Tao Of Domestication

Submitted by Huertal on Sat, 01/28/2012 - 09:25



We as a human race have evolved from primordial era to the beings that we are today. Not fully understanding our roots or who we really are as a species. We re always asking who am I? We search outside ourselves for the answers deeply looking to identify with something that we can see, hear, touch, and smell for proof.



What if the proof has always been apart of u? What if we have always had it within us all along? What then? If it were to stare us in the face and say here I am. Would you accept it for what it truly is? Or would you chop it up to nothing more than a coincidence and keep searching franticly.


I found myself asking the same questions over and over again who am I? why am I here? What is my purpose? Do I have one? Until one day I decided to listen for the answer. To stop listening to what everyone else had to say about who I am.

To my delightful surprise there it was coming in loud and clear.


Ok so I think I need to back up a bit here because it didn’t just happen that way. A lot led into this moment not everything I understood at the time either. Some things were very confusing to me and I struggled to understand it all.


What I am speaking of here is that voice inside your head guiding you in every moment. Not the one that feels yucky in your belly however the one that fills your heart with love and you just feel it in every cell. Until the other voice chimes in sometimes saying things like (what? Are you crazy? Do you really think this is real? Don’t be so stupid).


Then the warm fuzzy feeling fades and your filled with fear, unworthiness, insecurity, and doubt. This my friend is conditioning or as I love to call it (domestication) and almost all of humanity at some point in your life experience it. I hope for many of us that you become the observer or the watcher of this phenomenon as it occurs and takes less and less control of you in each moment.


I know your thinking how am I going to do that? Well if you keep reading I will not only explain how it works but I will help define what I love to call domestication and how you can become the watcher of your mind. Once this happens your mind becomes the great tool it was created for not the controlling factor of your experience.


I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason there is no such thing as coincidence. So if you are reading this book than I thank you and commend you for you just took the first step in un-domesticating your life experience congratulations. You are on the correct path to creating huge changes in you life.


You have already taken the first step as the observer and recognized that there is something not quite right about humanity and how we have been reacting to our ancestor’s actions and continuing to re-live them over and over again getting the same results. We as a species do this even though we see that it does not work to serve us any good it does not even make us happy. If it did we wouldn’t be searching for things outside ourselves continuously filling our life with stuff. Then after a while the stuff just doesn’t make us happy either so we search for something else to bring back that feeling of happiness again something to fill that void.


The first time I felt happiness within myself was during a walk home from work while I was living in Calgary I would take the c-train and then walk about a mile the rest of the way. I usually walked through a park to get home. At the time in my life I was reading a book called The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle and for the first time in my life I was able to quiet my mind. Walking barefoot through the grassy park by placing my undivided attention on the present moment. Feeling my bare feet touch the ground feeling every step every bump in the ground becoming totally aware of the wind blowing against my skin and clothes, gently rustling the leaves. Fully hearing all the sounds around me not holding any judgments just being in total presence. Until that moment I was constantly living in my head some would call this syndrome obsessive-compulsive disorder aka OCD others call it insanity I see it as the norm of society. It is how the majority of humanity function on a daily basis.   



About a year in a half later in a group meditation I decided to work on my heart chackra boy I had no idea what I was in for. For the first time I felt love for myself for the universe for everyone and everything.


 It was a profound experience and just the beginning of a journey I had no clue was even happening.


 As I meditated and brought the white light into the top of my head down through my face down my throat feeling its warm sensations flowing into my chest area. At the same time the whit energy running down each arm and bursting out both palms. Surrounding my heart then continuing down to my stomach and gently enveloping all my organs igniting all my cells and bringing them to life. The energy made its way to my hips and forked out down each leg at the same time jutting straight out my base chackra rooting deep into the earths crust a total sense of grounding flowed through my entire body. Flowing down my legs warming my muscles, tendants, my knees, ankles, and feet until it flowed out the bottom of my feet and like a fountain coming up to the top of my head to continue the flow back into my body.  My heart felt heavy my head light and I wasn’t sure if I was sitting or standing or even if I had a body. Everything was so peaceful and just right I felt like I was home.


For the first time in this physical form I felt unconditional love and I didn’t have to spend a penny, I didn’t need anyone to give it to me. I am the only one who creates my happiness. It is always they’re waiting for us to feel it, embrace it. It was a realization I would never forget and I remind myself every time I or anyone around me spoke the word make, or made. The truth is those words are miss used in the actual definitions of the word.

make  (mk)

v. made (md), mak·ing, makes


1. To cause to exist or happen; bring about; create: made problems for us; making a commotion.


 Because in that moment I realized that no one has the power to “make” you feel anything. You do, you give that power away and believe that you are unhappy because of someone’s actions or words. It is a long held belief that was taught to us in early childhood part of our domestication.


Now is the time for humanity to step out of victim role and take responsibility for all our experiences. As hard a pill as this may be for many to swallow we create our experiences every one of them. Yes even ‘dis-ease’, especially ‘dis-ease’ I will share more about this in the health section of the book.


Lets take our time on this topic because it is a good start. So if we are responsible for how we feel that means that you are also responsible for what you say, do, and how you treat others. Every action has a counter action some call this ‘karma’ it is the one true universal law that all of existence follows from the tiniest atom to a blazing star. "one reaps what one sows"

Awaken to who you really are make the choice to un-domesticate yourself. 


If you feel one with all that you just read then look for my book soon in book stores, online. Tao Of Domestication By Laurie Young-Atwell.

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