Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: "The Voice"

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 10/20/2012 - 11:14

Round 2 of Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012

In today's chapter we feature the Introduction from "The Voice" who delivers these materials to me.  I've been doing this for 19 years and have a ton of material to show for it.  This book is but one item in a growing inventory of music, fables, stories, poems and just plain ole good info.  I've included the Table of Contents at the end here so you can see what this book is about and what's coming next. I've been writing it for over 10 years and only recently got the last bits. This past week, I was told it's "Go Time".  So here we are!  Badda Bing, Badda Boom!



(Every chapter or section starts with a "reflection" like this one below. Then off we go!)


Feeling Welcome 


So how do we know when to stop with our pain and suffering?  Is it when we are warmly greeted by a group of like-minded peers?  I think so.  That’s when we know we are no longer alone.  Others have suffered just as we are, and made their way to another shore, a place of safety and understanding.


     It is true that in our culture we are often made privy to this phenomenon.  The plethora of self-help groups testifies to that.  For every affliction there is a place to surrender and feel welcome.  We no longer have to travel life’s path alone.


     The Great Creator saw to this from the beginning; “These creatures will have need of each other”, and continued to fashion the many legions that would become “Us”. We are here to learn from each other and to support each other in the process.  Our various circumstances and plights are the “challenges” we will confront.  The manner in which we comfort each other is essential to our success.


There is no harm worse than self-rejection.  This is the ultimate in capitulation to those war wounds within.  They are there to “teach”, friend, not to bury you.  That would be absurd.  Let yourself rejoice whenever you uncover one and bring it to the surface to be shared with warm loving friends.  You know who they are, just as you know how to find rejection when you choose to feel worse.  We can easily reinforce whatever it is we want to hold on to.


     So let your self be.  Let your self rejoice in the wonderful and amazing world that surrounds you.  Let your self find those friends that have meaningful contributions to make to your existence, as you do to theirs.  We are all in this together, aren’t we?  Let’s come out from the dark.   Perhaps, you are more than you bargained for.  Care to find out?


Introduction from “The Voice”


Greetings friends and neighbors. I am All-That-Is.  I come to you through this vehicle named Maurice Turmel who is a messenger regarding the dawning of this New Age.


He is here to serve you, as am I.  We have been working together for some time now and he is about to launch a number of services where you can gain advice on your personal evolution.


We call this book “Conscious Evolution – Preparing for Ascension 2012”. We also refer to it as Mythology’s Guide to Ascension” because it presupposes some acquaintanceship with Mythology, which is your oldest teaching tool on the Earth plane.  Maurice has been a fan of Mythology since first being re-introduced to it back in the early 80s, your time.  I am stepping in at this juncture to help him bring forward all necessary instructional materials at this critical point in time.


Teaching stories have been your best instrument for bringing forth news of an unconventional nature. Guideposts are written into these stories to help address the critical turning points in your lives. Whenever you meet them, Mythology provides the necessary references to help you work through the inherent lessons being presented.


At this juncture, the word “Ascension” has made its way into your vocabulary. It signifies something important is about to happen. That being the case, We of the Angelic Realms are here to help you negotiate this path opening in front of you.


So, what is Ascension?

Ascension is the process of reaching for a higher dimension of consciousness rooted in a different set of operating principles than those you are currently accustomed to. The next level on your consciousness scale is the 5th Dimension. We are moving you toward this dimension because it takes you where you need to be for the next 1,000 years of earth time.


“Why are we not headed for the 4th dimension since we are currently anchored in 3rd dimension density consciousness?”

The 4th dimension of consciousness is simply a passage from the 3rd to the 5th. The 4th dimension is all about healing and recovery from damage accrued through 3rd dimensional life.


Many of you are well along in your recovery and healing process and are at the doorstep of 5th dimension consciousness.  This is where the new light and higher dimensional energies are about to be anchored. Fourth dimensional consciousness is like adolescence, a stage that prepares growing individuals for a new way of being.  For adolescents, it is moving from childhood into adulthood, a shift that is quite tumultuous to say the least. 


Moving from 3rd dimensional density consciousness to 5th dimensional enlightened awareness is very similar in terms of tumultuous change. Both shifts require a clearing away of the old to prepare for the new. Along with the chaos of any shift comes moments of regression. This is a time of grieving the hopes of returning to simpler times. Eventually, the transition is negotiated and you settle into the new level of being.


Some of you are at the 5th dimension already, but most of you are working your way through the tumult and chaos of the 4th dimensional transition.  Maurice has referred to you as “the healing generation” fully engaged in clearing away the family dysfunctions that have held you back to this point.  This would include religious dysfunction as well, a topic he will deal with in more detail later on. The bottom line is you are all on your way home to Me! That is, the Me that resides in You!


This process of Ascension is a Return to Me, your Creator, your Point of Origin, your Source.  This is the end of the line for your ego and all of its petty grievances.  This is the end of Earth-Centeredness or 3rd dimensional density consciousness and the beginning of Heart-Centeredness and 5th dimensional reality. Your Heart will be your guide hence forth.  Say goodbye to your egos.  They have served you well, but are simply not capable of progressing from here.


Your Heart and Soul will be at the helm as you step into this 5th dimension of awareness and light activity.  Maurice is making this transition just as you are about to.  He too has suffered as many of you are currently. But he is finding his way.  How? By keeping his focus on the prize – Ascension and God Consciousness while in a body and living on the Earth.


