds who wished to earn assignments on our mission and travel here through incarnation and experience the physical vessel on Earth and carry out the responsibilities of their mission. It was you that were chosen over many of them. It is an honor and it is also a privilege to have been selected to join our team to carry out this mission.


You have been blessed with the opportunity to incarnate as a human here in this beautiful and challenging world that has gifted you with so much new knowledge and experiences that will take you such great distances on your journey throughout this multidimensional universe. You do not owe anyone anything for this but yourself. You owe it to yourself to take from this experience everything that you can possibly take with you, and one of the least valuable experiences that you will cherish for eternity is the instances of your recreational drug use. This is not a valued experience, as it is more of a waste of valuable time, energy, effort and funds.


We do not judge you or look down upon any of you who have chosen to partake in these mind altering recreations, not at all. We do not make any judgments whatsoever about any of you in any regard. We only wish to make it perfectly clear to you that there has been a time here on Earth for you where it was more appropriate to experiment and engage in such activities, as you are on a personal journey as well as here on a mission as a member of the organizations that are here. We only say to you that this time to experiment and to see and experience all of what this world has to offer is over. It is now time to get busy on the main reason you are here and have been selected to be here. We hope that you can understand this and see this from our point of view.


We would not be bringing this up to you and discussing this with you unless we do see this as a problem for a number of you. We do not wish to interfere and interject with the way you live your lives, as this is beyond our wishes and desires. We only speak to you today of this problem because we see it hampering your assignments that you have been charged with, and we feel a life change for many of you is what is called for and will see to sharp improvements of your job performances and your mental, physical and emotional capabilities. We thank you at this time for reading our message today, and we also thank those of you who are experiencing challenges in this area to think about what we have said today and make a decision whether you wish to continue on with your mission here or whether you wish to continue the habits and tendencies that are not bringing to you results that we would call adequate.


We thank you for considering what we feel is an appropriate step for you at this time, and we look forward to seeing improvements in the areas that you have been assigned. We understand that making a life change such as this is not an easy task at all, and we offer our support to you in every way that we can and also remind you that you have many brothers and sisters around you who are also your team members who have also journeyed here with you who will lend you their support, their expertise and their wisdom to help you make this change in yourself that will see to a change in the way you carry out your assignments on our mission of love and service to this planet and all her people. We will do all that we can to see you through this period in your life that may be challenging, and we thank those of you who will make the decision and make the efforts to seek the change that we feel is so important for you and our mission at this time. Thank you.


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.







As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French Turkish

I know Rain

I have been smoking for 45 years its the only thing I have done since the 90's.

Lately I have found myself questioning its use while in meditation it no longer opens me up as it has in the past and has felt like a wast of money.

I do think in time after the shift and the jobs we agreed too and came here to do are complete we will be able to enjoy a lot more time to play and these natural things will be enjoyed but now is the time for clear heads as we have a lot of work to do in a short time.

Lets not forget that it has a lot of fear around it in many areas brought on by all the false teachings and laws and fear helps the dark ones.



Not all "mind-altering substances" are the same, and it doesn't make any sense to group them all together and treat them all the same way. This message sounds a lot like the goverment propaganda many of us have had shoved down our throats. I'm not sure what's wrong with altering the mind anyway, and I happen to be happily addicted to the most mind-altering substance of all, LOVE!

.... you will see and feel the intention. I read it as being a suggestion that we stay away from any substance that lowers our light elevation. In my past experiences with most avenues, there were substances that would alter and cause a discension if you will especially when coming down ... the remorse, the lack of a soul light portal .. the feeling as if joy was impossibly far away. That's how I read this message. that's the stuff I stay far away from now. alcohol too - when I know I'm feeling darkness close by. thank you.


Tue, 06/05/2012 - 09:09

In reply to by Ludwig (not verified)

I certainly see the message as having good intentions, but it's the actual content I'm responding to.  You know what's even worse than being addicted something like heroin? Blaming heroin for all your problems. The drug didn't do it to you, you did it to yourself. Blaming someone or something else robs you of your Sovereign Right to heal yourself.


I'm certainly not saying it's a good idea to do the "hard" drugs, just that they're a distraction from the real problems, which is why people use them to escape in the first place. You heal yourself through taking personal responsibility for all your problems, not blaming some external thing. For a message that's supposed to be coming from a "Higher Source", it sounds like it's coming from a very 3D perspective.


It's the root of the problem that needs to be addressed, the fear which lead to the addiction in the first place. Without confronting that, the hole in the being (created by the avoidance that is fear) will simply be filled with another addiction. Often it's religion, which I'm not sure is any better than being addicted to hard drugs.

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