The New Now

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/21/2019 - 22:45

In a world of vibrational quantum leaps, what is obvious to you may be confusing and very hard to understand for the newly awakened.  If you become frustrated, it is best to keep in mind what it felt like when you started your journey.  Rest assured that they will come to realizations at their own pace (it is their path) and offer what you feel you can to assist and guide.  Humans has been experiencing division long enough.  It is time to come together to embrace the new now!

Daily Message ~ Saturday December 21, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/21/2019 - 22:45

Many of you who are dedicated to your enlightenment journey fear slipping backwards. We want to reassure you that will not happen.

When you make the commitment to truly evolve, you enter an energetic timeline that supports that intention. If you attempted to stall or move backwards, you would simply get too uncomfortable to stay in that resistance for any length of time.

It would amount to attempting to go back to an old operating system on your computer once you had a taste of the newest one that is fully supported. Trying to downgrade, even though it might seem familiar, would make things slow, glitchy, and frustrating and would not support the newest offerings you wish to explore. You would quickly understand it was expired energy and be grateful to move back into what is fully supported to meet your needs moving forward.

Dear Ones, trust that once you have had a taste of soul centred navigation it quickly becomes your preference. You may temporarily fall into old habits but you will not stay there long because they are no longer supported. And the beauty is each redirection further anchors in your energetic preferences and creates new habits.

Respecting The Space

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/20/2019 - 22:55

Is the person sitting next to you in need of Unconditional Love, a shoulder or an ear?  You now have the skills to be of service without being drawn into their energy.  If they have chosen to share a ‘deep dark’ with you, respect the space and the individual while remembering their story is not yours to share. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday December 20, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/20/2019 - 22:54

There are so many limitations that are commonly accepted by your society. A few of these beliefs include the model of the starving artist, or that you must suffer and pay your dues before you can be successful, that there is victimhood in being a single parent, that it is feast or famine if you are self-employed, that aging looks a certain way, that fun is frivolous, that the more selfless you are the more noble you are. You are even told you are born a sinner! All of these beliefs are only true if you believe them to be.

As you move forward in the new energies, following your passions is your highest, most supported path. Your greatest achievements are discovered and best supported by flowing not efforting. You can absolutely be a single parent and be successful (in fact, in many cases it is a blessing because you have the opportunity to be the primary energetic influence on your child and can parent intuitively).

You are shifting into higher vibrational energies that are non-linear. That means your aging process can look and feel more vibrant that you have ever considered possible before. You can align to new levels of abundance through self employment with your quietest times still being more than adequate to sustain you. By following your joy you find your greatest matches. You are evolving beyond martyred service into joyful service that includes and supports everyone involved. And, as a beloved aspect of Source, your essence has always been divine and your beingness has always been more than enough.

Facing Your …

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/19/2019 - 22:38

Dearest child, turn around and face what you have been attempting to outrun realizing your mind may have made it much bigger than it actually is.  During this time, it will be very important to realize that once you connect with and understand that fear/emotion/feeling, it can be safely released to The Universe.  Standing your ground and speaking your truth will show the world that you are ready to learn and grow in the best way possible. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday December 19, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/19/2019 - 22:37

Dear Ones, as you prepare to move into the energies of 2020, we highly advise you to get comfortable with the surrender, faith, flow, trust model, which allows you to embrace the unfoldment of your highest life expression.

What if you approached each day like you have just received a package from a dear friend who has visited a different land and has found the perfect gift for you that you didn’t even know existed but they know you will love?

Do you see? Even though you don’t know exactly what your soul is co-creating for you as your next great adventure, you can receive it without reserve and explore it with anticipation and joy because it is from a source that absolutely adores you and knows you so well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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