Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Be the Vision ~ October 21, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 10/21/2012 - 18:33

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven:



Greetings, Beloveds, Light of the Divine, Light of the Universes, Light of Creator of All-That-Is, that you all are.

We come before you today to speak of the Shift in Consciousness that you are all a part of, that you all play such an important part in.

Behold the changes in your bodies, physical and light bodies alike. You are indeed integrating the two and you are indeed benefiting from the raise in consciousness, ever-present and on-going. You have raised your frequencies and continue to do so. And you are in turn, affecting all around you in doing so.

We stand with you forever and always, and especially during this important time of mass awakening and fulfillment of the Divine Decree. You hold the reins and are the navigators of this most sacred, beautiful movement and nothing can stand in the way of it if you keep to your task.

Your task, of course, is to allow always the beat of the heart of Humanity, of Mother Earth, and of the Multi-verses, and of All Beings to entwine into the one heartbeat of Love and Oneness and Unity.

The agenda is clear, the goal is unanimous, and the intent is all encompassing, dear ones. Let no one tell you otherwise. Tune into the heartbeat of Creator of All-That-Is and you shall catch the wave of Love and the means for that Love to be the one factor within the equation of your purpose of being here now on this Earth at this time.

The momentum is building, the support is ever present; it just awaits your complete commitment to your vision of New Earth. You are building that vision as we speak. You are feeding that vision as we speak. Let nothing deter you from that, dear hearts.

Behold this vision of the New Earth. How much is it fleshed out in your minds and hearts? How much is your belief and trust in its reality? How much are you throwing your whole body, heart and soul into it?

You are One. You feel it, you are experiencing it; you are living it. You are ascending to heights never achieved since your fall into duality. The Light Quotient is at an all-time-high. This has a preponderance of evidence. Look all around you. Feel the Lightness, feel the Love, and feel the connection with all Hearts at this time.

You are the Wayshowers, the Lightholders, the Lightworkers, the Lightwarriors here on this Earth to manifest Heaven on Earth. Yes, dear ones, you are doing it. You are achieving it. You are on your way to sharing it with all. Keep up the pace. Keep up your trust in it and your appreciation for all your fellow Lightworkers and Lightholders and Lightwarriors that are standing and working beside you.

Your strength is building; your momentum is building. You are arriving at the zero point. Hold fast to your vision and feel it in your hearts. Be the manifestation of your vision at each moment, dear ones. Encapsulate it within your hearts and speak it and spread it as you breathe out each breath from your heart. Step into it as your reality now.

You are the hope of the future, and you are building it now. It Is Now. Get settled within it and be One with it.

You are the manifestation of the Divine each and every moment now. Get comfortable with it. Soar with it. BE it, dear hearts. Nothing can be more pure or exhilarating than the breath of the Divine. Own it and Be it and share it with everything around you.

Take this forward now, for you are ready. You stand at the ready to Be the Vision.

We stand beside you and are forever with you,

I AM Archangel Michael, with the Company of Heaven, giving you all our Love and support.

As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website)


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