New Earth Frequency Update ~ GAIA's Activation of Light

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 08/23/2013 - 18:22


Acceleration is the name of the game this summer especially since the last full moon of July.  Now we are in the midst of the full moon of August with the same attributes as it is in Aquarius once again but within the Sun of Leo.  Going within and taking care of ourselves or helping others.  Balance is the key to our existence presently.

Since the Lion’s Gate we have gone through a tremendous cleansing process and will continue to so.  On August 25th there is another activation of the Merkabah energies lining up to assist in yet another portal of light to come into the planet.  I am not an astrologer so I do not understand what this energy means from that specific perspective.  What I do know about is energy, how it is perceived through psychic frequencies, and how we are affected within our four-body system as the accelerations occur within our physical existence.

Changes are happening and these activations we are going through on the planetary level are not going to change.  What needs to happen is that we learn how to live through the activations and find the best possible way to have a more balanced approach to the energies.  The reason that we are experiencing intense changes is that we need to go deeper into our Core Essence to find our heart which will illuminate the Cosmic Heart of Oneness.

Please know that these energies are extremely powerful so it is up to each individual person within their own essence to allow their Divine Higher Self and I AM Presence to guide them through the powerful activations.  When we do not reflect on whom we are becoming or understand the process, then we become confused.  This is when the energies will push us further; the resultant feels will be a spiraling-down affect into our lower self which can cause ill feelings of despair and deep confusion.  Through this process it is essential to connect with our Higher Self, work with ascension tools to continually build a strong light body so that the elements within the Etheric Body can be removed and released as you become the Body of Light.


Greetings with Deep Love and Admiration from the Unified Whole Command of the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein,

It is our deepest pleasure to be with you for the next few moments.

We are again coming into another grand cycle of completion which is assisting the planetary structure to make the necessary changes to align the grids of the Cosmic forces into the Planetary Gridlines.  Each of you knows what the Lion’s Gate represented within the Earth and for each of you individually.  This doorway allowed you to receive the highest available frequency to allow your alignment of your Higher Self and I AM Presence to become more accessible in your consciousness.  We use the word CONSCIOUSNESS very carefully.

Some individuals that are bringing forth information have an understanding that with these alignments every individual will be affected within the Earth body, that lower energies will be removed immediately along with all lower thought forms.  This is partially true but only in conjunction with the Will of each individual’s Higher Self and Soul Essence.  Some others are thinking that the grand alignment is about to occur within the Earth that will allow individuals to ascend immediately just by being in the perfect space and time.  This is also very untrue.

What is happening is that the planetary structure is shifting into a Cosmic alignment which is allowing GAIA to prepare herself for the ascension process.  Now each of you understands what this is like for you individually, then you can imagine what it is like for an entire planetary structure.  This can cause upheaval in some areas which creates discord and in other areas, there can be the state of pure bliss.  All of this represents what each area is experiencing presently, the types of people that are located within the geographic structure, and whether they are God-based or Fear-based.  This is the resultant energies that occur within this alignment.

Now take that information and put it into an individual basis.  As each soul is evolving, not everyone is ready to move forward within their spiritual connection to the God Source.  This means not God as an overlighting being telling everyone what they should be doing.  But the Source of Light that is beyond God that each of us originated from eons ago.

The power of the alignment of August 25th represents the Star of David just as a symbol of Unity upon the planet.  It depends upon each individual person, how they relate to God within themselves and how the transformation will assist or de-assist them.  It is the 2nd phase of the Merkabah is being activated within the planet which means that GAIA is readying herself for her Light Body.  We say, “readying” because there are many phases of the Light Body.  This is the very beginning of her accepting the Light being infused from the Star Nations to become totally aligned within the Universal Structure.  This can cause elements to either come into balance or out-of-alignment.  The alignment of the Earth is changing and allowing the higher infused qualities to be integrated within her essence.  In turn, the lower forms are being shifted as they will not be in alignment with the Cosmic frequencies.

The same is happening to each soul upon the planet.  The Archangels are working diligently to keep everything in balance in the areas that are going to have to be realigned.  This includes all the souls that are inhabiting these areas.  There is an upheaval that is occurring presently between the dark and light forces.  The Christed Galactics are working diligently to assist in this planetary alignment along with the Archangels assisting the humans to accept the Light of God within them.  As these battles are occurring, the dark forces of the non-Christed Extra-Terrestrials are being asked to leave the planet.This is only one small division of the lower energies that have infused GAIA and does not include soul attachments to human beings and in no way is the entire structure of the Dark Forces but it is an important beginning.

