Daily Message ~ Saturday October 24, 2015

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/24/2015 - 08:30

Dear Ones, to nurture your relationships, we suggest you consciously pay attention to the traits you enjoy in others. There is a natural tendency to do this when your relationships first start, but then, as time goes by, you start to become more focused on what you do not like than what you do. It is your appreciation for the other that will support and continue that first flush of love you feel, allowing the “honeymoon phase” to last. Remember, appreciation acts as an energetic anchor, and through your focus you get to nurture and grow what is desired in your precious unions. The most successful partnerships you see in your lives are those that demonstrate a deep appreciation for each other, whether they be based on work, friendship, or love. ~Archangel Gabriel


The Brave, New Journey

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/24/2015 - 06:35

Are you ready for the next wave of change, growth and love?  In the next few months it will be very important to take exquisite care of your body, mind and soul.  Leave behind what you do not need, do your best to learn new coping skills and be sure to ask for help when you need it.  There is a reason new people are being introduced into your sphere of influence; they have something to teach you that you will definitely need.  Lastly, please remember that The Universe is by your side, willing and able to assist you and your Earth on this brave, new journey.  You are loved! ~ Creator



Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/23/2015 - 21:24

God said:

Light is energy. You are made of light. You are energy. Remember when you were excited about life and you leaped out of bed, so eager were you to get going. You may have great purpose now, and yet you might like stay in bed.

Return to the days when you are excited about what the day will bring, when you are smooth-running, when life becomes an inciting event, and you can’t wait to meet it.

Do you remember days like this when you could hardly wait for your day to begin? Something wonderful was going to enter your day. You were going to have a great surprise or even several great surprises. You knew today was a new day never lived before. You were eager to hop to it.

You didn’t formulate the words: “I am tired.”

You would wake up in the morning, and you didn’t want to go back to sleep. You wanted to leap out of bed. You wanted to open the envelope.

This enlivenment was more than mood. It wasn’t exactly like Christmas where you knew gifts were coming.

This joy of life came from something inside you. Your favor wasn’t being bought. It wasn’t that you were waiting for a great promotion at work, or winning the lottery, though these are perfectly fine. There was something inside you that was raring to go. You were your own incentive.

You weren’t making the best of something, although that isn’t a bad idea either. There was something more. What gives you joy? Have something in mind simply for the joy of it. Perhaps do something you have never done before. Yes, this is a good idea I am giving you.

Day 157: Receive Our Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/23/2015 - 21:24

RECEIVE OUR LOVE   Today we wish to honor you. We ask that you take a few moments to quiet your inner and outer self. As you relax, breathe in and out while clearing your mind of any concerns. Begin to feel gratitude for the blessings in your life.

Allow yourself to receive the blessings we wish to bestow upon you at this time. Bask for as long as you wish in our loving presence, receiving the love we are sending you. When you are ready, resume your day with renewed energy. At any time, you may call upon us to receive more of this loving energy. We thank you for all you do and for being an active part of our life!   Selamet! Caban 1

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 157 at: https://mayanmessages.wordpress.com/days-157-169/   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.   Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree


Love is who you are, always.

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/23/2015 - 16:28

The news on the mainstream media continues to present an alarming selection of catastrophes and disasters, but things are not as they appear.  Yes, there is much suffering, but it is being resolved, as human kindness on a vast scale responds compassionately as never before in human history to those in dire need.  And that massive outpouring of compassion is having an enormous effect, as well as further empowering humanity’s collective decision to awaken from the illusion and, as they do so, dissolving the worst of the horrors that man has been inflicting on man, brother on brother, sister on sister, for eons past.  Truly, a massive and most wonderful change in attitudes worldwide has occurred over the last five or six decades as awareness has grown that those in need can and should be helped, regardless of whether or not their neediness is seemingly due to their own mistakes.

Those in dire need have been ignored or taken advantage of for a very long time, but now humanity, despite the angry and alarmist noises of those fearing massive influxes of impoverished refugees and of the politicians who rely on them for election, has made an irreversible decision to be guided by love and compassion instead of solely by personal and fearful self-interest.  The outpourings of generosity and kindness by millions of individuals across the whole planet to those who are hungry and homeless have never before been so widespread.

5 Signs You’ve Stopped Caring About People’s Approval

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/23/2015 - 16:27

“More than 2500 years ago, Lao Tzu was trying to teach us a valuable lesson:

“Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner.”

You would think that after so many years we would’ve mastered this simple and valuable lesson, but we haven’t….

The way I see it, to live a life where you stop caring about people’s approval, is to live a free life. This is what freedom is to me. To stop caring about what others think of you is to be free to be whoever you want to be, and free to live the life you came here to live.

Here are 5 signs you’ve stopped caring about people’s approval and started living a life where you are free to live the way you want to live:

1. Your opinion of yourself matters more than other people’s opinions of you.

Read more... (theunboundedspirit.com)

The 10 Most Critical Things to Consider When Consuming Mainstream News

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/23/2015 - 16:07

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

It’s no secret that 90% of American media is owned by just 6 corporate conglomerates, and it’s also no secret that the media is used by political and corporate propagandists as a tool to reach deep into the hearts and minds of the masses. Mainstream newscasts are a staged version of reality, and as world events continue to rise in pitch and fervor, so will the propaganda, so it’s imperative to brush up on critical thinking skills as a defense against falling into group-think and mass-hysteria.

The great irony here, though, is that it is precisely through the power of media that people will awaken to the deceit happening in the media. By and large the programming that makes it to our eyes and ears is produced to support an agenda, but, even amongst the corporate programs there are genuine voices of reason and truth.

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