Regarding The Galactic Federation Of Light Petition By Chris Thomas

Submitted by dASaLLeINE on Tue, 07/17/2012 - 10:16

Regarding The Galactic Federation Of Light Petition By Chris Thomas


There is a petition being passed around on the internet from aliens who call themselves "The Galactic Federation of Light" where they ask people to make an affirmation to invite the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL) to come to Earth.

Think about that request for a second:

If the Earth felt that an alien organisation such as the GFOL would help people during this time of major transition, they would already be working with us as the Earth, Herself, would have invited them in. The fact that the GFOL is not working with us shows that the Earth considers that they are of no use either to people or to the Earth.

The GFOL, as well as many other alien organisations such as The Galactic Council, Ashtar Command, Arch Angels, Angels, Annunaki, Hathor, Ascended Sirians, Arcturians, etc etc are different names put together by an alien race who are more properly known as the Velon.

The Velon first arrived outside our solar system in the early 1700's - the Earth did not allow them access at that time and She has resisted ALL attempts by the Velon to enter the solar system ever since.

Despite these efforts, some Velon did find a way to enter the solar system and have been causing problems for the Earth and for people ever since. The primary human organisation that is controlled by the Velon is the Illuminati and, in turn, the Illuminati control earth governments. In the GFOL petition, it is stated that governments are against allowing in the GFOL to the Earth which is a very contradictory comment as governments are controlled by the Illuminati who are controlled by the GFOL/Velon.

In other words, the petition asks people to go against the GFOL/Velon's directives and invite the GFOL/Velon in, which makes no sense.

However many people respond to this petition, and make the affirmation asking the GFOL/Velon to come to Earth, it will not work.

We do not live in a Universe of democracy. Nor do we live in a Universe of consensus. We live in a Universe of freedom of choice - every soul that was created to live in this Universe has the absolute freedom of choice to choose their actions. What we cannot do is to choose to act in such a way as to remove the freedom of choice of another.


Humans exist because, and only because, the Earth exists and the soul that is the Earth has chosen not to allow the GFOL/Velon into the solar system.

In coming to Earth, all of the souls that have built for themselves human bodies, have agreed to abide by the Earth's choices. In return for accepting what the Earth has chosen, the Earth provides for all of our needs whilst giving us a home where we can explore what it means to live in a physical body.

Those of the souls of this Universe who have chosen to come to Earth, and take on a human body, can only do so if the Earth agrees to them being here. Once that choice is made, the human soul connects itself into the Earth's soul through the root (1st) chakra. It is this soul to soul connection to the Earth that allows us to become human. Once we have made that soul to soul connection, we have made the choice of abiding by the Earth's choices which She must make in order to safeguard human existence.

In helping humans to explore the potential and possibilities offered by taking on a physical body, the Earth has allowed many other non-human races to come to Earth and study human activities in order to help us in our explorations. The Earth has not had any problems in allowing in these other races into the solar system or onto the Earth Herself until it came to the Velon (GFOL).

In attempting to force their way on to the Earth, and many other actions they have taken, the Velon/GFOL have broken the one law that exists within this Universe - freedom of choice. As the Velon/GFOL have broken this law, as a race, they have been evicted from this Universe. Those Velon/GFOL that remain can only do so because of the number of humans who have been misled into believing that the Velon/GFOL (and their other organisations) are here to help us. By fooling people in this way, it has allowed the Velon/GFOL to implant energy devices into people and into their homes which provide an energy source for the Velon/GFOL to use to hold themselves close to the Earth.

If people stopped inviting the Velon/GFOL into their lives, the remainder of the Velon/GFOL would join the majority of the Velon race in being evicted from this Universe.

