Archangel Michael on the Fate of the Cabal’s Top Leadership Worldwide

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 20:14

Archangel Michael on the Fate of the Cabal’s Top Leadership Worldwide

2012 July 2
 by Steve Beckow

We have a team of transcribers working away on Archangel Michael’s discussion today in An Hour with an Angel. But because I suspect that many people are waiting to hear what was said, I’ve made a summary of some of what AAM discussed.


In this section of that summary, we look at what he tells us about what he calls the “Containment,” his word for what we’ve thought of until now as the mass arrests.


Prior to hearing from AAM, what we had before us was SaLuSa saying today (July 2) that the mass arrests had begun:


“The really exciting times have arrived as you are getting confirmation of the arrests that have started taking place.” (1)

And Blossom Goodchild’s Galactic Federation sources saying today as well:




“This is the time that you came here to be part of. This is the moment that you have been longing to happen. This is the reason you came down here. This is the purpose you came to serve. This is what you have been preparing for all along.” (2)

And now Archangel Michael is saying that the negative heads of state, and top military, social and financial leaders have been placed in energetic restraints, or “containers,” and have had their sphere of influence effectively cancelled. The resistance to Disclosure and NESARA is now gone.


“Now comes the time that you have awaited,” he said. “Now comes the purpose that you have returned to [carry out].”

“The tide has turned. The worst is over.”


Let’s look at this notion of placing the cabal under restraint.

Change of Terms


Looking at the term “mass arrests,” Archangel Michael said,

“… really the idea or the term ‘mass arrests,’ whether it is with the Intergalactic Council or the [Galactic] Federation or your star brothers and sisters scattered far and wide, it has a very different meaning and that is why I wish to address this usage of language. Because, dear heart, when you speak of mass arrests, you are speaking of violence, … of retribution, … of revenge and that is not who you are, not who you have ever been, and it is certainly not why you have come. So let us alter this phraseology slightly.”


“Each soul, each essence, each being carries the bright essence of love, carries the divine spark of Source, of Mother/Father One [God],” he said. “So they are not to be judged.”


He urged us to change the language because language is how we communicate upon your dimension and using terms like “mass arrests” is like reaching back into the quagmire that we seek to leave. “This we truly do not understand.”


If we’re looking for storm-troopers or the activation of military or police forces, then we’re looking in the wrong place for what is happening.


The Energetic Containers

Are those who are the resistant group, the hold-outs, who have been responsible for what we think of sustaining and directing many of the institutions that are not of love and light and not for the benefit of the collective, being dealt with? He says they are.

The Company of Heaven is using a process to restrain them which takes them out of action – at least the negative actions. He reminded us that each of us is familiar with the bubbles, shields or layers of protection that we operate in who make use of celestial protection. Nothing that is not of love can penetrate these.

Now what he’s discussing is that restraints or containers have been placed around those (what we call “the cabal”) who don’t wish to contribute to the shift of the human race. Their sphere of influence has disappeared.


He suggested that containment was less harsh than having paramilitaries arrive at the cabal’s doorsteps. He invites us to think of it as putting a box around a person. These boxes are containers of pure light or love energy. The individuals, or in some cases the group, are placed in these containers.


Their disruptive, old-paradigm energies of hatred, greed and control cannot escape from these containers, which are sealed by the celestials (Michael, Gabrielle, Raphael, Uriel, and Yophiel). In that sealing, their negative actions and emotions cannot be transmitted. They remain there continually and constantly penetrated by light and love until their purification is absolutely complete. The Mother and Father make that decision.


This is a method of bringing peace that has not often been utilized since the time of the Intergalactic Wars. Even when the ETs who were abducting and enslaving us were removed a decade ago, they were not subjected to this method of confinement.


The Company of Heaven is containing these individuals so that the rest of the Divine Plan (Disclosure, NESARA) can go forward. They can act out or not within these containers but it will not go anywhere. This began last Monday, June 25, 2012. When AAM said to us that the boulder bounding down the hill was picking up speed, this was part of what he was talking about.


They have begun with negative heads of state and military coup leaders. It is not the military themselves that will be affected because they are for the most part loving servants of the state. The leaders’ effective power is removed.


(Readers will recall that AAM said that the crisis in Syria would end within a week. At the time, I could not understand why he would give so tight a deadline but the imposition of containment does explain it.)


This group includes people in positions of social and financial leadership, people in all militaries around the world who only want to engage in wars and profit from them.


