Alleviate Suffering Wherever You Can

Submitted by Galactic Diplo… on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 09:54

There are as many ways to alleviate suffering as there are people who suffer, but we would like to share a few we live by in our daily lives that have brought joy and healing to ourselves and others. We would love to hear how you alleviate the suffering of others.

  • See the Source (God) in people, and hold them with this knowing at all times. This will cause the I AM Presence within them to expand, and will alleviate suffering.
  • Pray with or for someone. An earnest prayer spoken by an awakened heart will call forward divine intervention and answers to riddles that create the illusion of imprisonment and separation. Grace like this will alleviate suffering.
  • Expose your Light (information). You have inner knowing. Share it. This information may be the key that breaks open a pattern of suffering for someone else and allows them movement to their next level of awareness, where they no longer need endure the consequences of that lesson remaining misunderstood or unlearned.
  • Break bread. The isolation experienced by a shocking majority of Lightworkers and other people is astounding. Invite someone over for lunch. Buy coffee for a stranger. Alleviate the loneliness of others. You too will benefit from their mastery, even if it is is unrealized in their embodiment.
  • Teach a (Hue)man to fish. If you have the power to intervene on someone's behalf in a given situation and you feel called to do so, wonderful! If you have a skill that you can share that will alter the future outcomes of similar issues, and allow someone else the power to intervene for others even better! In this way the potential to alleviate suffering for many is co-created!
  • Pay it forward. We have all had help. We have all had the right people show up at the right time in our spiritual journey (even in "non-spiritual" ways). Think back to a time when someone showed you compassion, understanding, love, or wisdom you needed to take your next step. Remember how that alleviated your suffering. Do it for someone else.
  • Offer an alternative. As the result of many factors, people have the tendency to get stuck in "loops" of thought patterns wherein they are unable to "think" their way to a new vision of the challenge life has presented to them. Add a new element to their awareness and facilitate the opportunity for them to see the issue in a whole new light. This could lead them to the answer and alleviate their suffering.
  • Feed someone who is hungry.


We would be delighted to hear about some of the ways you alleviate suffering in your communities and families.


With so very much Love,

Arianna Napoli

Galactic Diplomat


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