Daily Message ~ Sunday November 15, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 08:10

Surrendering into the flow equals entering into empowered movement. Surrendering to the flow with faith and trust equals staying in empowered movement long enough for the magic to happen. Do you see? Faith and trust are what perpetuates the movement. They are the fuel that is required to get you where you want to be. ~Archangel Gabriel


City Residents Exposed to Cancer-Causing Chemicals as City Officials Secretly Test Drinking Water Additives

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 08:09

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

As if California doesn’t have enough worries with its current record-breaking drought, a city in the northern part of the state has created further problems by adding a chemical to their water supply that encourages carcinogen formation. Astoundingly, the City of Sacramento continued testing the chemical in the municipal water supply for an entire year — even after it was discovered the compound creates harmful disinfection byproducts, or DBPs.

The chemical in question? Aluminum chlorohydrate (ACH), a coagulant that bonds with silt and other impurities found in river water. Once bonded, sediment falls to the bottom of treatment plant pools, where it’s then removed. The trouble is, the chemical was a complete failure. According to city officials, DBP numbers rose to “historically high levels when using (ACH) aluminum chlorohydrate.” These disinfection byproducts are associated with cancer, low birth weight and miscarriages. In spite of this, city officials soldiered on with the chemical because they were focused on saving the city “quite a bit of money” and not much else.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

5 Stories The Media Missed While Obsessing Over The #StarbucksRedCup

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 07:54

When billionaire presidential hopeful Donald Trump inexplicably decided this week that boycotting Starbucks over the ‘de-Christmas-ization’ of their ubiquitous red holiday coffee cup was somehow a matter of national importance, the internet exploded — and American mainstream media fanned the flames.

People from every conceivable walk of life suddenly found themselves with a reason to rise up against the establishment coffee chain and scream in indignation about this newly-neutral — and cheerlessly Grinch-ified — affront to humanity. As if this inane insanity over an innocuous paper cup weren’t an embarrassing enough commentary on the U.S.’ populace’ lack of priorities — by Wednesday morning, the corporatocracy ever-so nobly answered the outrage: Dunkin’ Donuts unveiled its decidedly cheerful, appropriately Christmas-ized version of its holiday cup.

Yes, indeed. Starbucks’ apparent war on Christmas has now fully morphed into a de facto corporate Battle of the Paper Cups. People immediately responded by declaring their undying allegiance to either Team Grinch or Team Santa, conveniently ignoring the fact that these mega-corporations just figured out their most lucrative holiday marketing strategies — weeks before Thanksgiving even crossed people’s minds.

The Paris Attacks: What You Really Need To Know

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 07:48

Source: www.themindunleashed.org | Original Post Date: November 14, 2015 –

In the late hours of Friday the 13th, 2015, a half a dozen locations in Paris have suffered a series of coordinated attacks by the Islamic State (IS), as recently disclosed in a statement by these radical extremists. Reports are that 129 people have been killed, with over 300 who have been injured. Eight “terrorists” have also been allegedly killed in action, most of which were suicide bombers.

The majority of the deaths occurred at the Bataclan concert hall in the city’s East, which was a packed gig by the band “Eagles of Death Metal”. The band escaped unharmed before a ten minute massacre ensued; this was reported to be led by men wielding AK47s and explosive devices.

There were also tens of people killed in separate orchestrations across the city, including bombs set off at a sports stadium and bar, as well as a shootout at a restaurant. All up it is reported that six locations were targeted which purposely terrorized the mind-state of France, as well as the rest of the world.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

A pledge to humanity

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 07:45

Days like these show us some things very clearly.

We can see that most people respond with deep empathy and strong emotion when hearing about tragic events. This is the beauty of our humanity. We feel sadness at the thought of what others have gone through. We feel fear at the thought of it happening to us or our loved ones. We feel angry that someone, anyone, thinks it is okay to take someone else's life. We feel a connection with those we don't know. We feel our humanity more sharply on these days than on other, more ordinary days.

We can also see, when we open our eyes, that mainstream media are like emotional puppet-masters, saturating us with one tragic story, while ignoring others, just as tragic. Saturating us with a scripted version of that story that has been provided to all the major western news networks. This is not conspiracy theory, it is fact. Same words, same script. Provided by who and for what reason? These are questions we should all be asking ourselves.

To awaken is to know yourself.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/14/2015 - 18:28

Judgment has been an ingrained habit within humanity for eons which has generated an intense need to be right and to judge others wrong.  However, over the last few decades, an awareness has been growing that judgment does not work, and many are attempting to release themselves from making judgments.  Obviously discernment is needed in your lives as you deal with the issues with which your human state constantly presents you, but you need to discern the difference between the two.  Judgment is making someone, including yourself, right or wrong, whereas discernment looks at an issue to see if more information can be found, or to find an alternative approach which can clarify it.

You are all One, and so your true nature is to cooperate harmoniously together, creatively and spontaneously, so that what you do produces something fresh and novel to delight you all, and therefore, of course God, your loving Father.  Love is creative, always, and so your nature, being Love, is creative.

Sublimely True

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/14/2015 - 18:27

God said:

There is a spark within each one of My beautiful children, a spark that lights up those others called others and onto the world at large. Notice I said every single one of My children, for everyone has that spark within him or her. You have this spark within you. This spark comes from deeper than deep. This is you in your Blazing Glory. You have this spark within you to brighten the world.

Someone who by the world's view is deemed beautiful has this Lighted Light that I speak of, and yet the surface beauty may pall after a while. Someone who in world terms never has had this exterior beauty, nevertheless, has this inner bright light that brightens the world that the exteriorly beautiful do. It is not original to say that surface beauty goes only so deep, yet there is this interior beauty that lights up the world like the stars. Really, what is so beautiful about the stars except for their light that shines out in darkness?

You may not know the light that bursts forth from you. As a baby, you have this light. Fresh from Heaven, you certainly are swathed in this light. And if you are paralyzed, this same light shines forth from you. There is light beyond the physical that is yours. When you feel love, you shine it forth. Light is light wherever it shines from.

Indigenous Activists Win Major Court Rulings Against Monsanto in Mexico

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/14/2015 - 13:04

Alex Pietrowski, Staff
Waking Times 

Monsanto must now consult with indigenous communities throughout the Yucatán peninsula before they will be granted any future permits for GMO soy farming, as of a court decision in early November 2015. Monsanto planned to farm genetically modified soybean in over 250,000 hectares of the Yucatán region, yet a Mexican court has suspended the Biotech giant’s permit. The judgement was based on constitutional law that requires the consideration of indigenous communities affected by development projects.

The key organizations involved in the effort to stop GMO soy farming in Mexico were the Maya beekeepers, made up of about 15,000 Maya families who produce and collect honey and who filed the injunction, with the support of Greenpeace, Indignación and Litiga OLE. The Mayans primary concern is that “growing the plant requires the use of glyphosate, a herbicide classified as probably carcinogenic,” putting their communities, environment and economic activities at risk.

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