We should watch for things to get “terribly quiet” all of a sudden. ”That is your sign,” he said.


“Now comes the time that you have awaited,” he tells us. “Now comes the purpose that you have returned to [carry out].”

“The tide has turned. The worst is over.”

There is more to relate but I’m going to stop here for now.


(1) SaLuSa, July 2, 2012, at

(2) The Galactic Federation through Blossom Goodchild, July 2, 2012, at


I think it's fair to say we wait for "normal" collapse (which is happening anyway) if all we get is another 2 weeks and yet another channeler saying "be patient, things are happening, believe us". If anything, there are a lot of whistleblowers, so let's keep that positive thought. As far as the mass arrests/container/whatever you want to call it, I'd love to see that as it's preferable over an economic collapse and unfolding, but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen, it's just a channeler talking up what their ego wants. No biggie.

Yeah, indeed it SEEMS. Read between the lines and look into your heart instead to your head. Nothing's seems the way it is, dear...

After over 30 years of searching, sniffin', trying and rollin' further to follow my own path, I've seen huge changes. But the  near future wil be so overwhelming, that I could say to myself: Girl, you ain't seen nothing yet....


Mon, 07/02/2012 - 21:03

I find it curious that for the past year the term mass arrest was fine, all of the channels jumped right in mass arrest of the cabal etc. I think this source  even used such terms before. Now that everyone is prepared for a certain outcome,  and only to serve the greater good it is no longer mass arrest? Now don't keep a little extra food , gas etc. ?? Everyone we tried to waken , warn about the imminent arrest..possible posted by various channels... we will be needed to guide..blah...blah ...blah.. and this channel is wrong ..this channel is right... really? Now the plan has changed , they will stay in their "containers" and it all looks the same? Really??? Really ??? Look I am and always been for Peace and has been our beloved channels and earth allies that have shoved the " imminent mass arrest scenario "" ...Until a few days after Green Light and ..with absolutely no evidence of action.. now it is containers..Why was it not containers before ? I think this is kinda stinks of ... foot in mouth disease : ((

my dear brother, what difference makes to you if it is called mass arrests or removal, if it is called star dust operation or omega phoenix.. nothing.. if the outcome is as promised which is complete freedom of humanity and which higher self is approving, which your heart will aprove if you ask..

message is fully trustable told me by higher self. If the company of Heaven choose a new word for describing the event, so be it.


peace and love my brother (from japan)


Tue, 07/03/2012 - 00:17

In reply to by Rain

In my opinion, the most loving thing we can do is to send them through exactly the same system of justice they have created for us, then execute those who have executed innocent people, or have murderous intent against innocent people, so they can go back to the Creator God for truth and reconciliation, and to have their essence reformed into something that can be useful. 


If recycling into a more positive energy is not possible, then the Creator can send them to a confined location where they have each other for company for eternity, in an environment in which they feel comfortable, using mass produced human-like androids as victims to be murdered, raped, abused, enslaved, and sacrificed to Lucifer, Moloch, Satan, Baal, or whatever they wish to call their god. 


The androids should include all ages, but especially infants and the very young, virgins, brunettes with green eyes, blondes, blacks, browns, yellows, reds, and every race they wish to molest, rape, abuse, suck their blood, terrorize, sacrifice with the appropriate catholic/witchcraft dark ceremony, tear their flesh and eat them, alongside the reptoids. 


The androids must also be able to simulate feelings and total terror, and to produce adrenalin immediately before they are sacrificed.  This would be like heaven for the criminal cabal, and they could live happily ever after.  Done.  But to get this positive solution rolling, we need to first terminate those who have such inclinations.  So let's not delay, and get this party started!

I feel the frustration and exhaustion by each of you that seek payback. Think for a moment though, what would be the most monumental act of unconditional love and acceptance? Would it be to fight fire with fire? Would it be to bound these dark ones to a sinking ship and rejoice as you watch it go down? I believe in my very core that each and every being on and around this planet is a divine spiritual being that came here to teach each and every one of us the idea and method of unconditional love, acceptance and peace. How else would that knowledge have been gained and respected in a 3d environment. If in fact we are all from the source then those that are "playing" the rolls as the dark ones are here on contract, which we all lovingly agreed to experience. How will you embrace and accept your brothers and sisters with love and peace if you burned them at the stake? If you seek vengeance then it will be all you are left with in this plane of existence.
In your heart each person knows that there is a connection to all. That connection is divine and loving! Whether we are in a contract (role) of victim, or the contract of predator it is all necessary for our evolvement.
I ask all of to please be aware of the fear and hatred that you are spreading before posting. Every comment and thought is accepted but keep in mind that your fears can be spread like the plague. It is far to easy to seek payback. It is a true test to seek acceptance and forgiveness for ALL involved.
I love you all my brothers and sisters!!!! My heart is with each and every being here! Stay in your divine hearts and love all for the contracts that they came here to fulfill!

