Time To…

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/15/2019 - 20:45

There are things you are born into and there are things that you grow to become.  Your ‘original gifts’, the ones you have used all your life are the foundation on which your current growth is based.  If the skills you were born with were muted by society or so you could maintain a sense of safety, it is time to open up and reacquaint yourself with them.

It has been said before and The Universe will state it again; every single human on Earth is being called into service.  Your world is experiencing a shift unlike any other and your help is needed!  You may be saying to yourself, “I don’t know what to do” and that is okay. (Smiling) If you listen to your heart, you will be guided in a way that works for the highest and best.  Regardless of where you feel you are, your participation is being requested and will be most happily accepted.  Remember, this is why you chose to show up now! ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 15, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/15/2019 - 20:44

Dear Ones, if you are always telling others what they should do, while it may be coming from a place of love, it will ultimately be disempowering to them. At best, constantly stepping in sends the message you don’t believe a person is qualified to run their own life, which has the potential to feed fear and doubt. At worst, it encourages them to give their power away to the opinions of others.

Further, it perpetuates separation in your own relationships because the underlying theme is that you feel more advanced or somehow above the other rather than simply connecting with them from a space of unconditional love and acceptance.

It is much like seeing that someone signed up to take an aptitude test to see how much they have learned and then sitting down next to them and giving them all the answers. It would be very difficult for them to gauge their own wonderful capability! Constantly stepping in for another can also deny them the joy of the unfoldment, the joy of self discovery, and the joy of connecting with their own inner guidance systems.

Win or Lose, Love Anyway

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/15/2019 - 17:37

God said:

Beloved, if you are estranged from love, you are estranged from Yourself. If I say you are One with Me, you are One with Me. Recognize the Oneness you are. Return to Oneness with confidence. Stand up with Me, for Oneness is. This is the long and the short of it. Oneness reigns.

There is naught but Oneness. There is no fuss to make of it. Oneness is established. In this case, there is no discussion. Whether you believe in Oneness or not, Oneness Is. There is no fuss about it. Of course, your road in life will be easier when you can accept the glory in which you live and that I attest to.

Daily Message ~ Monday January 14, 2019

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/14/2019 - 18:29

Dear Ones, please realize that your broad intentions give the universe much more room to connect you with the highest potentials and greatest possibilities you are not aware of.  If you are trying to create something in your life and it is not coming together, we strongly advise that you examine any ways you may be limiting your dream and cast your net wider because it has been our observation that the majority of the time what you think you can create and what is truly possible for you are vastly different.

Co-creation is honouring your seed of inspiration and then allowing your soul, along with a universe that adores you, to water and grow that desire into its fullest potential and beyond in ways you simply can’t imagine from your side of the veil. The magic occurs in the realm of infinite possibility, and that is where you wish to give your soul permission to play. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Look Toward the Sun

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/14/2019 - 18:28

God said:

Beloved, who does not prefer the Sun to shine? Look toward the Sun. Seeds plant themselves. Flowers don’t have to grow in greenhouses, and you do not require special protection. I would like to write an Ode to Safety. Not everyone dares to high-step it in the world.

You don’t have to look around every corner seeking safety in one form or another. Be done with the idea that you are in jeopardy. You don’t have to put your fisticuffs up. Have you had the idea that you have to protect yourself and your rights on Earth at all costs? All good can happen without an arsenal looking to get you. You don’t need a defender! Beloved, I am your Escort. Innocence is the key. If you must look around every corner, look for the blessings that are on their way to you.

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