Since the petition made by the Velon/GFOL was launched onto the internet, approximately 17,000 people have responded. These 17,000 are made up of the following groups:

# The vast majority are people who have been misled into believing that the Velon/GFOL are here to help humans "ascend to a 5th dimension". Approximately 500 of these people have had Velon/GFOL "djed pillars" embedded into their homes and other energy devices embedded into their bodies. These djed pillars and other energy devices are used by the Velon/GFOL to defy the Earth's choices and remain close to the solar system. The remaining 16,500 people would have had djed pillars implanted into their homes if the action taken by the Earth's guardians, detailed below, had not been taken.

# 787 people knew that by making the affirmations asked for in the Velon/GFOL petition did so in full knowledge that they were acting in favour of the Velon/GFOL and against the Earth - they knew they were acting against the choices of the Earth.

The Earth has disconnected the root (1st) chakra of all of these 787 people from her own soul and all of these people will be leaving the Earth (dying) over the next few days and returning to their place of soul origin.

# The Earth's guardians are hard at work destroying all of the connections made by people making the affirmation in favour of the Velon/GFOL petition. There is also a "clean-up squad" travelling around to the homes of those who invited the Velon/GFOL into their homes to remove and destroy the djed pillars and other implants. This clean-up is being carried out with the full knowledge and approval of the higher selves of the people who responded to the Velon/GFOL petition.

The Velon/GFOL have their own agenda, as far as the Earth and humanity is concerned; they are not here to help us but to further their own aims. By fooling gullible people into believing that the Velon/GFOL can help us, they are causing distractions and problems that neither we nor the Earth need at this time of change.

Human history is vast and complex but there was a time in our history when we had the whole of the soul contained within the physical body. For various reasons, we were forced, 7,000 years ago, to divide the soul into the higher self and the physical self. In order to investigate the reasons why we had to divide the soul into two, we embarked on living a series of lifetimes - something the Akashic calls "The Human Plan". This Human Plan was worked out with the Earth and we allowed ourselves 7,000 years to find our answers.

During this 7,000 year period, the Earth has been working with us, and nurturing us, every single step of the way. Regardless of how much damage we have done to each other or even to the Earth Herself, She has stood by us and ensured that we had everything we needed to ensure that we had every opportunity to find our answers.

The Human Plan was given a 7,000 year time limit and this time limit ends on the 21st of December 2012 (21/12/12).

However, with the Earth's help, we have found our answers and for the last couple of years we have been slowly bringing those answers together to begin the process of bringing the whole of the soul back into the body - soul re-integration. This soul re-integration we will achieve before our self-set deadline.

The Velon, however, have other ideas. They have observed that humans have a tendency to depend on others to find their answers for them and have exploited that weakness by offering their services to ascend humanity to the 5th dimension.

The Velon/GFOL have been attempting to mislead people in this way for many years and every promise of action that the Velon/GFOL has made to people has failed to materialise.

There is only one way in which The Human Plan can be completed and that is by humans achieving it for themselves.

Nobody is going to step in and do it for us.

Nobody can step in and do it for us.

It is our responsibility and our responsibility alone to fulfill the promise we made to Mother Earth 7,000 years ago.

What the Velon/GFOL are doing is attempting to distract us and mislead us away from our chosen goals and away from Mother Earth for reasons that are their own.

These reasons do not benefit Mother Earth or humans in any way.

Whether you take part in this Velon/GFOL petition is a choice only you can make - you have full freedom of choice. Try to remember that if you do choose to join the Velon/GFOL, you are acting against the Earth and humanity.

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 11:19

Where is the proof of any of this? In any reporting, the accuracy can be checked by: who, what, when, where, why. To date, we do not have any proof of either the Galactic Federation of Light (only channeled "messages"). Who are the Velon? Are they another term for Archons? So, far there is no proof of this "article" by Chris Thomas or any other channeled message. Who is Chris Thomas? Is this another dis-info "report"? This is another fear report, but where are any facts?


What we do have right now is massive financial and other fraud, perpetual deceit by government officials all over the planet, poverty and illness created by the cabal, and the deliberate destruction of laws and the breakdown of civil society. The only thing that is "functioning" now is the war machine. Killing --and all the corporations and people who have been brainwashed into believing that some group will "win"-- is the only area that has an overwhelming majority of various governements' finances. Everything else has been gutted. So, the only ones who are benefitting now are the less than 1-percent wealthy. Everything else is being destroyed, and we barely have any civil society left.


