Shine Your Light

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/11/2019 - 22:10

A gentle reminder; be aware of where you put your focus and energy.  Your Earth plane is in the middle of prime manifesting energy so, it is important to keep your thoughts and actions positive.  Yes, you will have human moments (Smiling) but they will pass, and you will be back on your path again…shining your light to all who choose to see it.  ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 11, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/11/2019 - 22:09

Dear Ones, many of you will be looped back around to experiences you have had before. It is important to not paint the new with the brush of the old. You are being given opportunities to experience these themes in new ways based on your latest level of attainment combined with the current energies.

So, for example, you may find yourself preparing to sell a home and buy a new one. Even if that had been a difficult process for you before, it can be a wondrous time of new beginnings for you now, designed to move you into a home that will be far more energetically supportive to you for the next phase of your incarnation.

It is so important to approach each experience as if it is fresh and new because it is! You have never had the exact same experience because you have never been in the unprecedented energies of today. Further, you are stepping forward as an empowered co-creator like never before.

So embrace the unfoldment. Know that change is designed to reflect who you are now and where your soul is taking you to align with your next great adventure. Be open to the new potentials and possibilities that are trying to make their way to you, for you are being loved, supported, and guided through it all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The Creator Writings - December 10, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/10/2019 - 22:09

By now, The Universe is sure you are aware of holding space for another so they can release, process and move forward with their life.  But, what about holding or taking up space for yourself?  At first it may sound like a selfish thing to do but, you must remember, self-care is always a loving act of kindness!  Giving to yourself is just as important as giving to others.  You are worthy and deserving of this gift…use it! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 10, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/10/2019 - 22:08

There is a common belief that it is scary to explore within yourself. But what if we told you it was a world of wonder? Don’t let the fear of your shadows deny you the joyful discovery of the glory of you, Dear Ones, for your love, acceptance, and acknowledgement is all they are seeking. Ultimately it is your presence with yourself that opens the door for greater presence with others. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Expect The Unexpected

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/09/2019 - 22:46

Dearest one, there will always be something changing or growing in your life.  More often than not, the unexpected has often come to be expected. How you choose to handle it is the key. You can allow yourself to become mired in the emotions that come with it or you can see it as an opportunity to communicate what you truly want to see in your life. You can forge ahead…static and unchanged in your ways becoming upset when the scene shifts, or you can slow down and listen to what The Universe has to say.

Whatever direction you move in, remember that it has always been your choice and your power. The Universe will always honor that choice. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday December 9, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/09/2019 - 22:34

Each energetic shift you go through can leave you feeling more sensitive. That, on top of your own natural empathic tendencies, can make the busyness of the Christmas season and the crowds and social obligations that often come with it seem daunting, indeed. We wish to offer some suggestions to help you navigate these challenges with far greater ease.

While your increased sensitivities are certainly true, the idea that you have no control over how energy affects you is not. Dear Ones, you are always in charge of your own energetics! So the first thing we wish to offer you is that choosing to practice energetic clarity is key. Our recommended method is to simply imagine a seed of light, in your centre, which is the divine essence of you, and imagine that light grows and grows until it fills every nook and cranny of your body with golden sparkling light. Once you have your body filled with the light, pull it out until it extends roughly arm’s length in front of you, beside you, behind you, over your head, and under your feet.

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