Reply to Drake on Canadian Executive Orders as Socialist BS

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 07/05/2012 - 07:34

Reply to Drake on Canadian Executive Orders – Maurice Turmel PhD

July 5, 2012


I've read those Canadian Executive Orders through twice now and I have no idea what you are complaining about Mr. Drake. Is there really a Communist or Socialist behind every tree?  Perhaps in your mind, but not in mine, and I sincerely doubt, in the minds of most Canadians who have read this document.


When I first read those Orders I was blown away. Yes, I am Canadian, for 67 years now. I was worried that we weren't really contributing anything to this Ascension 2012 Agenda, especially this part where the World is moving quickly to neutralize and or get rid of the Dark Cabal. Yes, I'm referring to the Mass Arrests that you and many other sources have been preparing us for.


Well along comes this document that lays out in pretty specific detail what a new Canada is going to look like once the smoke clears. It has everything from compensation from the St Germain Trust, which by the way will be available to Americans as well as the rest of the world, to statements about disconnecting us from the British Monarchy, to, yes, Free Healthcare, Free Education, abolishment of Income Taxes, abolishment of other usury taxes and more free benefits, benefits, benefits!!!

And all you can see here is a Socialist Plot? Really???


Where are your American Executive Orders, those that would be the equivalent to these Canadian Executive Orders that you take exception to? How will those American Orders differ and how will they reflect the New America that you're proudly supporting in your role as an information gatekeeper for your White Hat Military?


Personally, I don't know "who" or "what" provided the elements of those orders but everything I read in them reflects what a Golden Age would look like to me. With 3D as our main operating system, we have been living in a world of competition and limited resources with wars being waged to control those resources. Most of these wars are illegal and result in the sacrifice of a Nation's youth. This is something you should know personally Mr. Drake, since you are a Vietnam War Veteran. How many of your American brothers and sisters died in that war? And for no reason other than to service the needs of your American Cabal's communist paranoia and military industrial complex that needed to keep production and keep itself alive by sucking on the teat of the American Taxpayer???


Answer: 50,000 of your American brothers and sisters died in that war and another 500,000 were maimed and or crippled for life. Why? Because of the creeping socialism (communism) that you are still afraid of, the made up monster from your Criminal Cabal that worked its wonders with such sayings as "Better Dead than Red". And again, their only goal was to control more of the world's resources, and keep your Military Industrial Complex ticking along. Why start the Vietnam War, or any war for that matter? Because they were overstocked with weapons and war implements and needed a fire sale to reduce inventory and keep their production of killing machinery going. Remember? This necessity was couched as "keeping up employment" at home. This is the same Military Industrial Complex that your President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned you all about when he handed over the Executive Office to President John F. Kennedy.


So really Drake, you find the creeping socialism in the Canadian Executive Orders as part of another ploy by the Canadian Dark Cabal to keep us off our feet with promises of Free Health Care, Free Education, Tons of Money from the St. Germain Trust, Abolition of Taxes, Divorce from the British Monarchy, a System of Cooperation, Truth and Fairness for All? Really???


Who needs mental health help here Mr. Drake? Can you answer that question? I can. I'm a PhD Psychologist with 30 years experience in the helping professions. I've worked with people in every type of crisis situation you could imagine, including victims of war, torture, murder and every kind of abuse imaginable. I'll take that experience, add it to a lifetime of personal and spiritual growth and my Total Commitment to Ascension into 5D and say to you "You're Wrong on this One Drake" Dead wrong!


Of course you won't believe me and you will likely suggest that I've been brainwashed by the Canadian Criminal Cabal. I don't expect you to get it. Because you didn't see what the Canadian Executive Orders document is really saying. You just saw another Cabal Conspiracy.


Here's the most loving solution I can offer you. Who would you trust more than a fellow American? Am I right? During the 60s and 70s a few hundred thousand of your fellow American Citizens (estimates ran as high as half a million) came to Canada to avoid the American Draft, the one that was sending you and your friends to die in Vietnam. Even when reconciliation came for these expatriate Americans in the later 70s, most of these folks stayed here in Canada. How about you ask them how they feel about Canadian Healthcare and the Canadian Education Systems which are already better than anything you have. Ask them if they see creeping socialism in these Canadian Executive Orders, or do they see a continuation and improvement upon these social programs that only serve to give Canadians more Freedom? And furthermore, ask them if they feel these Benefits are being crammed down their throats as part of some Communist Socialist Plot???


Stick to what you know Mr. Drake. You're a friend of your White Hat Military. You're not a political or social analyst. You're a retired American Military Personnel with a very important mission for the American people. Yes, worldwide, a lot of people including Canadians, are paying close attention. What comes from Drake is Gospel for many. For that reason I could not let your comments on Canadian Executive Orders slide. On that matter you are entitled to your opinion of course, but your special position in this Ascension process and Planet Earth cleanup does not make you right in every area you choose to comment. In the case of Canadian Executive Orders, it is my opinion that you are Dead Wrong!


One final point Mr. Drake, and all these questions have only One Answer: Which large Communist Country is America most indebted to? Which remaining Communist Country is America a significant trading partner with?  Which enduring Communist Country has a long standing record of Human Rights Abuses that America continues to ignore for the sake of doing business? To Which Communist Country has America outsourced millions of jobs over the past 4 decades? Which large Communist Country continues to try and Hack its way into American Military and Business computers?  In summary, which Communist Country does America continue to do business with, make trade deals with, borrow from, outsource jobs to, ignore their “computer hacking” agenda and so on and so on, in spite of its violations of everything that America holds dear?  Answer: China!!!  “Better Dead than Red?”  I don’t think so!


Got it?  Good!  Then you can stop lecturing Canada on what a Criminal Cabal Conspiracy looks like. We’ll take care of ourselves, Thank You.


Guest (not verified)

Thu, 07/05/2012 - 11:04

I live in the USA.  Personally I have gotten so where I cannot even listen to Drake and his war mongering.  Yes I am Awake an Aware of Ascenssion and the whole world conspiracy of the Illuminati/NWO.  An awful lot of people here are just starting to Wake Up!  Many know things are terribly but not sure what it is.  They are scared to death and it is their own government they are afraid of.  This is where I see Drake stuck at.  Altho he may know that their are ET's helping, Militaty Aboard, he fails to see any Spiritual Connection as of yet.


Many of us here are Awake and connecte with you our brothers and sisters in Oneness.  Hopefully soon all will realize this is one Earth with one people living on it.  Just wanted you not to paint all of us here as Asleep and Unaware.  Many of us see and appreciate just what you have said.


Love and Light to you  Gai

I have no doubt many of you are awake. One of you Americans is my eldest daughter who lives in Florida, practices law and got burned in your housing meltdown. Another is my sister in New York state.  She lost her daughter 2 years ago to cancer. Her daughter was a Captain in American Air Force, a practicing psychologist like myself, giving her all for her fellow military brothers and sisters.


We are all brothers and sisters.  I thank you for your comments and I send you love and blessings.  We are really in this together and as long as we stay in Our Truth, we will get there.


Dr Moe

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 07/05/2012 - 11:19

Wonderfully put Dr Moe, I appreciate and resonate with every word you have said. I think he needs some time out, some healing and rest. God bless him for his efforts, but something is amiss there...


Love & Joy from a canadian citizen!

Great to get feedback from a fellow Canadian.


Love and Light to You, and to All of Us who are in this together.

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