Gaia, our beloved Mother Earth, is in extremis: the environmental degradation and destruction of the entire web of life is evident all around us! When are we going to wake up? There are so many people who were able to bring messages of peace to us in the past. This is the message we must follow! War has never benefitted "us". With chemtrails, HAARP, and drones to spray us with who know what poisons, we must lift ourselves up to a higher state of awareness and create peace for all of us. There are more of us than the dark cabal.

This kind of confusion is precisely what we don't need right now. To claim that not only the GFL, but also the Arch Angels, Angels, and Arcturians are part of the illuminati is ridiculous. No wonder people are so confused. One message comes out that contradicts so many others, and for some reason people get excited and post it all over the place.

I agree with you Will and the guest that posted before you! We dont NEED this now! However...the fact that it IS here now might have one shining positive side. It certainly makes people that read it really decide...yet again...what it is they DO believe. I wavered for a few sentences then my faith in what I KNOW IS TRUE and I think that can be a good thing in the long run. TO REAFFIRM your truth...just makes it stronger. 


Bless whever posted this, that they too find something that reaffirms their personal truth. Maybe they will be touched by an angel or somehow they will wake up to a new idea.







Guest (not verified)

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 13:17

i choose to believe,,of my own free will, that this is disinfo nonsense to take our energy away from us and the task at hand,,victory of the light 2012,,,there are no losers,,only winners... i know this for a fact,,,,because i feel it in my heart,,,,


light and love to you all my brothers and sisters,,  ;)))))))))))))))))))


..and HORSE.... DUNG!


..SOMEONE remove this before too many fall to this disinformation...


I came here myself as a GFL member to ASSIST. I was homeworlded elsewhere. We did not have public en mass interactions at that time and it was up to us to try and work in dark shadows around the Greys and Oranges and DRACO and similar places such as A51. Have to understand all previous encounters here have ended up in disaster, hybrids being created, wars, or FEARMONGERING due to DISINFORMATION such as this. just now breaking thru the ROSWELL HAZE, sixty years late.


We are not all the same race. There are Humans, Sirian Cats/Lions(what have ye..), Terrans, Wookies, etc. WE are not all from the same world. We are united thru peace and love and light and nothing but.


You can dis the Commander all you want, Ive worked with him on numerous times, he is as legit as they come and quite frankly im sick of all the BS concerning him telling people that he is a DRACO. GO TO HELL, mister, and dont come back, you are not welcome here any more.


A DRACO will EAT YOU, not toy with you as a pet. They induce fear in you until you comply. They are after your fluids in your brain, its a DRUG to them. Thatsffort. all they care about. And they move and are strong and fast as all hell. Looking a DRACO down is like staring down a high order demon. Dont think they dont have mental skill sets rivalling our best, either, because most do , or know at least some form of magic/psyonics.


It is thier hybrid and illuminati ilk that are here, spreading this disinformation trying to discredit ULTRA level projects and ULTRA level UFO operations that we are seeing.


More of the same as a last ditch effort.

KEEP PUSHING the light.


Myoho law (not verified)

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 15:42

do you see your self in your environment?
The is the nature of man and all of energy in gravity and space.
It can stop all negativity and war....just try it! : )

guest (not verified)

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 17:02

I signed this petition and they abducted me and my family and put implants in us I have been fighting them every since. I didnt understand why until I read this article. I am not sure about the archangels and other stuff but now that I know I am rescinding my offer to the Velon. I dont believe they are all the Velon but be careful who you ask to come for help. I am only asking Creator to send help from now on. Thankyou for the information


Tue, 07/17/2012 - 20:17

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

This opens up a whole lot of questions. How did you connect the signing of the petition with the abduction? What happened during the abduction? And how exactly have you been "fighting" them?

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