Beautiful words, I agree 100%. The most caring and loving action we can make is to forgive. That is true love, we all have it in our hearts, some just buried deeper than others, but its there. We must come together as one to forgive, no matter what the crime. Each soul will at some point have to answer for the crimes they committed, the GREAT father/mother will forgive, so why not you? I love you all with an endless amount, my heart is with you all. With undying devotion and faith,

Your Brother,


The mass arrests were not to be an act of vengence, or a way to get even. They were to be a preventative maintenance, to insure that no more evil, and harm can come to humanity. The cabal have perpitrated massive crimes against humanity for their own service to self reasons, be it that they were just fulfilling a contract to help in the spiritual evolution of the masses through duallity, or whatever other reason is out there. I say " OK," fine with me. I can love unconditionally, i can forgive the cabal for all the crimes, and the evil that they bestowed on the people. You ask me to forgive, and to love unconditionally, to this i give freely, and i accept. Now you ask me to be Stupid, I am sorry, but this i will not do. Would you give a loaded .45 to a small child to play with? Of course not, because we know that the child might hurt someone, and worse, hurt themselves. Its for this reason that the cabal must be removed from their positions of power. You dont take a heroin addict, and leave them in charge of the heroin! its just stupid! And the people must be told of their crimes, not for vengence, but because it is the TRUTH! Even the cabal must see the truth of their crimes, They must be removed. to ask me to accept that they will be placed into a bubble where they cant hurt anyone, and leave them in their place of power is insane, and stupid. This has nothing to do with love, and everything to do with stupidity. For a long time it was "mass arrest," now its "let them hold the .45." something does "stink"here, and i know that im not the only one who thinks this.

   I personally believe the cabal has infiltrated even the new age movement! They had this planned for centuries...Think about it people for a minute. The cabal new world order is one world goverment,one world currency,one world religion right! Well isnt all this ascended beings,spirit guides stuff the same? The new age movement preaches ascended beings come down and unite us as one planet,planning a new "Fair" currency system worldwide and enightening the world under one way of thinking or religion but calling it accension or enlightenment. Sounds exactly the same as the plans for the new world order except the spiritual version. 

   I think the cabal is playing both sides because if you look at the NWO plan vs the assension plan they both end up with the world uniting, one way for all to think, and a new banking system. SOUNDS EXACTLY THE SAME! Hello does anyone see the cabal is getting a NWO either way. This new age stuff has been controlled from the start.

   If you look up helena blavatsky  who was the mother of the new age movement.  She was a satanist and high ranking mason. Also had a newspaper called lucifer times .She was the founder of the new age and told people about ascended beings and light bearers and spirit guides etc etc. She gave us the stuff we believe now. It is said in the book atlas shrug that it is coded and explains in detail the takeover of the world. Here is a link if you want to research for yourself the history of the things you all practice and believe that was taught by a satanist and member of the masons. And fyi satan is also refered to as a light bearer. 

Here is some info on her You all have put your faith into believing 100% that all the stuff you practice and believe is correct. Just some stuff to think about. AND if you really want to understand how they could play both sides and you wouldnt see it coming, then read this! It is long read but very eye opening! This will show how they acheive the order out of chaos they want. PLEASE read!!! And no I am not an alex jones fan, I just ran across this on the internet one day. Remember they have had this plan for centuries!!! The reason the plan has worked so well is because they plan these things out in decades in advance! What you think they forogt about the new age movement that could foil their plans. Come on I believe they gave us the new age movement and pretty much everything else. At one point for you all to get here and believe in the new age movemnet you had to be REALLY openminded,Dont stop now. Dont just believe everything people tell you for truth just because you trust the person or everyone else believes. Stop being a sheep Research everything yourself. Including all I said. Things arent always as they seem. Good luck all and I hope I am wrong. 

