HS Message - Deeper Upcoming Shifts, Openings, and Opportunities Propel All Forward

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Fri, 05/09/2014 - 15:10

by April Bender

Whew! Yes, as you've keenly assessed, an incredible amount of perturbation/commotion is happening within and throughout the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life at this time. A vast restructuring/ordering is once again taking place, as the full wave induction of energies infused during the recent April Gateway, continue to seek their proper placement/alignment, integration, synthesis and flow/exchange along and within the Higher Mind/Web.

The reason this settling of portal/gateway energies is taking so long is because as one layer of these energies settles/integrates, those woven into the Higher Mind/Web are triggered, to varying degree, from integration work back over to further facilitating the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process, so that more of these highly charged energies can become fully aligned/integrated, their potential realized. However, there are some Light Warriors like you, who are oftentimes serving in both capacities simultaneously - a very exhaustive feat to be sure.

Do recall:

This avalanche of higher energetics surged throughout the Higher Mind/Web from the peak of the Cardinal Cross, all the way through this recent solar eclipse.

The Event. . .the opportunity to achieve full conscious self-awareness of the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, even if only for a few moments at first activation. I am pleased to tell you that this was achieved, though only very, very briefly.

However, as soon as this was achieved, individual circuit breakers (or Warriors of Light) along and within the Mind/Web began to pop/trip due in part to such intense "voltage" and lingering collective blockages, misalignment, or pockets of dissonance within the Mind/Web - and also in part, due to the integration of more souls along and within the Higher Mind/Web during this window. For remember the point of such intense waves and gateways is to give All the opportunity to ascend as far as they are able - up until the very last moment/sealing (which is still a few earth years away).

-April 2014 Gateway Draws to a Close

As you felt so acutely, this surge sent shock waves of light rippling throughout the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, causing the massive short-circuiting of many nodal points along the Mind/Web. One by one, these pathways/nodal points are now being regenerated/reconfigured, new souls/minds and timelines integrated, creating what you could call The Collective Higher Mind/Web version 2.0, as greater unification and harmony is found through the continued overall Sequencing Process. (Over the course of the following months/years this Mind/Web will obviously experience many refinements, configurations, and/or "upgrades," even well past it's point of achieving full self-awareness, though perhaps not as drastic.)
This regeneration and reconfiguration is greatly contributing to your sense of time/space seemingly shifting and/or altering within and around you. As indeed, it is a natural by-product of the overall work/transformation that is happening at the level of the Higher Collective. The other factor to your sense of time/space distortion is the regeneration/reconfiguration of your overall light-body, soul-vessel, and/or spiritual body. For as above, so below. (see Annamerkabah's latest channeling for more explanation on recent time/space experiences.) 
The regeneration/reconfiguration of these pathways/nodal points, along with the regeneration/reconfiguration of individual souls woven into the larger Higher Mind/Web, will peak in potentiality (at least until the next portal/induction) during the May 14 Full Moon expression phase (expression of the "new."). At that time, all that has been restructured, integrated, strengthened, unified, and realized as a result of the April Gateway, will be ready to be fully and outwardly expressed. Or in other words, another giant collective co-creative out-breath will begin. And the overarching theme of this collective expression, or out-breath, as previously mentioned, will be that of freedom, reclamation (of many Divine Birthrights), and authenticity. And there will be several collective expressions of this same overall meme throughout the course of the summer continuing into fall. As the Collective, as well as individuals learn to sit within the center or seat/throne of Divine Empowerment (solar plexus). For this is something that cannot be given, it must be "willed." And this is again why you, and other Warriors of Light like you, were/are needed here - as the impetus behind the impetus.
Now, keep in mind that this collective out-breath or expression is likely to be highly charged and seemingly somewhat clumsy at times. Many souls newly woven into the Higher Mind/Web will once again be spewing the discharge of their newly realized awareness and may not at first react or express in a helpful, loving or unified way. And remember, awakening - especially quickly can be rather painful. There is a good chance you will experience more odd outbursts/behavior from friends, loved ones and even organizations/institutions as they grapple on many different levels with the truth, revelations and/or higher energetic pressuring. Add to that the potential for such odd and/or emotionally charged behavior as a result of the overall Sequencing Process some of these souls have just been tossed into, as having newly connected - and you can see the potential stew of expression seeking release during this next great collective out-breath. And do not discount the expressions/manifestations of Gaia and Universe in general, when I speak of the Higher Collective and this time of out-breath.

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