DNA Activation and the Angst Continues

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 14:57

DNA Activation and the Angst Continues

by Deborah Lindsey



I had sort of thought that this overriding angst that people have been feeling would be letting up by now. Afterall the Venus Transit was three days ago and the energies of the eclipse using last about 3 days. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. Instead I’m hearing report after report of people who feel like they want to “crawl out of their skin.” Others have reported very high levels of anxiety and one person said that her body felt like it was “popping popcorn inside.”


I’m also hearing about a ton of people who have come down with a cold that just won’t quit. I’m one of them. The cold started with a sore throat on the night of the annular solar eclipse (May 20), taking hold of my throat, and now settling in my lungs. Its gotten so chronic at this point that I even considered taking antibiotics and I NEVER take antibiotics!


Others talk about the need to run or to engage in some sort of extreme physical activity. The key here seems to be in activity, almost like the body can’t sit still. The other symptom I’m hearing a lot is this need to scream. Its like the body is just looking for a release in whatever form it takes. Again, we look to the throat chakra which seems to be a primary target during this time. I have also noticed that its harder to hold back from telling the truth, like it is harder to lie, even if that lie is to ourselves, and that truth is struggling to get out.


The other thing I notice quite consistently is this feeling like “something big is about to happen.” Now some of this could be an expectation based on hype but in my case I can say that my body is feeling way too funky to think that I’m making it up (any more than I make up everything else that is.) The feelings are too profound, too visceral, too active to think that its all in my imagination.

My impression, though is that I don’t think it is really a feeling that something big is ABOUT to happen as much as it is that something big ACTUALLY IS HAPPENING. I personally think that whatever it is, which is largely undefined right now, it is firmly in process. I personally think that many of us are going through a DNA activation based on the energies that were downloaded on the planet this week. The energies are affecting us and affecting the whole planet at an atomic level. Our magnetics are being restructured, signals are being turned on, and the body is going through a huge amount of pressure to accommodate these very profound shifts.


From what I can see, it is actually a really good thing that we are feeling this, that we have been upgraded to be able to receive the higher frequencies of the new earth, whatever that might mean.

For now, I think we just have to deal with it in whatever way we can. I would highly suggest that we avoid eating anyone’s face off or killing anyone or hurting ourselves, though I’ve heard several people say that they just feel like hurting random people. I think the anxiety can look for release in positive ways and in not so positive ways so make sure you keep a handle on it and let it work through you. The changes will happen in time, hopefully quickly, and your body will return to some essence of normal before you know it.



In these times when many are have great anxiety, Remember..we're NOT OUR BODIES!! We are God-Consciousness and ascension is the process of awakening to that fact, and letting go of our minds' idea of who we are. Our bodies are only the vehicles for our God-Consciousness to experience this illusion for the sake of spiritual growth. "You" can't die!  It's all about not allowing your 'thoughts' to continue identifying who you are. Thoughts and the false identity they create, comes and goes, and they cause all the trouble if you take an interest in any of them.  The I AM (the True You), is actually unobservable, yet is constantly 'watching' and aware of all that is playing out. So if you can STAY IN NEUTRAL and try to just 'observe' with detachment, all that's happening, much anxiety will pass. Breath, release unpleasant thoughts (illusory..not you), and focus on whatever helps you withdraw your attention from your 'mind'. Now is the time we're being prodded to release the illusion of our life-long 'identities' which are only a product of life-long conditioning which created a fake version of our identity. It has served us well for the lessons we're here to have, and we planned it all anyway (afterall). But now it's time to take off the costume and the mask and relax into the divine ocean that is the True You. Let the waves & clouds (thoughts) come and go.  We are the ocean, we are the sky...we only believed we were the vulnerable little waves and clouds. The illusion is at it's end...had it's day...game over!  It's time to quiet your mind and let the winds of Love that you ARE...find you!   

Good to read that you are experiencing this now. l like a lot of fellow lightworkers on this site. I couldn't find anything about it clearly in details what the process untill the shift in your lightbody really was on the internet last year and no recent personal experiences as well. I had in October last year several weeks of scratching feeling under my skin (arms) day and night and thought it was a new allergical reaction. I drunk a lot of energetic water and had organic food as well and that helped me a lot through this process.


So it seems that when you are experiencing this now in my opinion you are very close to the shift into your lightbody, your physical ascension process is nearly in the end state. I felt it as an enormous final electric download from my crown chakra into my body in my house and after this experience the need to scratch day and night disappeared very soon. It took another 22 days till the portal of 11-11-11 to start becomming aware of my multidimensional lighbody and a couple of months to accept my new reality in 5D and not switching between the old and new world anymore. I kan keep the peace in my heart now and stay centered and grounded whatever negative challenge will occur the next moments.



Guest (not verified)

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 12:38

this describes very well what is going on with me. i'm with heavy flue synthoms, especially in my throat for the last month, but now is fading away.. the last days i passed tru a dark cloud in my energetic body.. but this is also fading away. good to know that this is happening with many other people.

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