   One more thing! You are not going to see any mass arrests. Energetically restrained lol haha right. Even if you saw on the news them being taken in handcuffs into the jail which you wont see because no mass arrests are happening. What you wouldnt see is them walking right out the back door getting in their limo and going home which would be the reality of it. Just a stage act to fool us. 

   One more thing! You are not going to see any mass arrests. Energetically restrained lol haha right. Even if you saw on the news them being taken in handcuffs into the jail which you wont see because no mass arrests are happening. What you wouldnt see is them walking right out the back door getting in their limo and going home which would be the reality of it. Just a stage act to fool us. 

Right on Schedule...Chooo Chooo Boo Boo! Scary!


First step to moving beyod your fear is getting out of your HEAD and stepping into your HEART!

Go outside and sit in the woods and listen to your heart, not the words on the screen or in the book and then you will know the TRUTH!


Love is here and nothing can stop it's embrace!



Guest Moniek (not verified)

Wed, 07/04/2012 - 01:38

In reply to by Cherie

You're totally right!

I couldn't explain it better than you do.

Every time I want to explain something in this matter to someone, I feel emprisoned and unable to export the feeling. Sometimes I even can't find the words and if I can find them I notice it's not understood well.

Very frustrating...


Mon, 07/02/2012 - 23:51

Then if we do have another false flag, then it's all wishful thinking.


Oops!  There was a false flag in Oslo Norway where many teenagers were murdered, and it occured after 911.  Did you forget about that, or are you just ignoring that one?


If you expect us to release judgement of the elite satanic criminals who have been murdering humans for hundreds of years, then this same release must be applied to everyone, including the drug addicts who are presently on a killing rampage because they're also mentally deranged, and release of Charles Manson and all the murderers and rapists and serial killers from prison.


Whatever we do with Dick Cheney or Barrack Obama, we must logically also do with all the serial killers, rapists, and genocidal maniacs, and the criminally insane, regardless of their income or influence.


I must assume that is your plan, right?  And your plan must include a type of continual containment that prevents them from hurting more innocent humans, right?  So exactly how do you intend to accomplish that?


Last I heard, NATO, Iranian, Syrian, Turkish, Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, & Israeli troops are amassing at the their borders in preparation for some kind of military action, and they are still moving troops in at this moment.  Is this for a birthday party or holding hands and singing cum-by-yah songs swaying back and forth, or do they intent to kill each other with bullets, rifle-launched grenades, bombs, missiles, and poison gas, as they have promised to do to each other since 1947?


Flowery words, positive images, and good intentions eventually meet present reality, so the question is, are you sure the present reality of troop movement to respective borders is a gathering to hold hands and sing cum-by-yah?  I really hope it is, but it would fly in the face of observable reality at this moment.  Perhaps next moment it will be different?  Will positive images or hope make it so? 


I don't know either, but at least let's do our best to make it so.



Excellent observation,dear jesusthe christ.


If you did not notice, or if you are not residing in this world

where forgiveness has already been done,....... you would  still be

talking about it.  It is obvious, you are not there. (not a judgmnt.)


i repeat: There is already a world, a timeline, a parallel earth reality

where these ghastly energies have been purged.  It already exist.

The Pathcutters done it...! They are a branch of the Lightbrigade

that hacks thru the jungle of consciousness and clearsthe way.


You can go there , just with your intent .

I can only tell you. Your Spirit leads the way.



Now, about AAMichael's message and the rest of the messages

from Drake, Cobra, etc:


I have been following these announcements since it started

and it should really be about time for this to happen, but I am not

getting any concrete picture.  I  might be...  into this,...too close ,

like, I am being myopic. Heck,...Michael, I suggest lose that skirt.


OK, I like to go climb mt.Pinnacle today, because I want to connect with the

Crystal Sun Disk of ancient Atlantis, but it is tooo hot  in this area.

that was my project , way back in Atlantis.


You, too, should relax. deep breathe, play, listen to Andrea Bocelli.

Let go. Change may come in the twinkling of an eye.

Allow .



Angel Kabniel.............






Doreen Smith

Tue, 07/03/2012 - 17:06

I totally enjoyed last night's show and your recap. Thanks Steve..

I am so thankful AA Michael spoke about the violence of mass arrests..Violence begets hatred and harm to many..Love overcomes Violence and stops it in its tracks..It was comforting to hear about the containers with Light and Love pouring in and through them to bring those in the containers to who they are..BEings of Light and LOVE. Sending much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL those in the containers and to ALL Everywhere! NOW! :) <3

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