In retrospect, the forces of the lower frequencies are working feverishly through many individuals that are teachers, healers, and channels.  The battle is very strong right now within the planet and within each individual.  Those that are awakened upon the planet must take responsibility for their own light and dark as the dark can seem much darker than it ever was before.  Working within the frequency of the Light in the higher accelerations is the only way to circumvent these energies from infusing each individual.  The Ones that will cry the loudest, are the Ones that are hurting the deepest.  A battle is ensuing upon the planet within all structures and especially within the New Age communities.  They may think they are doing the best for anyone else, but the truth of the matter is the mirrors are cracking everywhere and the Truth Shall Be Revealed.  So listen and read very carefully, always discerning if it is a lower frequency that is trying to interact with your energies.

We do not share these words to create fear but to instill your Will and Power, the Light that is Within you to dispel the darkness within yourself and around you.  The angels will assist you but only if you ask for their help.  They cannot interfere in the physical creation of every soul.  It is important to bring forth the prayers and the light of the Creative Source of Oneness into each individual from this point forward.

The Merkabah Activation on the 25th of August will be a time when the Light will be the strongest within the structure of the planet as GAIA will be receiving her activation.  This means that each individual is also experiencing the same process.  As the changes occur within you on this date, continue to connect with your Light Divine of your I AM Presence.  As what is not cleared, will appear in your body, in your mind, and in your heart.  The Archangels are standing by to assist you but again, you must request their presence within your world.

Please know that during this time acceleration will happen, but only if you are working diligently within yourself.  You may think that your DNA is activating more fully within you as the intensity of the energies will take you into another dimensional structure consciously.  Your body cannot accept the activations that your consciousness is receiving until it is fully ready and desirous through your Higher Self.  Any other way is out of balance and will cause great harm to your soul’s psychological structure.

It works this way:  if you are trying to align your Physical body with your Etheric body (your Soul’s Body) through the activation of your DNA, and the Etheric Body is still full of lower vibrations from the many timelines that you have endured (which most of you don’t even know what they were), then you are going to burn up your Etheric Body which is something you do not want to experience.  When this process occurs in a balanced condition being accessed through your Higher Self, then the acceleration comes naturally and you will feel the changes of the light quotient within you, but it will not debilitate your physical or mental condition for days on end.  You will feel changes which can be uncomfortable at first, but then it will slowly waver off for you to feel the higher frequency.

August 25th is a portal of the Cosmic level of energies to be infused within the planet.  It will be a time of great potential for many human beings.  What you do with the energy is up to you, but be prepared to achieve the desired outcome through your four-body system.  We want you to acknowledge all of your bodies that are being healed simultaneously within ease and grace.  If you are having difficulty with lower energies, forces within you that are NOT THE REAL YOU, call upon the Archangels and the Ascended Masters along with the Christed Galactics of the Pleiadians and Arcturians to assist in achieving the highest possible experience within your world.  You will receive what you need, but you cannot be driven by the lower ego.  Invoke your Higher Mind and Higher Heart with the assistance of your Higher Self.  Otherwise, the resultant factor will be less than what you desire at this time.

Yes, help is being offered through this process of integration.  Please share your own assistance by sharing with GAIA what you are feeling.  Walk her lands, swim in her waters, and embrace the newfound creative process of this planet.  It will help ground you while you are sharing the Light that you are becoming.

We are also here for your assistance.  Put into wholeness all that does not serve your purpose by stating this invocation:

I call upon the Unified Whole to assist me in putting into balance what is out of alignment.

Say:  000-111-144 Unified Whole Online

State your plea to anyone of us or in the collective energies. 

When finished say:  000-111-144 Unified Whole Offline.

Blessings and Joy I AM One with my Higher Self and I AM Presence within the Unified Whole of the 144th dimensional level of Oneness.

We honor you deeply for awakening your Soul’s Essence into your physical body.  We walk with you in Joy, Peace, and Light.

We are the Unified Whole Command of all Ascended Masters, Angels, Christed Beings of the Light.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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