How to Occupy Facebook, Easy Sneezy.

Submitted by Doreen Smith on Fri, 06/22/2012 - 16:05

This is in response to "Arrest of the Cabal 6-21-2012"


Juliamay11 made this video of "How to Occupy Facebook, Easy Sneezy". She is the Divine sister Drake asked everyone to listen to with the message to the Cabal... Juliamay11 tells us how to Occupy Facebook for a start to help all who use Facebook put a stop to these dark forces. There are instructions in the comments how to do this for the good of ALL..


We need to know what we need to do to get WARRANTS out as well on all who have commited crimes against humanity!!


Let's not stop at the Warrants for their detainment...We can also boycott these companies and refuse to use any of their services or products...Hit them in THEIR pockets!! Don't forget to send out Light and Love to them so they will surrender and at last, truly be connected to Source and finally be ONE with Divine Love and Light..


The Trilateral Commission
The Committee Of 300
The Club Of Roma
Skull & Bones
The Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The Bank Of International Settlements
The Bank Of International Securities
The World Bank
The International Monetary Fund
The United Nations
N.M. Rothschilds & Sons, Ltd. UK
J.P. Morgan Chase
Royal Dutch Shell
British Petrolem
Brown Brothers Haraminn
KBR (Kellogg-Brown-Root)
The Carlysle Group
Bush Exporation
The Saudi/bin-Ladin Group
The Priory Of Zion
The Vatican (The Holy See)
The Council Of Thirteen
The Rothschilds Family
The Rockerfeller Family
The Astor Family
The Li Family
The Bundy Famly
The Kennedy Family
The Onasis Family
The Disney Family
The Collins Family
The DuPont Family
The Van Duyn Family
The Reynolds Family


Dow Chemical


Let's "Get er done!!" We CAN and WILL do this...Put a stop to the cabal and their destructive companies..

Much Peace, Joy, Light, Love and POWER to ALL! NOW! :) <3

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