In Preparation…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/19/2020 - 22:32

If you are still concerning yourself with other’s behavior then it might be time to look at why you are choosing to send your energy in that direction. If those actions have a direct impact on your existence, then act and state your boundaries. If not, then it is time to take a closer look within.

What is the trigger?
Why is it necessary for you to be wrapped up in the drama?
How would your involvement change the outcome?

Often, humans use drama as a distraction to avoid the inner work needed to continue growing. The Universe very gently stating that there are many things to be done in preparation for the huge wave coming your way. Use, rather than waste, this time to your best advantage and all will be well. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Sunday January 19, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/19/2020 - 22:24

Energetic shifting is a process that simply can’t be rushed whether it is individual or deepening into a soul connection relationship. It is an integration that must be honoured and allowed to move at its own divinely perfect pace of unfoldment.

This can be hard for some of you to accept because you have been goal oriented for so long, looking for clear beginnings and endings, or perhaps thinking you will arrive somewhere and be done. But your enlightenment process, however it is occurring for you, is one of continual expansion and openings to know yourselves in new, ever evolving ways.

It is never complete. Your true nature, along with that of the universe, is continual movement and evolution. What this means is that there is no point when you are done. In fact, trying to stay static will just result in dissatisfaction and discomfort. Your soul is always seeking to expand into new states of being to then explore and create from. It is how you discover your true essence and highest potentials.

From this viewpoint, you can start to see that every single step, every integration, is equally important. Many of you think you must reach a level of attainment or union in order to truly be of service, but what we want you to understand is that each expansion and integration is vitally important to both you and the whole. Your growth is your service, every single step of the way.

Your Truest Path

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 22:45

As you move closer to the massive wave of change coming your way, issues you thought had been resolved are reappearing.  Do not be dismayed by this, my dearest child!  The Universe is working with you to excavate the darkest parts, clearing out what no longer serves and helping you move toward the ultimate goal of being you in your purest form.  Any frustration you feel is only temporary…you are on your truest path and The Universe is right beside you. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Saturday January 18, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 22:44

Dear Ones, you are in unprecedented times and energies on your planet. This means there are many more potentials and possibilities opening to you every day. So feel into the energies. What is supported in this right now moment? Don’t constrain the new by painting it with the brush of the past.

What this means is that what may have been a dream for you before but you just couldn’t seem to get to come together may suddenly take on new life and come together with surprising speed and ease. In fact, many of the dreams and desires you have had may very well have been waiting for the energies of 2020 and beyond to be able to take on their fullest forms.

Letting go of your beliefs and expectations allows energy to flow into its highest, most supported potential. When you release the need to know anything for sure you allow the unfoldment to reveal to you the wonder and magic that can occur when you approach everything as being fresh and new. That is the joy of pioneering into the new, and what your souls have been so excited to start experiencing. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

All Is Well

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/17/2020 - 22:43

Another gentle reminder; you are in preparation for some intense incoming energy and it will be best to stay as grounded as possible.  The Universe is respectfully asking you to be patient, roll with the changes, maintain healthy boundaries and trust that all is well. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday January 17, 2020

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/17/2020 - 22:43

What one simple action can you take today that would bring you closer to what you wish to experience? It does not need to be grandiose. It can be researching options. It might be deciding that you are ready to receive and showing that by starting to put your needs first. It could be setting aside some time with yourself to really get clear about what you want.

Perhaps it is setting new broader intentions and surrendering into them, also known as casting your net wider. It might be asking to be shown what the next steps are to move forward in that direction and following the bumps and nudges.

Taking any of these steps loudly announces that you are ready to start to move towards that dream now. It indicates that you are willing to enter into the unfoldment that leads to the alignment with that experience. It shows you are a fully cooperating member of your co-creation team.

It is a profound act of empowerment because having your actions match your intentions immediately shifts the energy and creates new possibilities and potentials. What are you ready to stop wishing for and start actively creating? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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