Nobody Is Born A Terrorist

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/16/2015 - 08:49

Source: | Original Post Date: November 16, 2015 –

Could you feel empathy for someone who has committed an act of terrorism?

“Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” ~ Jesus Christ

If you’re reading this article, I’m impressed. It is quite taboo in Western culture to have any view other than complete and total contempt for those who commit heinous acts of terror. To entertain another possible view risks being the target of that scorn usually reserved for people whose actions we can comprehend the least. But if anyone is interested in living in a more peaceful world, then there is one question we should be asking that very few seem to be looking for answers to.

What experiences must a human being have, what level of pain and disconnection have they had to endure to be capable of going on a suicide mission to execute disabled people one by one in a concert hall?

From retaliation to prevention

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 16, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/16/2015 - 08:25

Dear Ones, we cannot stress this enough. It is wonderful for you to seek – to consult with psychics and channels, to read or listen to information in a desire to have guidance on your path. We love that you are growing and evolving and educating yourselves! Your desire for knowledge is a big part of your evolution process and we commend you it.

Where your search for knowledge becomes problematic is when it creates confusion in you. If you are getting a lot of information from different sources that is conflicting, it can be difficult to know how to proceed.

Hear us when we say you are always the expert on you. Take what resonates, what feels good to you, and leave the rest behind! It is through listening to your innate wisdom, the part of you that knows your truth and is your inner GPS, that you will find the perfect experiences for you. To blindly listen to the advice of another is to give your power away. To allow your own knowingness to lead is to step into your authentic power.

We understand you are cautious because you do not wish to make mistakes. Dear Ones, there are no mistakes, only experiences! If you try something and it is not a match to who you really are, you will know very quickly, then you can simply try something else. That is how you grow and evolve, and that is a glorious part of being in the body – being in the realm of experience.

Did You Say That?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 18:59

God said:

There is trouble that seems to come to you that is, of course, just what you don't want. At the same time that you wouldn't predict difficulties for yourself, you also tend to invite them to yourself. You don’t want it, yet you bring it to you. How do you bring it to you? With your sense of bad luck, as if you have no choice. You may have given up on yourself and offer yourself blindly as a sacrifice to a fate you do not want.

Here is the sort of self-talk I hear you say. Such talk puts you down, and I ask you politely to leave off discouraging and defeating yourself with comments like this:

“When was the last time anything came easily to me? Why do I always get the short end of the stick? Why is life so hard for me?” And so on.

You make your own prognosis. It is not clear to you that this is what you are doing. You just don't see it. You see you are being forthright and honest. See now: By your words, you welcome difficulties to you. It’s like you say:

“Over here. Trouble, come right here. I have been expecting you. Over here.”

Beloveds, you do not hear yourself, yet you anticipate difficulties and so you invite them in as you might an old friend. Yes, you have formed a bond with that which you don’t want, yet you have such a familiarity that you keep beckoning to negativity, as if you wouldn’t know how to get along without keeping the God forbids right near you.

You might say:

“Do you see how trouble finds its way to me? Trouble chooses me. Even my computer causes me trouble half the time.”

“We Are Not Alone” The Shamans Of The World Tell Us

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 15:41

To disregard the problems facing the Earth and to proceed with business as usual in education would be a betrayal of trust. Our students want to know how to make a difference. They need hope. And it won’t come if all we can offer is another scientific theory or technological fix. We must expand our vision to seek non-scientific alternatives. To make a difference, we must search for different understandings. Let us look to the wisdom of our ancestors. They believed that intelligence is not restricted to humans but is possessed by all creatures – plants as well as animals — and by the Earth itself.

They also believed in spirits. Human welfare was understood to depend on tapping into these wellsprings of wisdom, and all ancient societies (just like indigenous peoples today) had specialists skilled in communication with the natural world and with spirits. These people we now call shamans, and this article argues for the inclusion of shamanic practice in the educational curriculum. Shamanism gives working access to an alternative technique of acquiring knowledge. Although a pragmatic, time-tested system, it makes no claim to be science. Its strengths and limitations are different from those of the sciences and thus complement them. Being affective and subjective, shamanism offers another way of knowing.


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7 Simple Ways To Uplift Your Day

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 15:39

It’s one of those rainy cold days where you wake up and your body feels weak – and you haven’t even gotten yourself out of bed. You think to yourself  “Great, the day hasn’t even started and it’s already a bad one.” All you want to do is pull the covers over you head, but responsibilities and life are waiting for you.

Option 1: Maintain that dragged out feeling.

Option 2: Try the simple practices below to uplift your morning – helping the rest of your day flow with more ease and energy:

1. Make a warm drink and sit with it for 5 minutes.

Whether it’s coffee, tea, or warm water with raw apple cider vinegar (great for a gentle morning detoxification) – give yourself a few minutes to feel the warmth of the cup in your palms and the soothing sensation of the drink flowing through you, giving yourself these few moments to be with yourself before multitasking with a coffee in one hand and your computer in the other. Being fully attentive with a soothing drink is a simple way to start your morning off with a few nurturing moments.

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Propaganda: Mind Manipulation and Manufacturing Consent

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 15:17
By Joe Dubs
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Propaganda, known today euphemistically as ‘public relations’, is the manufacturing of consent. Propaganda is the act of deliberately spreading false or deceptive information, ideas, rumors, doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement to help or harm a target person, group of people, movement, institution, nation, etc. It’s the distortion of information to suit a particular agenda. Along with its ‘proper’ use comes the ability to control the masses and mold the collective mind.

Propaganda is so pervasive in our culture, we have trouble discerning what information is real and what is not. It’s become increasingly difficult to tell the truth from the lies, even with the power of the internet. Time has given these mind manipulators lots of practice to hone their skills. It’s important to realize the magnitude of manipulation that is being perpetrated against mankind.

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Love is the Only Answer

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 14:58

IMG_6815Hate + Hate = Hate

Hate + Love cancel each other out.

Love + Love = Love

These simple equations are the answer to all problems.

When tragedy happens, it opens up so many avenues of discussion. I have already read many opinions and theories. I have lain in contemplation and wonder. I have asked the big question, Why?

I think of the people who can choose a path of hate and again I ask, Why?

I have no answers. All I know is that answering the call of hate with hate, anger, discrimination, and judgment breeds more hate. I do know this is not the answer.

It starts with forgiveness and then ends in love.

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