Diligence of the Light ~ Lord Metatron

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 08/23/2013 - 19:32


Metatron by Artist Tony Pinfold. http://www.tonypinfold.net

We are coming into another powerful surge of energy that is being ignited on the planet, and it is my pleasure to share some thoughts about this alignment which is the 2nd activation of the Merkabah or the Star of David means for each of you.

When these activations occur, you must understand that the information that is channeled is directed through the channel themselves.  This has always been the case but since the veil of forgetfulness and the veil between our worlds has been lifted there is so much confliction that is occurring with the information that is being presented by so many people.

And, yes, this is a channeling through Rev. Christine Meleriessee.  But let me give you a little bit of background information on her journey.

She came into this Earth very gifted but did not take on those gifts until her mid 30’s.  She has a lineage of powerful timelines for thousands of years and when she took on this role, she knew she would have to heal those timelines.  She stepped into the world of ascension 20 years ago when it was very new in the public arena.  She accelerated herself through deep healing continually when there were not energetic activations being integrated within Gaia.  Gaia was hurting at that time as most of humanity.  But she continued on her own pathway with the help of Dr. Joshua David Stone and took action to be ordained through his work.  She lives and breathes the mastery pathway but has a deep connection to the angelic and faiery realms, elementals, Native American, and more that I cannot even count for her.  But these are timelines that she has worked through.  She awakened at a very early age but what the energies did for her was to make her look deeper within herself.  She endured many challenges of almost death and being penniless because she had to experience those parts of herself in order to accept the divine heritage within this body as Christine.  She accelerated herself through being activated with the Ascended Masters, Divine Mother and Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun, and now the Unified Whole of the 144,000 dimensions of Oneness.  She works very hard and it shows with her teachings along with everything she shares with others .

I need to share this information as it is a requirement of all individuals to understand where a channel comes from.  I do not share this to be pompous or egotistical or else I would not be here with her in this moment.  She is an attuned being of the Melchizdek Order and the Metatronic Solar Angels.  She had to remember this status in order to acquire the level of communication that she does.  I do not share this lightly but with great reverence.

Now, when you read or see a video from a channel, what do you feel?   Do you feel my essence coming through these words?  If you find that you have a headache or feel sick to your stomach, it is a are key sign that what you are reading is a lower vibration than the one that you are presently inhabiting.  Meleriessee has been guided not to read too many other messages but she does sometimes.  Then she can become very affected and has to clear through her healing tools.  Her vibration is very high because of the work that she has done, and I know many of you would attest to this fact.

Meleriessee will not write these words but they need to be said.  I decided to come forth and share this essence, because it is badly needed at this time upon the Earth.  Everyone is coming out of the woodwork sharing their message but where did the message come from?  What is the vibration that is being exhibited through the message and who is the channel?  Do some research and find out some background information on the person that is bringing forth the information so that you can ascertain if it is truth within your reality.  Please be aware that not everyone can reach this level of communication, but they will in time by working through their ascension tools.  Be aware that lower entities can also say they are myself, Saint Germain, or any of the ascended masters.  Discernment is the rule of your world presently.

On December 21st, 2012 the Unified Whole was open to the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, legions of Angels, Christed Extra-Terrestrials, Inner Earth, and all beings of the Christed Self to speak from this essence.  Many beings that bring forth information still had the sense of pantheons in place from the old timelines that still exist on the earth; one of them is Lady Isis and another is Jesus along with Master Thoth.   Then the Ascended Masters also can have lower frequencies as they impart their knowledge from the Earth’s atmosphere and not within the higher confines of the dimensional frequencies.

It works this way; when a spirit is coming from the 10th dimension then that is the frequency they are imparting.  They are bringing forth their knowledge from that timeline or level of creation.  This was fine for quite some time but in the last couple of years all Christed Beings went into the Unified Whole.  This means that they are bringing forth knowledge’s from the Oneness that we are all part of but adding their essences of the timeline that they are from.  There are no lower thoughts from that dimensional structure as it represents the Creative Source of Oneness hence where we all come from.  All walked through this doorway on December 21st, 2012 and it was an imperative stage.

