‘Million Cancer Deaths From Fukushima Expected in Japan,’ New Report Reveals

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 08:41

FukushimaSayer Ji, Green Med Info
Waking Times

A shocking new report defies the chronically underestimated impacts of the Fukushima’s triple meltdown on the risk of cancer in exposed populations, which does not just include Japan, but arguably the entire world. 

A new report from Fairewinds Energy Education (FEE), “Cancer on the Rise in Post-Fukushima Japan,” reveals that the ongoing multi-core nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi plant that started in March 2011 has produced approximately 230 times higher than normal thyroid cancers in Fukushima Prefecture, and could result in as many as one million more cancers in Japan’s future as a result of the meltdown.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 10, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/10/2015 - 07:25

If you have a decision to make and you do not know what to do, we suggest you do nothing until you have the clarity you seek. Ask us for assistance. Surrender into the flow for your highest good and watch for the signs and synchronicities. Take the time to still yourself and connect into your innate knowingness. Meditate on the situation and see how your heart feels from that aligned space.

Many of you feel you must do something immediately when you have a choice to make. Choosing to hold off on a decision until you have more clarity is still doing something, Dear Ones! You have many skills within yourself to connect with, and many universal helpers willing to assist. Allow your situation to unfold divinely until you can see the vista that feels right for you and you will always make empowered decisions that honour who you really are. ~Archangel Gabriel


Does Creativity Make You Happy?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/09/2015 - 23:37

What does being creative mean to you? Is it about finding the time to sit down with a sketchbook and draw your latest imaginings? Are you the kind who plays an instrument in a jam band on weekends? Or do you spend your spare hours immersed in the theater scene? However you define “creativity,” there’s no denying the fact that being creative adds spice to our lives — plus, if you actively make the time to pursue creative ventures, you may find that your own personal happiness will grow. Fostering your creative side both gives you a cathartic outlet and an escape from the tedium of everyday life, and now science is proving that it can help boost your mood, too.

This isn’t saying that you have to be an artist, per se. It doesn’t matter if you were born without perfect pitch or unable to draw anything more than stick figures. Instead, being creative is something that comes instinctively to all of us — you just have to determine what your channel is. And as extra good news, you also don’t need to be constantly sad or depressed to tap into your creative side — it seems that just as creativity breeds happiness, so do happier people become more creative. It’s a self-fulfilling cycle that can go a long way towards helping you find satisfaction in your personal and professional life.

Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

Rebalancing The Masculine & The Feminine

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/09/2015 - 23:34

When the masculine and the feminine are in balance, there is fluidity, relationship, a flow of energy, unity, totality. This fluidity and balance is perhaps best illustrated by the Taoist image of the indissoluble relationship and complementarity of Yin and Yang. In the broadest terms, the feminine is a containing pattern of energy: receptive, connecting, holding things in relationship to each other; the masculine is an expanding pattern of energy: seeking extension, expansion towards what is beyond. More specifically, the feminine reflects the instinctual matrix and the feeling (heart) values of consciousness; the masculine reflects the questing, goal-defining, ordering, discriminating qualities of consciousness, generally associated with mind or intellect. For millennia women have lived closer to the first pattern; men to the second. But now, there is a deep impulse to balance these within ourselves and in our culture. There is an urgent need to temper the present over-emphasis on the masculine value with a conscious effort to integrate the feminine one.
Read more... (collective-evolution.com)

Tree of Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/09/2015 - 18:45

God said:

Beloveds, this minute all My love for All of You -- which is the same as to say the One of You – is radiating out like flashing lights on sparkling bicycle spokes. Picture all this light pedaling on its way to you. If you had full awareness of all My love cycling to you, it would knock you over with its wonder. If My love were sparkling water, We are speaking of a Niagara Falls of Love pouring onto you and lighting you up.

You love to be dazzled, yet you may too often overlook My love for you. There is some kind of proof of love that you desire and never get enough of. If I sent you a dozen red roses every day, it might not be enough evidence of My love for you.

When you start sensing Grand Universal Love, it overwhelms you. You are grateful, and, yet, yet it is too much love for you -- and not enough at the same time. You then detract from this burgeoning love with worry such as:

“Well, I feel so much love reaching me today, yet will it still be here tomorrow? Alas, how bereft I am without sense of love. I have seen an overwhelming sense of love come and go before. It may be that love withdrawn hurts more than love not evident to begin with. Perhaps I have withdrawn all hope of love rather than to have love only for a moment.

“God, it seems that love vanquishes me. It is so precious to me that it can take over my heart, and I am undone. Love to or fro me has never stayed or stayed for long. Only forever would be enough. I don’t know how to maintain my glimpses of love forever, or, not even for a week or a day.

New Moon In Scorpio: Terrestrial Transmutation

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/09/2015 - 16:30

by Astrologer Salvador Russo

On November 11th we will cross into a New Moon in Scorpio, a new cosmic season as the Sun and Moon form conjunction at 19° Scorpio, a supernatural degree of our zodiac where the elements of earth and water fuse to restore and revive souls from disease, pain, poverty, and death. On 11/11, with the New Moon in Scorpio, the cosmos will bathe and baptize us with new life that we may enter 2016 with sure footing, higher power, and purer souls. The transmutations of our lives begin just days ahead as the Sun and Moon marry in the house of resurrection!

I predict the following events and themes to manifest from the New Moon in Scorpio until the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 22nd, 2016:

• powerful and sustainable economic healing for the righteous

• positive transformations with debts, credits, ratings, and loans

• empowerment through inheritance in mundane and supernatural forms

• mysterious and wonderful new qualities of life

• life restoring psychological healing and emotional release

• sacred consummations and commitments between lovers

• enlightenment connected with death, mortality, time, and the afterlife

Read more... (omtimes.com)

The Now of History

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/09/2015 - 12:35

Zen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

One of the most crippling methodologies of the controlling forces is locking humanity into cleverly devised contexts where the power of Now loses its importance. If we see social and economic events, not as urgent issues to be aware of and consciously dealt with, but rather filed away from action as either seemingly unimportant or simply inevitable trends that are impossible to change, we will not be motivated to even awaken, never mind take action of any sort.

Their false paradigm becomes an end in itself to which we resign ourselves. “It’s useless to even try” becomes the motto.

It’s really the same assumptive programming we see everywhere, from what’s taught as truth in education and media, to what’s important in the daily news – and especially regarding what is totally ignored. Humanity’s sense of historical and social perspective is carefully programmed and their activation buttons are put on permanent snooze. Wars and major incidents such as JFK’s assassination or the 9/11 ritual all become frozen in official rhetoric long enough for the potential effects of the real Truth to wear off as society falls firmly into the constructed social narrative, in spite of some protest.

Read more... (wakingtimes.com)

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