Comment on White House Letter (Revised)

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Wed, 06/27/2012 - 09:33

Rish (not verified)

Wed, 06/27/2012 - 10:37


It has been said many times that Obama is of light and our President for a special purpose. It may be so, I dunno. It is also said that we use our discernment and when we do that, I am afraid, I do not see many reasons to believe the Galactics. It is also said that cabal has technology to interfere or manipulate the Telepathic messages received so it is possible that this also may be the case..that Cabal is trying to carry forward their agenda by mixing lies.


I am personally open to all possibilities. I think he is not completely sure which side he is on as yet. It may be that a time of reckoning will come for him when he will align his interest with that of the people, but I am not going to believe that until I see some Action, for they speak louder than Words.

So let me get this correct!. Obama is of the light, but he is using the "Devils tools" now because he doesn't want to be killed? Then after the Cabal is arrested he is going to then become this great beacon of light?  That kinda flies in the face of the people who STAND UP for truth and righteousness everyday in the face of all adversity!. A mans character and strength is determined by his stand against all sophistries of the adversary! So,  your weak and cowardly when the Cabal is around then you turn into "Superman" when they leave?..sounds a little backwards to me!

Not only do I agree with you, but anyone who still believes O'Bama's on the path to ascension with the Lightworkers in THIS lifetime are ignoring every documented fact that proves we know NOTHING about this guy! "Hope" and "Belief" doesn't make it true. Lightworkers are true Truth-Seekers, so how'd this guy get by you, despite not one shred of Lightworking he's done since he illigitimatly took office! (Thanks to the Queen of England by the way).


 Why stop at O'Bama??? He's in bed with the likes of the murdering, eugenics-loving, theiving David Rockefeller, George Soros, Kissenger, Merkel, Jaimie Diamond, etc...could they be "Lightworkers" in disguise too??? Why not? OK, they're the 'masterminds' here, O'bama's just their black-mailable puppet, doing despicable deeds to steal our freedom for their benefit, to the detriment of the citizens (read NDAA lately?).  Couldn't they have found a Lightworker among American citizens for the job then? Why pick an illegitimate, illegal alien (proven by so many experts it's ridiculous), who has even locked up his diplomas (who does that?!), and uses a dead man's SS#.  (Eyes rolling now, right?) Where's your proof of one wonderful deed O'Bama has done for others (except for maybe a photo-op or two!  O'bama is now a billionaire by the way...not a problem in itself, but his billions are in off-shore accounts, and the Prez doesn't make that kind of money. Think he'll give it all back to the 'people' when this is over??  I'm not trying to start an argument here, I'm only saying that the facts don't show O'Bama being a Lightworker on ANY level. But the 'believers' in him don't care one whit about that. So, if you get fooled anywhere else in this crazy mix of truth & lies circulating the internet, it's because you're attracted only to what you want to hear....not what any evidence might show.  

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 06/27/2012 - 15:12

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

Hey Maybe Obama is a walk-in/walk-out..LOL he walks in when its time to pass some crazy legislation or do a photo shoot like he just killed someone, or when its time to have a beer at high noon on national tv!..LOL then he walks out when the people start asking for peace, justice or anything that makes common sense!..LOL Forget it!..That man is not my leader! I dont care how much light he shoots out his buttocks!. Just think if Jesus had denied the Father when he was persecuted and killed! This man went all the way with the knowledge that he was of the light and did not have to pretend to be of the dark to save more souls so to speak.

I try to see it from the perspecctive that all the so called ascended masters but i guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one until further notice. I will be the first one to admitt I was wrong if he turns out to be all that they say not a problem.. but until that man, like Drake says, "offers me a cold beer" then im not buying it. Like the wise woman spoke, too many incosistancies with him.


I'm from Arizona - we all know where I stand. 


Having said that, I have read all the channellings about Obama being a Light Being, and have even received confirmation of that in my meditations. I also read the channelling supposedly from Obama's Higher Self asking for forgiveness for Obama allowing his EGO to get in the way of his leadership and his mission here on Earth. I send him LOVE to illuminate his path, but that's as far as I will go. I cannot support his Presidency, and will not vote to re-elect him. Ron Paul is the TRUE NESARA candidate, even though the GOP has done everything they can to discredit him and disallow his people's votes. Obama has done everything to the Constitution short of literally shredding the document. Use discernment - don't be blind as a bat. SHEEPLE!


Doreen Smith

Wed, 06/27/2012 - 23:51

It looks like too much hate, judgement and lack of faith in the comments here to be LOVE and Light..


We all know President Obama came into an office filled with bs everywhere he looked after the Bush administration put us into more national debt than any other preceeding president and who succeeded in many ways to take away our Constitutional Rights of "Life, Liberty, LOVE and the pursuit of happiness."


President Obama is in office by Divine Decree. Everything is by Divine Decree.. Sometimes we don't always understand immediately when God tells us to do something, yet, because we have faith in God, we do what we've been told to do (like Abraham was to check his faith). Sometimes, we're prodded by our angelic team and our knees might shake because of what we must do. Just know, we're protected always. Everything comes out just perfect and as it should be. That's called Faith..Ever notice when you don't listen to that little voice within that tells you what is truth or not and you stubbornly go on your own way and what your logical mind tells you is better?..It usually ends in disaster, doesn't it?


Many don't understand yet why President Obama has made some of the decisions he has..Have a little faith, if only that of a mustard seed..All will be revealed soon...We need to support President Obama and send him much Light and Love...He's walking a tight rope across a chasam of dark energy and will bring us to real liberation, Light, Love and freedom soon. He has a Divine Heart just like the the rest of us..Don't forget, he's being Divinely led to set US, and all the captives free from the tyrnanny of the Dark and evil commands and forces of greedy, power mongering men and women who have, even because of the dark crimes against humanity, brought all who come here, to know DIVINE LIGHT OF TRUTH and LOVE..Don't forget...LOVE WINS!!!


Sending much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to President Obama and to ALL! NOW! :) <3

Call it hate, call it dislike, call it whatever you want!.People need to start respecting the fact that not everybody that is in this Country supports Obama!. IT has nothing to do with previous presidents They are all in the same boat!. Its really shallow to think that Goeorge Bush did something that set Obama backwards. This Country has been corrupt for YEARS!!  Long before Bush showed up!! These people must be mezmorized by his smile or something. To me he's a clown! LIke all politicians!.. Woman only Jesus can set the captives free. Who do you serve?..God or Obama?

Divine Decree that!!  IF one hasnt noticed it seems to be a split between Obama supporters and others on this site!..Even Drake, whom everybody is listenting to now says Obama has many legal problems (not solutions). I will not let anyone tell me that Obama is a undercover lightworker or whatever. we all are light beings with flesh bodies so what else is new?..So you mean to tell me, that HE Obama can start wars,, kill innocent people with predator drones. constantly telling people to get loans and go to college (knowing that will dumb you down and put you in major debt) and you support that?..Then when and if he steps into this "lightbeing" role he will not have to explain none of his previous actions ..because people just accept whatever they are given without question. They will just drop to their knees and start praising Obama. Yeah right..not me!


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