Hypertension, Mass Hysteria and the Imaginarium

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/20/2015 - 12:22

Zen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

Welcome to dystopia – where anything goes as long as it’s according to plan. Not a natural one, but a fabricated design. This obviously staged and protracted hysteria in Paris is the latest of a long line of manufactured events intended to throw humanity into complete disorientation and vulnerablity.

This is what social engineering is all about, creating an atmosphere where whatever meme or intentioned mechanism they wish to introduce into the ongoing narrative is most readily received.

It has long been known that a state of anxiety and fear is most conducive to human entrainment. Manipulators have used this for eons when exercising their control systems on populations. Today in this full spectrum war on humanity they use the term “strategy of tension” in the geopolitical realm. This is the modus operandi of intelligence agencies as exemplified in the infamousOperation Gladio set in place in Europe following WW2, provocateurs of which have since been behind virtually every supposed terror attack dating back to the 40’s in order to keep Europe destabilized.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

Daily Message ~ Friday November 20, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/20/2015 - 09:00

Just as you are in the process of creating a new you, and a new world, your relationships will be shifting and evolving, as well. What do you want your relationships to evolve into? What old conditioning is it time you left behind? What new templates would you like to create for relationships moving forward?

As this grand shift continues, no area of your life will go unaffected. So many of you are in relationship patterns that were never a match to you in the first place, but rather conditioning from your families and society. When was the last time you stopped to ask yourself if those ways were in line with what you believe and wish to experience?

You have been working so hard on yourselves for so long, Dear Ones. It is time to allow your deeper connections with yourselves to lead to new, empowered, and enlightened relationships with others, letting unconditional love, respect, acceptance, and allowing to lead the way, as you honour the growth and evolution of all. ~Archangel Gabriel


First They Jailed The Bankers, Now Every Icelander To Get Paid In Bank Sale

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/20/2015 - 08:38

First, Iceland jailed its crooked bankers for their direct involvement in the financial crisis of 2008. Now, every Icelander will receive a payout for the sale of one of its three largest banks, Íslandsbanki.

If Finance Minister Bjarni Benediktsson has his way — and he likely will — Icelanders will be paid kr 30,000 after the government takes over ownership of the bank. Íslandsbanki would be second of the three largest banks under State proprietorship.

“I am saying that the government take some decided portion, 5%, and simply hand it over to the people of this country,” he stated.

Waking Up From Religion

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/20/2015 - 08:32

By Nanice Ellis
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Often our religious beliefs are handed down to us by family and culture, and by the time we are old enough to consciously choose, it’s too late because we are already brainwashed with pre-ordained beliefs that seem to be set in stone.

Ideally, the true purpose of any religion should be to facilitate a direct connection with the “Divine,” and to support spiritual awakening. Unfortunately, few, if any religions, fulfill this purpose. If they did, many more of us would be awake by now, or at least intimately connected to the Source of who we really are. Even with the prevalence of “new age” spiritual practices today, few of us have attained full spiritual awakening and direct Divine connection.

What’s wrong with this picture? Maybe that answer lies in the reasons why humanity seeks out religion, or structured spirituality, in the first place…

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

Amalgam Fillings Release Mercury Vapor Into Your Body 24/7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/20/2015 - 08:22

By Elisha McFarland
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Research at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine and other prominent medical schools, have demonstrated that mercury vapor continuously escapes from dental amalgams and 80 percent of this vapor is immediately absorbed through the lungs and into the bloodstream. Once in the blood, mercury vapor enters into the cells almost immediately.

Mercury vapor from dental amalgam fillings is the primary source of mercury contamination. 80 percent of adults, specifically baby boomers, currently have amalgam fillings that will release from 4 to 40 micrograms of mercury vapor per day, depending on factors such as the number of fillings, filling size, teeth grinding and the presence of other metals in the mouth.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

Watch Scientists Observe A Planet Forming For The First Time In Human History

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 22:02

For the first time ever, scientists have been able to observe a planet in its beginning stages of formation. They’ve been able to capture images of dust and gas particles accumulating together which are forming another planet in another galaxy.

“This is the first time that we’ve imaged a planet that we can say is still forming.” – Stephanie Sallum, an astronomer with the University of Arizona and co-author of the study (source)

Kate Follett, a researcher from Stanford University and Sallum’s co-author, said that “no one has successfully and unambiguously detected a forming planet before. There have always been alternative explanations, but in this case we’ve taken a direct picture, and it’s hard to dispute that.” (source)

It’s quite amazing that we can take a picture of a forming planet. This one is known as LkCa15 and it is 450-light years away. Here it is:

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

As If You Are Requesting a Certain Song

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/19/2015 - 21:56

God said:

Whatever you can think of can manifest. This includes your happiest thoughts as well as your most fearful thoughts. What is there that cannot be conceived by the mind of man? The beautiful, the ugly, the noncommittal, the committed, that which you see and that which you do not see. The mind of man is powerful. The mind of man is most powerful. Whatever you think of takes form. It may not be an instant replay, yet it will be replayed on the stage of life sooner or later. Take care in what you repeat to yourself, even when you are not verbal.

Dreams come true, yet not always in the form you would consciously choose. Your words can come true. Believe, once and for all, that the Universe listens to your thoughts, words, deeds, and reactions. The Universe means to give you all that you ask for or hint at. The Universe is eager to please you. The Universe takes you at your word. What it hears you say, the Universe bends over backwards to give you. It means to dot every i and cross every t on your behalf. The Universe heralds what it hears you say and think. It doesn't second-guess you.

If you don’t want to have a rash, don’t exclaim about rashes. If you don’t want to be itchy, don’t exclaim about being itchy. When there is a war, it could be the furthest thing from your thoughts, yet someone is desiring war, and you happen to be standing where the war erupts.

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