Things That Are Happening

Submitted by beginnow on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 08:52

Hello All,


I would like to give my impressions about Drake and the things surrounding him. 


There are some who believe he is an agent for the cabal and some who don't.  I believe he is an honest person with a love for our country.  There will always be those don't see things in the same way as others but to not have an opinion about all that is occuring is say you are content with things as they are.  I am not.  I understand there are those who feel compeled to be against others, just for the sake of doing so.   


My gut feeling is, he is trying to do somethng positive with the life he has.  Our free will allows each of us, to choose what we believe but to downplay his attempt are, in my opinion, giving in to the cabal and excepting things as they are. 


We as a soceity must stand up for what is the correct way of living and doing things.  Now I know some will not see this as the way.  To those I ask this, "What is the way?"


“Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting points and its rich environment." - AlbertEinstein


Thanks for hearing me out.  You opinions are welcomed. :-)





Look, I don't judge.  Honest opinions are always welcomed.  I am sure there are things I won't agree with you. :-)  Don't let disagreements stop you. :-)  It just might cause more stress.





I think he's nuts. I don't think the pentagon is worried about him. I also find it hard to take him seriously when he is such a classic redneck. If I took a drink everytime he mentioned guns, beer, or quoted Larry the Cable Guy, I would be dead. Also I don't beleive anything hes saying, if that wasn't clear when I called him nuts.

My guides have instructed that each individual will experience these events in a different way based on our development or vibration. That is not to say that the events to follow will in truth be different for all but only felt in different ways. If a mountain moves and you are still a 3d being you may experience a big jolt .. if you are a 5d it may be a gentle breeze as you see a new Mountain formed... for some it may be every bit of and end of days scenario.. look for the subtle language in SaLusa's last message ! To judge anyone ..put anyone in a box during such times and especially when these individuals come from a place of love is indeed very closed minded.  If you don't like the message turn it off ! Opinions of who is good ...accurate. or dead wrong is futile at this time unless you are Omniscient we may leave that for the creator lest we be in error.


You see, heres the thing. I don't just hand my trust over. Espesially to invisble people, people claiming to channel invisible people, or anyone making extraordinary claims in general. Quite frankly they aren't doing a good job winning it. The history of the GFL and company is riddled with broken promises, and people saying stuff happend when it simply didn't. Oh yeah, and that one guy telling people to starve themselves. People will trust anyone who calls themselves 'divine/of the light/Ashtar, etc', more so then they trust there own ability to think. No one ever considers they may just be just some person, like you or me, who is perfectly capable of lying. Thats worrysome, to me anyway. 


Of all the people I have heard putting someone into a box, Drake the Cable Guy takes the cake. Good people go here, evil people go there. Thats not a '5D' veiw, thats not even a 3D view. It's 2D, the stuff of cartoons. People arn't either black or white. 


Restraining yourself from going out and shooting people is normal, but the urge to do so in the first place is not really what I call something from a place of love. I find people who say they do everything in love and light really are just more passive aggressive. Its ok to have other emotions, I dont care what the freakin aliens say.


An opinion can not be right or wrong. It's an opinion. I don't need to be omniscent to have one either. I do, however, need to actually listen to form an opinion in the first place. I don't know about you but, "I didn't listen  to what he said because I think he's a nut" sounds WAY more close minded then "I listened to what he said and I think he's a nut."


tl;dr I told you it wouldn't be welcomed, lol.


Mon, 06/18/2012 - 21:43

In reply to by Shauni Waterdragon (not verified)

Well , you see it is just dialouge so it is welcomed.. absolutely! However Opinion Is Opinion and it is either correct or incorrect,,that is to say based in fact or fantasy ..problem is how the hell are we to know ? I listen and I wonder , is this a bunch of S@## would someone really go that far with something not true? .. I guess so.. there are people that do,that will   I guess because I wouldn't, I reserve judgement.. The good news is there is a time limit on this truth and we will know pretty soon who is on the level : )

Hello there,


I do agree with you about opinions.  It's all a matter of what you are willing to believe. :-)  The old ways, as I see it, are changing right before our eyes.  But our pre-condition beliefs, keep us from seeing them.  I, for one believe any thing is possible.  Keep what you believe close but remember, each day is different.  Who's to say, the next moment is set in stone.  An open mind will always win in the end. :-0


Have a great day.


