Where is "God"?

Submitted by moonhippiemystic on Thu, 12/13/2012 - 18:52


Where is “God”?


Wow, that’s a “heavy” topic to bring up, right?  I’ve struggled with it but I’ve come to realize that I think that’s why I was awakened in the first place – to bring up this topic, consistently.  I’ve been doing quite a bit of research trying to make sense of my spontaneous Spiritual Awakening and to see if I’m alone in what I see…which is A LOT.  I See things that many don’t wish to See and it’s made me feel different all of my Life but now I feel Blessed.  I have been on both sides, and very recently so it’s all very fresh in my mind and my mind’s “eye”.  This is Good because it gives me insight and so now I’m going to begin to “own” my Truth and go from there.  I had a “Glimpse Behind the Veil” with my own eyes and with my Heart, both together and both separately.   I have looked for Spiritual Guidance to make sense of what I’ve seen and felt.  I have looked for someone else who may have had this happen.  I have researched topics of religion, angels, aliens, indigenous tribes and their prophecies, near death experiences, and psychic phenomenon.  I have been doing this almost non-stop for the last 3 months and I’ve processed a great deal of information.  I always go back to what I know to be True because it is what I was shown and told…it was what I and I alone Experienced.  That’s the key, it’s always been there and the Gift – the Beauty is in the simple fact that this one is “mine” to re-tell from my perspective.  It was a Gift and as it was given to me it is also intended to be given back to you if you wish to Receive it.  I hope you do because this Gift feels like the Heaven that I always imagined times infinity.  Yes, I FELT Heaven and I still can’t wrap my head or Heart around it because it is not something that can be described in words and my “human” emotions are too limited to comprehend the Purity of the LOVE that comes with the Light.  I don’t think it’s something that can be completely felt all at once because of the intensity of it.  In other words, I’m still growing into it but I’m leaning into it with ALL that I AM!

So, where is “God”?  I use quotations around the word God because I’ve never been a “religious” person and the God I’ve come to know is much vaster than what I had imagined “God” to be in my mind that was “sleeping”.  The God I knew was created in my mind and not the Creator of my Mind.  The God I knew was something small in my imagination and not as vast as the Universe.  The God I knew lived “up there” in judgement and not right inside of my Soul as I AM a Divine Being.  Yes, I believe we ALL Divine Beings and this is what Jesus was trying to tell me in his teachings.  He is the son of God and I AM the daughter of God – both equally and both separately. I was told that we are ALL ONE in Creation and ALL Individuals in Humanity.  YES, we are ALL that Special and it is such a simple choice to make.  It’s Brilliant in its simplicity that all I have to do is look inside of myself to see God and my Divine Nature.  So, I struggle with a “word” to describe something so vast, wise, and full of LOVE as “God” is, to me.  Let me tell you a couple of things I’ve learned about God.

God is sound and the “word” of God is a sound.  It is the sound that can create Crop Circles and change molecular structures.  It is the sound that Creates Sacred Geometry.  It is the sound of Creation and the resonance of Love.  Yes, there is a “frequency” to the sound of Love and I’ve read that it’s 528 hertz to be specific.  It’s the sound in the Buddhist Meditation and the dance beat in my favorite song.  It’s the sound of my children laughing and the sounds that bring me Joy in my Life.  It’s the sound of the rushing river and the crackling beach-side bonfire.  It’s the sound of the wind in the trees and the cheers that roar in the crowd when my team scores a touchdown.  It’s the sound that I hear when I  listen to my husband’s heartbeat in sync with my own.  It’s the sound of Christmas music and a champagne cork popping.  You know, the sounds that make you smile.

God is the Energy and Vibration of LOVE.  Our human emotions have frequencies and this is a proven fact.  Our negative emotions have a low vibration that is a very dense energy and our positive emotions have a higher vibration and a Light/Love energy.  God is this Light/Love energy and this vibration is my “channel” in which I can reach this Divine Energy.  I’ve also heard the dark/light energy described as fear/Love and I can agree with this.  Most negative emotions are based on “fear” – fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of loss, and fear of letting go.  Most positive emotions are based on LOVE, happiness, peace, prosperity, abundance, faith, community, family, friends and God, of course.  When I was behind the veil I was told that we were never meant to Live in such dark energy and as it consumes us it consumes our Planet – our MOTHER.  We have an opportunity, right now in our Lifetimes, to make a choice between fear and LOVE.  When I chose Love I found  God and Spirit and Peace and Happiness.  I let go of fear (along with anger and guilt just to name a few) and I imagine that as I let it go it leaves a void inside of me so I imagine this void being filled with the Love and Light of God and I ask the Angels to help me.  The Angels are real and my husband and I saw them that night so I’ve done quite a bit of research on this topic as well.  I’ve read a great many times that you must give your Angels permission to help you in your daily Life so now I do this everyday and it works, for me.  I’ve noticed how much easier Life seems to be when I operate from the vibration and frequency which is a place of Love and this is how I know it’s True.  I ask the Angels to help me, surround me with Love and Light, and to Heal me and things get better so this is how I also know that they are Real.

God is the “voice” in my head and the words in the song or poem that I felt was meant just for me.  It was!  God is the voice in my meditation and the Guardian Angel on my shoulder.  God is the wind in the trees and the birds singing.  God is Mother Earth and Mother Moon.  God is the shapes I see in the clouds and the rainbows in the sky.  God is the Sun that shines with its bright Golden Light.  God is as vast as the beginning of the Universe and as close as the Light I hold inside my Soul.  God is the intuition that tells me when something feels right or wrong.  God is the feeling I get when I’m having a great day and everything is Perfect.  God is the flowers growing in the Spring and the butterflies.  God is a white Christmas and the smell of Autumn.  I find it when I go outside and listen to the heartbeat in my Mother Earth…yes, she really has a heartbeat.  This is also a proven fact and her Heartbeat has been seen from space.  Her heartbeat is also increasing in frequency – yes this word again – it’s important.  She is Alive…just like you and me.  I Listen to her because she is the Mother of all Life on our Planet and she wants me to See her and to LOVE her.  She feels this negative energy too and she needs to heal – she needs Humanity to help her heal and I can do this by simply choosing LOVE.

God is the oneness I feel when I’m playing outside in my church or seeing my loved ones.  We are all one in Creation and this oneness feeling is a reflection of God.  It’s the closeness I feel when I’m having a Good time with friends.  It’s the joy I feel sitting among the other parents watching my child perform in the school musical.  It’s the things in my Life that I celebrate with those closest to me and the birthday party I went to last night.  It’s the oneness when I accomplish something I’ve always wanted and the people in my Life jump with Happiness for me.  It’s the oneness I feel with the planet and the beliefs I hold in healing her – no matter how small they seem to be.  God is the oneness I feel with nature when I just had the perfect ski run or the perfect day in a river raft.  God is the person who showed me kindness and compassion when I had a bad day.  God is that spark that I feel when everything just flows.  Oh, and of course God is ALL of my Creativity because God IS Creation!

Where is God?  As my husband said in his poem “Hi” – “Anywhere and Everywhere, A Light that is always on”.  You can hear it, you can feel it, and you can See it!  Pretty Cool!

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