What Does It Mean to Have a Mission?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/21/2015 - 11:33

Being on a mission means that we have a purpose
for being on this planet. Credit: cccbic.blogspot.com

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

You hear a lot of talk in our little community about being on a mission, but what exactly does that mean? Do the people who think they’re on a mission live or act differently than those who don’t?

Being on a mission means that we have a purpose for being on this planet, however we each define it, and we build our lives around that purpose in hopes of reaching others who also have something significant to give.

For me, having a mission means that I have work to do, and next to spending time with family, this work is the most important thing to me. Those who are on a mission are usually preoccupied with their work, and they’d rather discuss something that has to do with their mission than the cultural distractions we’ve come to accept as normal.

They hunger for authenticity, and the usual discussions about politics, television and other distractions don’t interest them. They’d rather discuss how we can move the planet forward, so they passionately commit to generating this kind of discussion and they invite others to contribute.

More Than A Chemical Imbalance – Why Depression Cannot Be Cured By Medication Alone

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/21/2015 - 11:28

By Steve Taylor Ph.D
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

A few months ago a friend asked me for some advice about his father, who was suffering from depression. After finding out that his father spent most of his time indoors, watching television, I told my friend about ecotherapy, which investigates the therapeutic effects of contact with nature. As I informed my friend, there is a great deal of research showing that regular contact with nature — such as a daily walk in the park or countryside — can have a very beneficial effect on well-being. The research suggests that this can be just as effective against depression as medication or other forms of psychotherapy. So I asked my friend to encourage his father to get out of his house and go for a walk in his local park every day — or better still, go for walks in the countryside.

A couple of weeks later, my friend got back into contact to say that he had told his father’s doctor about my advice. The doctor had gotten angry and told my friend, “Your father has an illness! Would you tell a cancer patient to go for a walk in the countryside? Would that help their condition? Depression is an illness that has to be treated medically.”

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

We Must Reclaim True Environmentalism!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/21/2015 - 09:43

By Derrick Jensen & Lierre Keith
Guest Writers for Wake Up World

True environmentalism is not about making our rapacious and destructive industrialism a little more sustainable, but transforming humankind’s relationship with Earth and the life she sustains — for us to take our true place within, and as part of, the living biosphere.

Once, the environmental movement was about protecting the natural world from the insatiable demands of this extractive culture. Some of the movement still is: around the world grassroots activists and their organizations are fighting desperately to save this or that creature they love, this or that plant or fungi, this or that wild place.

Contrast this to what some activists are calling ‘the conservation-industrial complex-­big green organizations’, huge ‘environmental’ foundations, neo-environmentalists, some academics -­ which has co-opted too much of the movement into ‘sustainability’, with that word being devalued to mean ‘keeping this culture going as long as possible.’ Instead of fighting to protect our one and only home, they are trying to ‘sustain’ the very culture that is killing the planet. And they are often quite explicit about their priorities.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

Daily Message ~ Saturday November 21, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/21/2015 - 07:35

Dear Ones, the energies of what you would deem to be wrong are simply there for you to find a new focus on what you wish to experience and create. Do not get hung up on the “wrongness” of anything, because to do so is to spin your wheels in the energy of what you do not want. Rather, consider what is undesired to be a redirectional tool that gives you clarity and points you in the direction of what you prefer. It is the preferences of the collective – those choosing love, peace, harmony, unity – that will continue to drive the shift on your planet and anchor that which you truly want. ~Archangel Gabriel


Do Not Hesitate

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/21/2015 - 07:35

Some of you will sit and wait for others to tell you what the future will bring.  Some of you may sit and wait for another to tell you when your ‘soul mate’ will arrive.  The issue is…..you are waiting.  If you choose to sit and wait, the things that you most desire will always be just out of your reach.  
Take heed, beautiful soul, the most amazing accomplishments in your world may never have happened if those pioneering souls waited for them to arrive.  Today, you are invited to participate in your Earth-plane.  One smile, one hug, one conversation or one random act of kindness has the potential to change your very existence.  Do not hesitate…..DO!


Catch glimpses of the joy, the ecstasy that will greet your awakening into Reality, Heaven.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/20/2015 - 21:28

Your illusory world does appear to be sinking into a state of desolate and catastrophic pain and suffering from which it seems there is no exit, as a number of severely damaged people in positions of power and influence choose war and death in a desperate and abject last ditch attempt to impose their controlling authoritarian regimes on humanity at large.  They cannot succeed because those who have for so long blindly supported them and put their plans into effect are at last realizing the error of their ways and are leaving the sinking ship – population control by enforcement.

Those regimes are in desperate throes as they attempt to frighten the general populace into freely giving them dictatorial powers in return for a promise to provide a world of lasting peace and prosperity that they not only cannot deliver but also have no intentionof even attempting to deliver.

Truth Vibrates in Heavenletters

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/20/2015 - 17:44

God said:

Heavenletters are timeless. They are not based on time. Words that are true are true. Truth doesn’t change. Truth is true, or it is not Truth.

The Heavenletter published today was first written down months ago, perhaps with another Heavenletter or more, so, now, there are rows of Heavenletters lined up, waiting for their turn to be sent out and posted in the world. All who would like to read Heavenletters have the opportunity, and great numbers are finding their ways here to drink My fare.

In My Words, there is nothing old, and there is nothing new, even as Heavenletters have dates added to them and are timely whatever year they are read. I give out Eternal and Infinite. In addition to the basic Truth that We are One and yearn to know Our Oneness, every Heavenletter gives its own mark.

Now here is another thing about Heavenletters. No one knows what a Heavenletter will be about until it is written. Heavenletters are given as they come. A Godwriter has no idea what I will be talking about, what words I will use or the message of a Heavenletter until I speak it. Nor do you know what a Heavenletter, old or new, says until it is here in front of you, and you read it in the moment you read it.

Even as you read a first paragraph, neither you nor the Godwriter has a sure idea where the words are leading until you have read the last word of the Heavenletter.

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