That is your goal as well and why you are reading this book. Maurice will offer you direction in the coming years before 2012, as he opens further to his chosen mission.  He selected this particular course of action to imbue himself with the details of Ascension, from cleansing the Heart in all its hard-earned glory, to receiving Spirit in gratitude and grace.  He wishes to be fine example of this Ascension process in action. He, as each of you, deserves the accolades that come as product of the Ascension process.


Maurice will be delivering messages through the Internet and more stories on moving past the heartache that is a feature of 3rd dimensional life. Drawing upon centuries of mythical images and heroic references he will be providing a steady stream of materials designed to help you ascend from every possible angle. His companion book “The Voice – A Mythological Guide to LightWorker Service” is one such story you can draw sustenance from as you engage in your own process of emancipation from the 3rd dimension.


Conscious Evolution is about “Choosing Ascension”.  You must choose Ascension as your purpose and goal. It simply will not happen without your “willing” participation. Once chosen, it is a gift to be celebrated and pledge allegiance to.  Take it into your hands and unwrap it for yourself. No one can do this for you.  Please understand, there are no shortcuts through this period of growth and healing. Your emancipation from 3rd dimensional consciousness has to be pursued like any lover you have the strongest desire for.  There will be no passive movement into the next realm of conscious awareness. You either choose to go, or by default, you choose to remain behind.


We in the Angelic realms are moving at an accelerated pace now. We have chosen Mythology as the favored teaching tool for these times.  All the compromises and adjustments that had to be made by your ancestors over the centuries are recorded here.  All the accelerations of the Pulse, the drama of change and the blessings gifted by the Gods over millennia have been recorded in your Mythology. It is your story of evolution over and over again.


We submit to you that this process of Ascension has been well documented over thousands of years. You need not look elsewhere for true guidance and support. It is all within the framework of Mythology and its many tales of heroes and heroines overcoming apparently insurmountable odds.  No such thing! You can and have overcome every challenge put in front of you.  Now is the time for your graduation.


Digest this book in every manner available to you.  Read it and listen to it, over and over, until you “get it”.  Then open that door to your Heart Center and let Me come through for you. I am your Creative Source. I am your Point of Origin. I am all of your creative abilities and talents.  Know that I am You!  When we are together there is no Lord and Subject.  There is only Us.  And,  We are One.


Like you, I love to laugh. It is the heartiest of feelings. Notice that word “heartiest”!  Good! Let’s get on with it, shall we. Ascension is at your door. Please open it and let Me, Your God Self, come through for you. Let Me embrace you as you so want to embrace Me. Let that be our joy for the next 1,000 years.


“The Voice”





"Conscious Evolution: Preparing for Ascension 2012"


Table of Contents


Part I - Mythology

“Contemplating Change” …………………………………………. 11

Author’s Introduction ………………………………………………..13

“Feeling Welcome” …………………………………………………….25

Introduction from “The Voice” …………………………………. 27

“Evolving” …………………………………………………………………. 33

1 – The Hero Myth ………………………………………………………35

“Open Your Heart” ………………………………………………………41

2 – A Hero’s Welcome ………………………………………………..43

“Self and Ego” …………………………………………………………….51

3 – Heroes and Heroines …………………………………………….53

“Growing” ……………………………………………………….……………59

4 – Life as Movie and Myth ………………………………………….61

“Asking for Help” ………………………………………………………….71

5 – How We Lost Our Way ……………………………………………73

“Fear” …………………………………………………………………………….79

6 – The Big Sleep ………………………………………………………….81

“Secrets” ……………………………………………………………………….91

7 – Conscious Evolution ……………………………………………….93

“Grace and Glory” ………………………………….……………………101

8 – The Force ………………………………………………….……………103

“Receiving” ………………………………………………………….……….109

9 – Beyond Healing ……………………………………………………….111

“Paying Attention”…………………………………………………………..117

10 – The Road to Discovery ………………………………………….119

“You Are Enough” …………………………………………………………..129

11 – The Circle ………………………………………………………………..129

“Friendship” …………………………………………………………………….133

12 – The Voice ………………………………………………………………..135

“Companions” ………………………………………………………………….143

13 – A New World …………………………………………………………… 145

“Touch” ………………………………………………………………………….…153

14 – Coming Home ………………………………………………………….155

“Trajectory” ……………………………………………………………………..159



   Part II – Ascension


“Who Am I – Why Am I Here?” .. ………………………………………163

1 – A Roadmap for Ascension …………………………………………….167

“Wandering” ………………………………………………………………………..177

2 - Journaling” ….…………………………………………………………………179

“Opposites” …………………………………………………………………….…..183

3 – Childhood ……………………………………………………………………….185

“Our Feeling State” …. …………………………………………………………193

4 – Adolescence ……………………………………………………………………197

“Passion and Purpose” … ………………………………………………………207

5 – Meet the Players ……………………………………………………………..211

“Making Choices” ..………………………………………………………………..235

6 - The Dialogues …………………………………………………………………..241

“Transformation” ….. ………………………………………………………………253

7 – Destination Ascension …………………………..………………………….257

“Getting the Juices Flowing” …………………………………………………..263



  Part III – Connection

“Awaken Oh Army of Light” … ……………………………………………….269

1 – Getting Connected …………………………………………………………….273

2 – Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………….281

“Rise Up”  ………………………………………………………………………………….287


About the Author ……………………………………………………………………….289



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