Mother Mary: Breathe Out The Breath of Creator – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – April 29, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/29/2014 - 21:05

Mother Mary:


Hello, my dear sweet beautiful Beings of Light. And so rightly addressed. For you are all taking on such a beautiful hue and radiance not seen ever. The recent downloads of light and energy, still continuing, have blessed you all with such an increase of radiance and luminance that it is difficult to quantify on any present scale of definition.

For it is unprecedented and it is heralded here in the Higher Realms as such a great accomplishment. For if you could gauge the increase in light quotient in yourselves and in the overall environment, you would be astounded.

And for Now it is necessary to process this influx of energy and to be careful to not assess it too strictly according to your prior realm of perception. Allow it to be there and to grow within you, for you have entered a new period of unknown proportions and outcome.

Exercise your powers of letting go and surrendering to this new position of light, so to speak, for it has no precedent; it has no prior sense of understanding. It is new and it signifies your New Selves, ever-changing, ever-evolving.

You stand, so to speak, at yet another threshold of change and absorbtion, of receiving and allowing, of expanding and flowing, of stepping into the unknown once again. By now you are no doubt getting used to it. And this is very good indeed, for it allows you to keep stretching your boundaries and to keep allowing your expansion into unknown territory with much more ease and less tension and anxiety.

Be ready for more onslaught of this beautiful energy that your bodies are learning to welcome and cherish and absorb and covet. It is becoming the norm for you now and will be more so as you allow yourselves to float upon this beautiful wave of energy that has the sole purpose, and the “soul purpose” as well, to reveal and uncover more and more of your beautiful Divine qualities and your beautiful Divine purpose, and your beautiful Divine identity of Wholeness and of Unity of Spirit and Oneness.

Look inside now for changes in your landscape of Spirit. Are you much more yielding and accepting of new thoughts/insights and feelings from a higher vibration? Are you more cognizant of what needs to be acknowledged and then let go of, so as to purify your new perspective and insightful knowing, to allow them to replace the old with ease and with purpose and with willing surrender of what used to be what you saw yourselves as?

That is totally different now, dear ones – can you feel it? You are coming home to your True Selves more and more as you allow it to simmer and glow within you. And it is easier to see what doesn’t fit anymore, and so it is easily illuminated and let go of to make room for a greater, wider habitat of Light in which you now swim.

Your physical bodies support it now with greater ease as you allow it, and the Light is leading the way, your Heart is leading the way, and your memories of the past, of duality, are fading away like the last wisp of fog leaves a landscape to reveal clear blue skies.

Take a breath of relief, dear ones. Take a breath of release, and then take a big breath, a big gulp, of your New Selves that is growing and revealing itself in all its illuminated glory.

You all need to know how magnificent you are, to be allowing this beautiful transformation, although difficult at times it may be. But alas, you are well prepared for it, and watch as you keep entering this new milieu of your New Selves with greater stealth and ease.

You are Champions of the Light. You are Champions of the Heart. You are Magnificent. Keep allowing this transformation in you that can only lead to such greater Illumination, welcomed and cherished by Creator, as you step further into the process of expanding into Oneness and glorious Wholeness of all your aspects.

Breathe all your aspects into you and breathe out the breath of Creator. You are One. You are Magnificent. You are arriving Home.

All my Love is yours,

Mother Mary


©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, beautiful synchronicity and this notice and links are included.


A Special THANK YOU to Christine Burk for the image on this post ♥


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