Journalist Reveals Tactics Brainwashing Industry Uses to Manipulate the Public

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 23:18


Vic Bishop, Staff
Waking Times

Our reality is carefully constructed by powerful corporate, political and special interest sources in order to covertly sway public opinion. Blatant lies are often televised regarding terrorism, food, war, health, etc. They are fashioned to sway public opinion and condition viewers to accept what have become destructive societal norms.

The practice of manipulating and controlling public opinion with distorted media messages has become so common that there is a whole industry formed around this. The entire role of this brainwashing industry is to figure out how to spin information to journalists, similar to the lobbying of government. It is never really clear just how much truth the journalists receive because the news industry has become complacent. The messages that it presents are shaped by corporate powers who often spend millions on advertising with the six conglomerates that own 90% of the media:  General Electric (GE), News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. Yet, these corporations function under many different brands, such as Fox, ABC, CNN, Comcast, Wall Street Journal, etc, giving people the perception of choice.

Keep An Even Keel and Your Hand Upon the Wheel

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 18:46


Zen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

It’s a pretty difficult time to navigate that we’re in. The news, views and constant spews are bad enough, but the underlying energetic changes that are hitting us are enormous.

No doubt your personal life is under re-examination. That’s good. No doubt your course in life is under serious consideration as well. Also good.

Take the ride gracefully and trust inside yourself. Very profound changes are happening at very deep levels within each of us while all this is playing out on the surface. Let it happen. You’ll be fine, as long as you let it happen and operate from the heart.

But keep your hand upon the wheel.

A Time to Morph

Changes aren’t always easy. Some we accept willingly and others “not so much”. Transition is a moving from one place to another, often implying leaving constructs, unhealthy dependencies and things behind in order to make the leap before us.

That’s how it works.

Life Has Its Way

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 17:24

God said:

You have some stipulations about Life. You will go along with much of Life. At the same time, you protest certain arrangements, as if Life has no authority to settle things for you. You would like some binding rules and escape clauses. You would like to tell Life a thing or two about its wrong choices and endeavors regarding you. You stamp your foot. You are certain that Life is not to be the way Life is as you see it -- unpredictable, unstable, and unwarranted.

The fact is that Life can be any way it happens to be. There are no laws against what you protest. Life can get you in a bind. What recourse do you have? There is no escaping life. It’s bigger than you. Life isn’t trying to get you, or get you in a bind. Life is really minding its own business, yet, there it is: Life is bigger than Life.

If you only knew, you, too, are bigger than Life. Life kind of strong-arms you. Life does not always have manners. Life is a big guy, a muscle-guy. Life doesn’t ask you or anyone for permission. It doesn’t ask you to say how you feel about how Life is going. Perhaps you are just caught in the middle. In any case, it seems like Life is arbitrary. Yes, Life has its own way of removing or adjusting whatever may seem to stand in its way.

Daily Message ~ Friday January 15, 2016

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 09:25

Acceptance is a powerful anchor word. It is the by product of faith and trust, and creates the foundation for peace and patience. By acknowledging the divinity of every person and experience, it is the antidote to resistance, thus supporting comfort and connection. Acceptance allows you to embrace the beauty of each now moment, which creates the experience of deep gratitude, and releases the need to control or push against anything. That keeps you in a state of divine movement, in willing unfoldment, which creates a path of grace and ease, and the experience of loving everything and everyone like never before. It by tending the rich soil of acceptance that many other divine attributes will be able to bloom and grow. ~Archangel Gabriel

Radical Simplicity – Making Space to Thrive

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 09:02

By Jack Adam Weber
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Complexity and busyness characterize our times. Most of us don’t have enough time to do the things that matter most. If we don’t have a way to digest and simplify, we can easily feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Thus the great de-cluttering movement to simplify our lives.

Simplicity, therefore, should not be a dumbing-down of life’s complexities but an embrace of them. This way we arrive at a radical, comprehensive simplicity as the force of our presence and expression in the world.

Simplification, however, can backfire when it’s superficially engaged, by which we might do more harm than good. If you find yourself unable to find time for what matters most to you, I recommend cutting out the superfluous, unnecessary busy things you can do without. I bet you can name three of these things off the top of your head right now.

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The Fracking Industry’s Answer to Toxic Wastewater: Spray It On Public Roadways

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/15/2016 - 08:59

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Just when we thought it couldn’t get much worse on the fracking front — polluted groundwater, poisoned environment, destroyed ecosystems — a dangerous new practice for ‘disposing’ of fracking wastewater has been put into action: spread it onto roadways for ice and dust management. Not only does the the flowback water from fracking contain a range of toxic compounds — including ammonium, iodide, heavy metals and bromide — it can also contain radioactive material.

For those unfamiliar with the process of fracking — known as hydraulic fracturing — a bit of history about the technique is helpful. Halliburton developed the process in 1949 and utilized the technology for decades with oil and gas wells to increase production, as they began to run dry. In conventional fracking, the well is stimulated by pumping-in water at high pressure. But hydraulic fracturing used for shale rock is a relatively new process and the one we hear most about today.

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Why It’s Important To Stop Fearing Your Dark Side & Begin Understanding It

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/14/2016 - 18:53

by Rajie Kabli, Collective Evolution

One of my favourite quotes is by Carl Jung: ” One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”  This resonates with me so much, I think, because I’ve spent the last 10 years reading, listening to, absorbing, mimicking, and meditating on the following mantras: “Just think positive thoughts.”; “All we are is love and light.”; “This too will pass.”; “Transcend your ego.” 

I have pages and pages of words in countless journals asking, no, pleading, with God or the Universe to please help me be better and rid myself of negativity. I think to myself, “God please help me be more loving, more compassionate, more understanding.” Let me just go ahead and say, nothing is wrong with praying for these things, but not once did I ever stop to think that perhaps I’m not embodying these traits I so desperately seek for a reason.

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