11:11 - A reminder of what IS around us ALL the time

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/11/2015 - 09:03

Today/tonight is a perfect time for setting your intentions for the month ahead. It's a New Moon in Scorpio, and as added juice falls on 11/11 for most of the world (Australia will already be in the pre-dawn hours of 12 Nov when New Moon is exact so tonight 11/11 before you go to bed is the ideal time to be thinking about what you most want to manifest in your life or receive help with).

A lot of people are seeing 11:11 on their clocks and wonder what the significance is of it. There is no official cosmic guidebook anywhere that answers this for sure, but generally it's a sign along the lines that you are being taken care of, that someone is around you or watching over you from the higher realms, it can be a nudge to pay attention to whatever you are thinking about in that moment, some people quickly make a wish whenever they see 11:11 as they feel that in that moment there is a special portal open between us and our highest dreams, desires and potential. 

Bottled Water Industry and National Parks Clash Over Plastic Waste Ban

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/11/2015 - 09:02

By Carolanne Wright
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

In a move praised by conservationists, as well as those who care about human and environmental health, 20 national parks in the U.S. have sworn off bottled water sales within their boundaries — including the Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, Zion and Bryce Canyon. Considered a “sustainability success story” by park administrators, Zion and other national parks have taken a major step towards reducing plastic waste. In Zion alone, the park has put an end to the annual sale of 60,000 bottles of water, eliminating a hefty 5,000 pounds of plastic waste per year.

However, visitors aren’t left high and dry — far from it. Instead, water-filling stations dot the park, where canteens and reusable bottles can be filled with safe, pure spring water...

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Welcome, Happiness!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 18:54

God said:

Yes, I hear your moans and groans. Sometimes it seems that you major in moans and groans. And sometimes you face yourself squarely and say:
“Beloved God of Glory, to think that You notice us and pay great attention to us. To think that You love us, really love us, as we are, and that You love through thick and thin. Why are we not overjoyed? This is the biggest mystery in life, not that You love us, but that we are not the most joyous people in all the world. How can it be that all of us on Earth are not happy and pouring out gratitude for this blessing of life You have bestowed upon us.

"Instead we are grumpy, and we find fault with You and how You have put the Universe together. We are imperious, God. We correct You. We dare to tell You how You really ought to have set up the Universe. Are we an ungrateful bunch, God?”

Beloveds, I do not think either grateful or ungrateful. A baby is a baby. Understand this: You, all of you, just as you are, bring out the love in Me as naturally as the sun rises from the East. There is nothing difficult about My loving you. My love for you belongs to you. You are growing up. You are not growing down. As you live in life, you learn to respect and accept life as it is, and you plant flowers. You are putting aside your ignorance, and you grow toward the Sun.

Defending the Imperative for Real Food and Real Farmers

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 16:00

Real Farmer

Julian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

Our educational system has trained us to compartmentalize that which is whole, and to believe that knowledge is superior to wisdom. This presents a significant drawback for the preservation of the planet, because she operates according to a quite different set of values.

Gaia, our planet Earth, is a living, breathing and subtly responsive entity; yet one we mostly treat  as a lifeless, unresponsive and largely foreign material object.  Is it any wonder that she labours under the yoke of human occupation?

Yet there is, in amongst the callous destruction, much that expresses positive and creative aspiration for something much better. The message that radiates out from these sources speak of mankind’s courage, love and determination in the face of adversity. Of our determination to defend the sanctity of life – at all costs.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

A Neuroscientist Explains How Meditation Changes Your Brain

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 11:52

Source: www.mindbodygreen.com | Original Post Date: February 28, 2014 –


Do you struggle, like me, with monkey-mind? Is your brain also a little unsettled, restless, capricious, whimsical, fanciful, inconstant, confused, indecisive, or uncontrollable? That’s the definition of “monkey mind” I’ve been given!

If you need more motivation to take up this transformative practice, neuroscience research has shown that meditation and mindfulness training can cause neuroplastic changes to the gray matter of your brain. A group of Harvard neuroscientists interested in mindfulness meditation have reported that brain structures change after only eight weeks of meditation practice.

Read more... (collectivelyconscious.net)

100 Plus Studies Concur – Cannabis Beats Cancer, Yet It’s Still Not Legal

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 10:09

Cannabis Flower

Phillip Schneider, Staff
Waking Times

In 1996, California was the first state to legalize the use of Cannabis for medicinal purposes. Since then, the past decade has been ripe with research into the potential medicinal benefits of Cannabis. During this time we have learned that Cannabis can potentially treat such an enormous list of illnesses that the justification for its status as a schedule 1 illegal drug is being called into question.

The Most Commonly Reported Extraterrestrials By Contactees, Abductees & Experiencers

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 10:08

“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking. – Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)

The topic of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), alongside the extraterrestrial hypothesis being one of multiple explanations for their appearance (which seems to  be quite a common phenomenon), is an area of interest for many people that’s continually growing, and for good reasons. This is in large part due to the fact that we now have hundreds of credible witnesses that have officially testified to the reality of an extraterrestrial presence, and its relation to the already disclosed UFO ‘problem.’

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

Secret TPP Text Unveiled: It’s Worse Than We Thought

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 09:04

Via Public Citizen

Secret TPP Text Unveiled: It’s worse than we thought, with limits on food safety and controversial investor-state system expanded, rollback of Bush-era medicine access and environmental terms. Long-awaited text reveals gaps between administration claims and actual TPP terms on key congressional and public concerns.

Thursday’s long-awaited release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) reveals that the pact replicates many of the most controversial terms of past pacts that promote job offshoring and push down U.S wages while further expanding the scope of the controversial investor-state system and rolling back improvements on access to affordable medicines and environmental standards that congressional Democrats forced on the George W. Bush administration in 2007.

Moon Anomalies Show There is Much Deception About Outer Space

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 08:47

By Makia Freeman
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Moon anomalies are nothing new – there are many people, including mainstream Western scientists, who have pointed out numerous highly strange and irregular things about the Moon. A few years ago David Icke brought the book Who Built The Moon? by Chris Knight and Alan Butler to public attention, which concluded that the Moon is an unnatural object that has been placed there for some reason – possibly as a broadcasting station. Icke further linked the Moon to Saturn, and theorized that the “Matrix” in which we live is actually a program originally broadcast by Saturn and amplified by the Moon. He called it the Saturn-Moon-Matrix.

Now, with consumer technology rapidly advancing all the time, there are many people pointing their video cameras up at the night sky… with incredible results. More confirmation that all is not as it seems in outer space is the most visually fascinating of the latest Moon anomalies: the lunar wave.

Read more... (wakeup-world.com)

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