If an individual is channeling someone of the 10th dimension, and that Being has not walked into the Unified Whole to be part of many essences together, then they are only receiving a small part of the information and it becomes filtered with the darker energies ensuing upon the planet and lower dimensional levels.  It is infiltrated to create fear, isolation, but yet the message is quite the opposite.  It is programming just as your television does the same.  It keeps you stuck in the 3rd dimension even though you feel as if you are moving out of it.

I explain all of this because at this time; many are writing that all darkness is now leaving the planet and that each person that has soul attachments to his body will be removed by the angels of the light.  This is only partially true.

We are in a stage of transition within GAIA and each of you is part of the changes.  The forces of Light within the Angelic levels of Michael, Gabriel, and others are stepping forward to remove the dark forces within the planet through the programming effects like your weather patterns, and the changes of planetary structures that are being controlled from the highest level of the non-Christed Beings that have had a hold on this planet for eons of time.  This has been in place for quite some time but with the advent of the Star of David being put in place, GAIA is receiving her light body in the rawest form.   These forces of darkness will be revealed and are being asked to leave.  Many may not do so but it is a very important beginning.

Diligence is necessary at this time.  The higher vibrational essence you hold within your body, the easier it will not feel these essences.  What is happening is the higher beings in control are being asked to surrender.  It does not mean that all the workers are going to do the same.  So it is your responsibility to fully continue with the process of your higher vibrational light within your four body system, purge the elements that arise, and continue the healing process.

As for the entities that are attached to the souls, these are usually related to past timelines from each individual person.  The energy is helping to remove them but it is up to each person to do their own part.  As the higher command of the dark forces are released from their positions, it will depend upon humanity in how it all plays out.  Remember there are many levels within each organization and this is just the beginning.  Your protection is essential and even more so with the higher vibrations being infused within the Earth.

Many share that you as a species do not have to do anything.  This is infiltrated information.  The process of your pathway is contingent upon your own ability to see the smoking mirrors.  Every human must go through these phases and we know that not all will be able to do so.  Please know that it is getting better but our work is far from over.  Please discern what you are sharing or reading from others.  Feel the essence that is coming through the screen into your own vibrational energies.  Continually raise your vibration; don’t stop because you think we are on the New Earth. We are far from it but we get closer every day.

The essence of this year represents synchronicity and this next activation truly shows that to everyone.  Look at your experiences and how things flow for you.  This is what is meant by being in the flow.  When elements come up that do not align with this essence, be aware that it needs to be taken care of.  You are healing others by doing so and more will awaken into themselves.

So now  the darkness is being removed layer by layer just like each of your essences that do not fit who you have become.  We are all working together in ONENESS and not of separative thinking.  That is not going to serve any of us.

How do you know if it is not in Oneness?  Ask by stating,

000-144-000 Unified Whole Online

Ask your question if this material is in Oneness of the 144th dimension?  What do you feel or sense within yourself.  Take a deep breath.  If you need to count upwards from 0-144, please do so.  Or tap your fingers on your Heart or Third Eye to raise the vibration.  Then you will know because you are sensitive and open to other dimensions of light.

When you are done, close the energies back to the 5th dimension and say

000-144-000 Unified Whole Offline. Thank you for your divine assistance.

The power of the present energies cannot be measured except within each individual person.  I share all of this because I feel it is necessary for everyone to be responsible for what they are reading, seeing, and receiving as everyone else feels it when it is not appropriate.  The truth shall be known by each individual soul and not all will understand or accept my essence today.

I stand with each of you as Lord Metatron to assist you in accessing your Solar Light that I share with you each moment.  Your soul understands the process; it is just that your lower self is not ready to accept it for the total truth in all matters.  Breathe and allow your essence to combine with mine.  We shall fly through all obstructions with the power that we have within each other.

I AM One with each of you,

I AM Lord Metatron of the Golden Solar One I AM

Channeled thru Rev. Christine Meleriessee

If you would like to learn more about our Protection Protocal, please see our special programs we offer, http://walkingterrachrista.com/classes/protection-protocals/ or check out our video on the Unified Whole. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6to86FzVj0&list=TLKf2nfH3SXSo.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, http://walkingterrachrista.com,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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