Hello All,


This has been a fantastic experience for me.  I mean to see and read all the different opinions about a topic that's creating a storm across the Internet.  It has done for me, what I myself, could not do.  Be objective.  I am objective but it's different. 


The responses I have received has given me an opportunity to express my feelings and beliefs, some I only tell myself.  For me that's great. :-)  I was once told, by a dear sweet friend, who is no longer with us in the physical, that once you get your opinions out in the open, it leaves a space for more, to grow.  I truly believe this.  My opinions/beliefs change with each response I receive.  Not for the purpose of changing my mind, althrough some do, but for the experience of hearing the different ideas.  I form no judgement on what I receive.  I just use that information to expand me.  To let me express myself help my growth and understandings.  I know that sounds selfish but it's really not. 


I just wanted to tell you that.  I am open, at all times, to what I receive.  :-)


"Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that
stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the
 loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will
grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these
if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built." ~ James Allen


I love you all.






I believe everything we do is for a purpose.  Some we see right away and some we don't.  It is what you put into it that makes the difference.


Like the movie, Groundhod's Day."  Waking up to see the same thing over and over and over.  Would it be better to see things change?  If you are one, who wakes up with the feeling of doom and gloom, I still have love for you. :-)  To me, it's easier to see each day as a time/way to change what happen yesterday.  By that I mean, no two days are a like, unless you want it to be.  Life is a lot like the lottery.  You keep playing the same number hoping for a big score.  If it doesn't happen do you stop playing the game or do you keep playing? 


We never know from moment to moment what will happen.  We can assume, have an opinion about or just ride the ride.  Bill Hicks expains it right about life being a ride.  If you ride the same ride, expect the same twist and turns that you know are coming.  Or you can change the ride. :)  Life, to me is not complaciated, just misunderstood or better still, taken for granted. 


When your life flashes before your eyes,
make sure you've got plenty to watch ~ Anon


Have a rainbow of a day. :-)






 I listen and I wonder , is this a bunch of S@## would someone really go that far with something not true ?


Lol, yes. If they had something to gain from it. Pick up a history book, shits everywhere.*coughreligioncough*


 I wouldn't kill millions of Jews, but it still happened. Don't judge the actions of people souly on what you would do. Thats nieve.


There isn't really a time limit. Since 2008 I have seen more then a dozen dates for the aliens to land. Now, I'm not saying they won't, but I am saying that people will continue to wait and set deadlines until then. There is no "Oh they didn't show up in 2012, they don't exist" Sure they are disappointed, but the aliens will be there with some bullshit excuse like 'you weren't ready' or, my favorite, 'It happened in another dimension.'

Don't beleive me? Well lets look at something a BIT smaller. Lets look at mass arrests. If I had a dime for how many times I heard "any day now" or "Its happening this month!" only for it not to happen any day, or that month, I would have, like, two or three dollars.


Tue, 06/19/2012 - 05:33

In reply to by Shauni Waterdragon (not verified)

Our beliefs are based on opinions.  Nothing will ever change that.  Whatever you feel, you have the right to that.  :-)


Just keep the light in front of you and things will happen as they should. :-)


Have a great day,



p.s.  I honestly appreciate your opinions.  :-)

King David (not verified)

Mon, 06/18/2012 - 19:37

I've been working on condemnation and not having it. However in the case of "Drake" awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeehhhh shucks, I'll leave him alone. I have already left him/her/it alone after listeing to 10 minutes of one of his first speech. I don't think he is part of the Cabal as they would represent with one that sounds more authentic. I've also been working on Judgement and not having it. But in Drake's case, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwhhh shucks.  Well anyway, as I said before it's been hundreds of years that the Cabal have eledgedly signed contracts of surrender and backed out every time. They will not be surrendering, ever, never, not in this life time nor any other, mark my words on this, trust you, take it to the back, and make no mistake about it. 



I understand.  What rings my bell, may not ring yours.  The opposite is also true. :-)  We need to keep the dialog open.  United we stand, divided we fall.


Have a fantastic day.


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